My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1482 Desire to Chapter Jiangnan

Chapter 1482
When First Young Master Liu walked to the door of the study, Han Zhongzheng was bored leaning on the pillars and admiring the scenery in the courtyard.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Han Zhong hurriedly stood up straight and looked in Young Master Liu's direction.

"The subordinates will see the young master."

Young Master Liu waved his hand casually, and took out the key from his cuff: "Don't be so polite, wait for a long time!"

"The subordinates have just arrived, so they haven't waited long."

First Young Master Liu unlocked the door and walked in: "Come in and sit down!"

"Thank you, Master."

Young Master Liu and the two had just sat down, Ying'er came in with a pot of steaming hot car with a smile on her face, smiled sweetly at Young Master Liu, put down the teapot, nodded to Han Zhong, and then retreated obediently .

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ying'er's back dotingly, this girl has always been so sensible.

Lifting the pot, he poured a cup of tea for himself and Han Zhong, Young Master Liu lazily huddled on the chair with the warm teacup in his hand: "I called you this time because I have something to do and I have to work hard for you! I hope you don't have any complaints in your heart." It is."

Holding the teacup, Han Zhong hurriedly shook his head: "Master, don't let your subordinates see you offended. You let your subordinates ascend to the next step, from a small brothel thug to a place where everything is rich and prosperous. Your subordinates will try their best to repay you." It’s too late, how can there be complaints!”

"Young master, if you have anything to do, just ask."

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while, then blew on the tea and took a sip.

"Before you came back from the East China Sea, how many 28-ball chain guns did you make?"

"More than 70!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and his face was a little regretful: "Why are there only more than 70, which is too little."

Han Zhong's face turned bitter, and he looked helplessly at First Young Master Liu and sighed.

"Master, it's not that the subordinates don't try their best, it's just that the chain gun is too difficult to forge. The cost of casting a 28-ball chain gun is higher than the cost of casting five cannons."

"It's not a master craftsman with superb skills who can't create an embryo suitable for casting serial guns."

"If the hardness and precision of the firecrackers cannot meet the requirements, it will not only be a waste of money, but also have great disadvantages and dangers."

"The master craftsman with the best skill in forging firecrackers can cast a serial blunderbuss in ten days, which is considered fast!"

"The subordinates want to be faster than you, but this thing is not as simple as thinking about it, the craftsmanship inside is very complicated!"

"The craftsmanship is not good, and you can't spend money if you have money."

Seeing Han Zhong's sad face, Liu Mingzhi nodded silently.

"Okay, okay, I understand. Don't put too much pressure on me, just do what you can."

"Yes, thank you for your understanding, young master."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and tapped lightly on the table: "I've called you here this time because I want you to take the first batch and the second batch of artillery and Lei Zhenzi to go to Yingzhou in northern Xinjiang ahead of time and hand them over to the guards. In the hands of the Marquis Zhang Kuang."

"The weather is getting warmer day by day. Whether it's the Kingdom of Jin or the Grassland, it's time for the army to be strong again. My young master can't be completely unprepared."

"Otherwise, maybe one day the Jin Kingdom and the Turkic cavalry will come to our doorstep."

Han Zhong nodded solemnly: "This subordinate understands. It's just that this subordinate is not familiar with Marquis Huguo. What if he doesn't trust his subordinate?"

Liu Mingzhi opened the drawer, took out a piece of clean rice paper and spread it on the table, groped for a while, took out his Generalissimo seal and stamped it.

First Young Master Liu put away the seal and picked up the pen, dipped it from the inkstone on the rice paper and began to write.

In the blink of an eye, Young Master Liu dried up the ink on the paper, took out an envelope, sealed it in and handed it to Han Zhong.

"Give this letter to Marquis Huguo, and you can follow his orders for the rest."

Han Zhong carefully put away the letter and nodded: "This subordinate understands."

"This matter must not be sloppy. After you go back and pack up, you can take your brothers on your way!"

"Take the brothers to eat and drink well. Don't let the brothers feel dissatisfied because of the freezing weather. Don't be afraid of wasting money. You still have to spend the money that should be spent."

