My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1480 Ability to Rebel

Chapter 1480 Ability to Rebel

Looking at the silent expressions of Song Qing and the others, Liu Mingzhi sighed softly and raised his hand to gently rub his forehead.

"It's not an example!"

Song Qing and Cheng Kai looked at each other and remained silent.They didn't dare to say anything more, they knew what the commander had seen.

Liu Mingzhi got up and walked to the side of the map, looking at the extremely detailed map in front of him, including the positions of all the important military sites of the three kingdoms of Dalong, Jin, and Turkic, and meditated.

In particular, Liu Mingzhi stayed the longest in Shanhaiguan and Dulubu Grasslands.

"Brothers, Liu Mingzhi appreciates your kindness, but Liu Mingzhi's prestige is not demonstrated by these things."

"Liu Mingzhi convinces others, and what convinces them is my character, not my influence."

"If you think that I, Liu Mingzhi, want to support myself, I'm sorry, but I can only say that you misread me."

Liu Mingzhi, who was looking at the map, suddenly spoke and said a few words to all the generals in the tent.

Song Qing and the others subconsciously looked at Young Master Liu's position, and looked at the voice of Young Master Liu standing in front of the map with his chest up.

After a long time, Song Qing was the first to come back to his senses, and walked slowly towards First Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, brothers have no other intentions. I just don't want civil and military officials to look down on you. Brothers will never forget the reaction of those ministers when you brought Luoyue's niece into the palace that day."

"We traveled thousands of miles from the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin to return to the capital to be rescued by King Qinqin, but in the end we ended up being suspected."

Liu Mingzhi suddenly raised his hand to stop Song Qing from continuing.

"Brother, don't talk about these things. Now that the new king has ascended the throne, let the past go."

Song Qing nodded with a troubled face: "Since the commander-in-chief doesn't care about these things, the general will not say much."

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, walked to the table and glanced at the generals under his command: "All generals obey orders."

Cheng Kai and others quickly stood up from their chairs and walked behind Song Qing, looking respectfully at First Young Master Liu,

"The end is here!"

"Order the soldiers of the three armies to evacuate the capital from the south gate of the city, and set up camp at the place where the new army was stationed."

"Without an edict, you are not allowed to enter the capital."


For Cheng Kai and the others, they don't think about why the commander-in-chief asked them to withdraw from the capital and station outside the city in the freezing weather. They only understand that they only need to obey the commander-in-chief's order.

Orders and prohibitions have already become commonplace for them.

There is only one person in the army who needs to use his brain, and the rest of the troops don't have to think about anything.

Wherever the commander's command flag points, their cavalry will rush there.

That's enough.

If Young Master Liu knew that his prestige had reached such a level in the hearts of the soldiers, he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

What makes him happy is naturally the performance of the orders and prohibitions of the soldiers. The more than 20 soldiers and horses under his command are now the best of the best.

After all, the stronger the brothers are, the more easily they can command themselves.

Naturally, it is not difficult to guess, whether the emperor still exists in the minds of the soldiers under his command?

Liu Mingzhi has always been a little brooding about what happened in the palace today, it's hard to explain.

"Since none of you have any objections, then order the soldiers to pull out of the camp and evacuate. When you are settled, someone will send a letter to the commander, and the commander will go back to inspect."

"Brothers in the capital and the state capitals near the capital, give them some time to go back and see their families."

"Let's go to war one year ago, and put down the rebellion after the next year. Even the family didn't take a fancy to it. As the generals of our brothers, we can't be too unkind."

"Just look at the arrangement."

"Yes, the general will wait for his resignation."

Watching the departure of a group of generals, First Young Master Liu called out to Song Qing who was at the back.

"Big brother!"

Song Qing turned around and looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise: "Marshal, do you have any other orders?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing with a light smile: "It's been arranged for the brothers to take some time to go home and stay for a few days. Uncle, aunt, sister-in-law and wife should miss you very much."

Song Qing hammered his chest twice and nodded: "You don't need to say, Brother Wei understands in his heart, let's go."

"it is good!"

After Song Qing left, Young Master Liu also walked towards the outside of the tent, took a glance at the rebels on the city wall who were repairing the city wall, got on their horses and rushed towards the house.

"Master, you are back!"


Liu Mingzhi handed the reins to Liu Yuan and walked towards the inner courtyard.

"Uncle Liu, ask Liu Song to bring Han Zhong to meet me in the study."

"I know, sir."

"Yun'er, I'm back for my husband."

Young Master Liu walked directly into the door and found that Qi Yun was gently patting the jade hand wandering restlessly in the room.

Seeing Young Master Liu walking in, Qi Yun's frowning crescent eyebrows completely relaxed, and she greeted her husband directly.

"Husband, you are finally back."

Liu Mingzhi put the Heavenly Sword on the sword stand, took off the cloak on his back, and handed it to Qi Yun. Seeing Qi Yun'e's frowning and sad look, he raised his hand and gently pinched the beauty's Qiong nose.

"Good lady, what's the matter? This is, seeing your restless appearance, what happened?"

Qi Yunjiao slapped Young Master Liu's palm off angrily, turned around and picked up two things that Young Master Liu brought back from the palace from the table beside him, and held them in his hands.

"How is this going?"

"One word shoulder to shoulder king, commanding all military and government affairs in the 27 prefectures and 150 states of northern Xinjiang. Isn't this power too great? Is the content of the imperial decree true?"

Liu Mingzhi calmed down with a faint smile, looked at Qi Yun's pretty face full of worry and nodded helplessly.

"Is it fake? Who in the world would dare to make a fuss about these two things."

Qi Yun looked at her husband's expression that didn't seem to be fake, crescent eyebrows slightly frowned, looked around and walked towards the door, raised her hand to close the door, and pulled Young Master Liu towards the bed behind the screen.

When Young Master Liu saw this, his face froze and he felt his legs go limp for a moment.

"Miss, it's not suitable to be in broad daylight. I haven't recovered from the aftereffects of drinking porridge for my husband last time. Now it's really too much for my husband."

Qi Yun glared at First Young Master Liu angrily: "Husband, what are you talking about? What dirty things are you thinking about all day long!"

"Eh..." First Young Master Liu scratched his head in embarrassment, leaning on the bedpost beside the bed: "Isn't it because of my husband's wild thoughts, because of my husband, isn't he afraid?"

Qi Yun gave her husband an angry look, raised her hand, grabbed her husband's palm and placed it on her round and slender legs.

"Husband, don't you think that the reward given by the first emperor has already exceeded the strength that a subject should be able to control?"

"Don't be like a normal person who has nothing to do all day long. Use your brain to think about it, how far your current power has come!"

Liu Mingzhi's face was complicated, and he gently rubbed his wife's white and soft jade fingers.

"Miss, you understand what you said as a husband. The late emperor had the grace to save Yue'er's life. No matter how powerful your husband is, he will never go to the point of rebellion."

"What's more, Brother Huang believes in my husband so unconditionally, and rewards me with such a large piece of fiefdom. If you are public and private, and you are emotional and reasonable, your husband will not rebel."

"People's hearts are fleshy. As a husband, I can only do my best to assist the new king Li Ye, and repay the kindness of the emperor's brother."

Qi Yun drew out a hand, bent out a slender finger, and nodded towards Young Master Liu's forehead.

"Silly concubine husband, you never thought of rebelling."

"But you already have the ability to rebel."

"How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch!"

"Do you know Li Ye?"

(End of this chapter)

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