Chapter 1481 Never Came

Young Master Liu trembled, his pupils shrank suddenly, and all he could recall in his mind was what Qi Yun said just now.

You have never thought about rebelling, but you already have the ability to rebel.

How can others sleep soundly on the side of the couch!

Do you know Li Ye?

Qi Yun clearly felt that her husband's palms had stiffened a lot, and looked at her husband's bewildered expression, she fell silent and stopped talking.

Liu Mingzhi gently pulled out the palm that Qi Yun was holding onto her, and walked towards the window sill.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Liu Mingzhi kept murmuring.

I already have the ability to rebel.

I already have the ability to rebel.

How can other people sleep on the side of the couch!

I don't know how long it took, Young Master Liu looked out the window in a daze, and Qi Yun also stood quietly by the side, guarding her husband every step of the way.

The sound of footsteps woke up the pensive Young Master Liu.

Qi Ya's soft and dignified voice sounded outside the door: "Sister, is your husband back?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently to Qi Yun: "Yun'er, open the door and let Sister Ya come in!"

Qi Yun nodded slightly, walked towards the door with lotus steps and gently opened the door: "Sister, come in."

With a big belly, Qi Ya stepped gently into the door with a tray in her hand, glanced strangely at Qi Yun, who had a normal face, and smiled twice.

"The door is closed in broad daylight. It seems that my sister came at the wrong time. What's the matter, haven't you had time to start yet? You don't look right!"


Qi Yun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized the teasing meaning in Qi Ya's words, she gave Qi Ya a coquettish look, took the tray from Qi Ya's hand and placed it on the table.

"Don't be ashamed, you think that all the sisters are as eager to swallow your husband as you are. The younger sister is talking about business with the husband. I don't know what messed things you are thinking in your mind."

Qi Ya sat down gently on the chair with her back supported: "My sister didn't say that you and your husband are not doing business."

"Whoever is doing business does not close the door, and whoever does not close the door can do business!"

"My sister is also someone who has been here, and she understands everything!"

Looking at the two sisters who were teasing each other, Young Master Liu came out with a light smile.

"Sister Ya, if you continue talking, Yun'er will feel ashamed. When did she become so sharp-tongued?"

Qi Ya looked at First Young Master Liu with a smile and pursed her cherry lips.

"A concubine's mouth is not good, doesn't your husband have a deep understanding?"

Young Master Liu looked embarrassed, and sat down opposite Qi Ya with a resentful smile. The lady in his impression was not like this female hooligan.

It was dignified and graceful.

How did she become like this after she was pregnant with a baby?

Qi Yun glared at Qi Ya angrily, if Qi Ya hadn't been pregnant, the two sisters would have scuffled together.

Looking at her husband's forced laughter, Qi Yun picked up the imperial decree beside her and stuffed it into Qi Ya's hand.

"My good sister, it doesn't matter when you are joking. Haven't you noticed that your husband is frowning now? As the saying goes, one pregnancy is stupid for three years, and it seems to be true."

"You used to be the best at observing words and expressions, and you were deeply loved by your husband, but now you don't have any sharp eyesight at all!"

Hearing Qi Yun's helpless tone, Qi Ya's slightly plump face was taken aback, and she subconsciously looked at First Young Master Liu.

Sure enough, although Liu Mingzhi looked at him cheerfully, there was a hint of sadness between his brows.

Qi Ya didn't ask why, but looked down at the imperial decree in her hand, because her younger sister Qi Yun just said that the reason for her husband's worry was the imperial decree in her hand.

"Husband, can I see that the concubine is not overstepping?"

"Sister Ya, we don't need to care about these things. Let's see, maybe you can still give advice to your husband!"

With Young Master Liu's permission, Qi Ya gently tore away the imperial decree and began to watch.

From this point alone, it can be clearly seen that Qi Ya is knowledgeable and reasonable.

Although there were some female hooligans when she molested Qi Yun, the self-cultivation in her bones still existed.

After a long time, Qi Ya'e frowned, and gently placed the imperial decree on the table, the look of doubt on her pretty face was obvious.

"Sister Ya, how are you doing, do you have any clues?"

Qi Yayu tapped her chin and nodded frequently, obviously thinking about something.

Under Young Master Liu's expectant eyes, Qi Ya's pretty eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had thought of something.

Just when she was about to speak, Qi Ya felt the hem of her clothes being torn, and subconsciously glanced at Qi Yun who was standing to the side, just in time to see Qi Yun winking at herself in her pretty eyes.

The speed was so fast that First Young Master Liu didn't notice it at all.

Qi Ya was startled, the doubt in her pretty eyes flashed away, and she slightly shook her phoenix head under Young Master Liu's blank gaze.

"I am a fool, and I can't figure out the hidden meaning of the late emperor's will."

Liu Mingzhi nodded disappointedly: "Okay, since you can't see it, forget it."

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his temples and looked at the exquisite porcelain bowl on the tray: "Sister Ya, what is this?"

"Uncle Liu said that you ran out in a hurry as soon as you came back from the palace. You didn't even have time to take a bite of the meal. I asked the servant girl to cook you a bowl of porridge."

Seeing Young Master Liu's trembling mouth, Qi Ya smiled from the cigarette holder: "What are you thinking, it's serious porridge."

"Porridge is serious porridge. You don't know if a person is serious or not. You little goblins have been greedy for my body for a long time."

Hearing Young Master Liu's muttering, the Qi Ya sisters looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Qi Yun put the porridge bowl in front of Young Master Liu.

"Okay, I know you haven't had a good rest these two days, and it's not like the sisters don't understand you at all. Don't worry, you won't be allowed to drink porridge these two days."

"That's fine, that's fine!"

Young Master Liu picked up the porridge bowl and cleaned it up with three strokes of the spoon, wiped the corners of his mouth casually, and walked out the door.

"Sister Ya, Yun'er, there are still some things to do in my husband's study, you two talk first, but sister Ya, you must pay attention to the time and rest more."

While talking, he kept walking outside, as if he was running away.

Obviously, Young Master Liu was still worried that this porridge was not a serious porridge, and worried that Qi Yun and the others, who cannibalize people and don't spit out bones, will go back on their promises.

After Young Master Liu's figure and the sound of his footsteps completely disappeared, Qi Ya looked at Qi Yun with a puzzled look on her pretty face.

"Sister, why did you stop my sister just now? My sister can see it, and you must understand the meaning."

"Husband is just losing his mind for a while now, so the authorities are a little confused, and he will definitely think of it in the future. Why did you do this?"

"My sister needs an explanation. You and your husband are incomparably in love. My sister doesn't believe that you will do anything to hurt him."

"But my sister wants to know the reason."

Qi Yun looked hesitantly at Qi Ya's cherry lips with clear eyes and penetrating a few times, not knowing how to speak.

"Yun'er, tell me, the more you are like this, the more worried my sister will be!"

Qi Yun breathed out twice softly: "Sister, come here with your ears."

Qi Ya put her ear to Qi Yun, and with Qi Yun's soft murmur, Qi Ya's already exquisite big eyes became bigger.


Qi Ya's cherry lips were covered by Qi Yun, and Qi Yun kept shaking her head at Qi Ya, signaling Qi Ya not to speak out.

Qi Ya's face gradually returned to calm, she gently took off her younger sister's jade hand, grabbed the tray, and walked quickly towards the door.

"I've been resting in my room, I don't know anything, I've never been to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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