"Yes, my subordinates will take care of it. By the way, young master, are those flintlock guns also handed over to the Marquis Huguo?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned: "No!"

The short two words are full of decisive meaning.

Han Zhong's expression froze and he nodded hastily: "This subordinate understands, if there is nothing else, this subordinate will go back and clean up the things first!"

"Okay, the young master will not see you off, and have a good trip."

"Young Master, you are too polite, and this subordinate will leave."

After Han Zhong left, Liu Mingzhi began to pack up the pens, ink, paper and inkstones. Just as he had put the inkstones on the table, Young Master Liu's body froze. He continued to put the inkstones back to the original position, sat gently on the chair and turned his head to look out the window.

"Second brother, since you're here, come in, what's there to see with my younger brother?"

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, an afterimage flashed outside the window, and Ling Yang's figure had already sat on Han Zhong's place.

Under Young Master Liu's surprised gaze, Ling Yang drank a cup of tea, took out a letter from his bosom, and put it in front of Young Master Liu, his figure flickered a few times before leaping out of the window.

Liu Mingzhi was startled, and picked up the letter on the table with a puzzled expression and began to read it.

After half a cup of tea, Young Master Liu stood up slowly, his face was so serious that he walked to the window and made a few gestures.

A gust of fragrant wind hit, and Suzaku floated down gracefully.

"Suzaku sees the young master!"

"Free gift!"

Liu Mingzhi ignored Suzaku's charming face, staring at Suzaku's pretty face with a somewhat heavy tone.

"Get all the recent information, all the information, no matter how big or small it is, I have to go through it all."

Suzaku's pretty face froze for a moment, then she nodded hastily in response, and Qianying leaped towards the quiet courtyard in the side courtyard of Liu Mansion.

After a cup of tea, Suzaku leaped over with stacks of thick rice paper in his arms, jumped into the study from the window, and placed all the rice paper in front of Young Master Liu.

"Master, this is all the recent information, and Que'er hasn't had time to filter it yet!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, poured a cup of tea, picked up the first piece of information and began to look through it.

The study room became peaceful for a moment, except for the faint movement of Liu Mingzhi changing the paper.

Seeing the young master's expression, Suzaku dared not take a breath, for fear of getting burned.

Whether it's half an hour or an hour, or more, Suzaku no longer knows, and Liu Mingzhi, who is immersed in information, doesn't care about the passage of time.

Finally, First Major Liu glanced at the last piece of information and threw it aside.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head calmly, and waved his hand at Suzaku.

"It's okay, you take back the information."

"Young master, don't you need to look over it again?"

"No need, take it back!"

"Yes, Suzaku is leaving."

Seeing Young Master Liu's expression, Suzaku, who wanted to tease Young Master Liu a few times, also put away his thoughts, picked up a stack of rice paper and leaped away from the study.

After Suzaku left, First Young Master Liu walked directly outside the study, locked the door and walked towards Liu Zhian's yard.

However, just after passing the inner courtyard, Young Master Liu's footsteps stopped, and he looked at Liu Zhi'an's courtyard not far away with a hesitant expression on his face.

After pondering for a while, Young Master Liu walked towards Qi Yun's room.

"Yun'er, call Yun Shuweier to come over with me, I will wait for you in the barn for my husband!"

When Qi Yun walked out of the room, Young Master Liu was already walking towards the backyard.

"My lord, where are we going?"

"Back to Jiangnan!"

"Hui Hui. Jiangnan"

Before Qi Yun could finish her sentence, Young Master Liu had already disappeared.

In the stable in the backyard, Young Master Liu had just held the rein of the horse when Liu Song hurried in.

"Young master, there is a father-in-law outside the door, saying that the empress dowager called you into the palace in a hurry?"

Young Master Liu was stunned: "The queen mother summoned the empress dowager's sister-in-law?"

Only then did Young Master Liu realize that Nangong Meng had become the Empress Dowager.

Subconsciously looking at the sky, First Young Master Liu looked a little embarrassed.

"The sun will be setting in less than an hour, so it's not a good time to enter the palace."

"That father-in-law said it was an urgent matter!"

"It's urgent? This."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, and threw the reins to Liu Song.

"Tell Young Madam, go back to Jiangnan tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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