My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1484 Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 1484 Please Respect Yourself

In front of the palace gate, Liu Mingzhi thought twice about handing over the Heavenly Sword to Lao Jia who was guarding the palace gate.

Young Master Liu reluctantly handed the Heavenly Sword to the soldiers beside Lao Jia, and gave Lao Jia a hard look: "Show me the sword, if there is a flaw, I will castrate you asshole."

Lao Jia glared at First Young Master Liu angrily: "Gun Gun Gun, who cares about your broken sword."

Knowing that Lao Jia told himself that no one could take the Heavenly Sword away from him in a cursed tone, Young Master Liu chuckled and shook his head, followed Gao Jin beside him and walked towards the palace.

Walking in the quiet palace, Young Master Liu took out a bank note from his cuff and stuffed it towards Gao Jin who was on the side.

"Gao Gonggong, can't you really reveal what is going on in advance? If this is the case, the king has no idea."

"If the father-in-law really can't explain it clearly, you might as well reveal it to the king a little bit, and I will spare you some time."

Gao Jin, who was holding the whisk at the side, looked at the 500 taels silver note handed over by Eldest Young Master Liu, showing a moved face, but Gao Jin seemed to be a person who could control her desires very well.

After struggling with his eyes a few times, he pushed Young Master Liu's hand back.

"My lord, it's not that we don't want to talk to you. In fact, we don't know why the empress dowager summoned you."

"If we really know, why don't we tell you a little bit of the truth?"

"You also know that we are an incomplete person. We are more attracted to gold and silver treasures than to women. With 500 taels of silver notes, we can only look at them but not accept them. Our heart is like a cat scratching."

"But we have received your bank note, but we can't say anything, and we have to feel bad about our conscience."

"If you continue to ask, we still don't know anything, but this will hurt the peace between us and you, my lord."

"It's not that we don't want to say it, but that we really don't know. Please forgive me."

Hearing Gao Jin's impeccable words, Liu Mingzhi gently put away the banknote in his hand with a slight smile on his lips.

"Forget it, since Eunuch really doesn't know, I won't ask any more questions. Just like what Eunuch said, if you continue to ask, it will hurt your peace."

Gao Jin nodded with a faint smile, leaned forward respectfully and waved her hand.

"My lord, please, let us continue to guide you."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, followed behind Gao Jin and continued walking towards the depths of the palace.

Every time he passed the corridor, Liu Mingzhi turned his eyes and scanned the surrounding environment carefully, engraving them in his mind.

Passing through the palace, Young Master Liu looked at the surrounding pavilions with a confused expression. He almost lost count of how many times he came to the palace.

But Young Master Liu was confused by the surrounding environment, he can be sure that he has never been to this palace.

The only place in the palace that I have never been to is the harem.

It cannot be said that he has never been to the harem. Many years ago, Li Zheng suddenly disappeared in the palace and went to Haijin Town. The court almost caused chaos. In order to find out whether Li Zheng was in the palace, he followed Li Baiyu to the harem. Go to the harem.

There is also the matter of the third princess, who came to the harem once.

But those two times were just passing by in a hurry.

There has never been such a situation of passing through palaces and halls in the palace garden like today.

Young Master Liu paused and stopped. Gao Jin, who was leading the way, turned around and walked towards Young Master Liu in a daze.

"My lord, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you leave?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, scanned the surrounding environment and fixed his eyes on Gao Jin.

"Gao Gonggong, no matter how I look at it, this doesn't look like the path to the front hall and the imperial garden. Are we going in the wrong direction?"

"If you accidentally walk into the harem, you will be in trouble."

"That's a place for ladies. If this king is not careful, if something goes wrong, my seven-foot body can't afford it."

"If you accidentally end up with the reputation of a promiscuous harem, ten heads of this king are not enough to cut off."

Gao Jin was startled and pointed to a palace not far away: "Look, my lord, in front of you is the Yi'an Palace of the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager is waiting for you, Your Majesty, at the Yi'an Palace."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked hesitantly at Yi'an Palace not far away: "Is it really the harem?"

"Elder-in-law, could you please inform the Empress Dowager and ask her to sit and move for a while, whether it's the imperial garden or the front hall."

"You also understand the difficulty of this king. The sun is about to set. As a healthy man, this king enters the harem at this time. Once the fast-talking palace maids and eunuchs pass it on, this king will have [-] cards on his body." I can't even speak clearly."

"I hope Eunuch Gao will forgive me for my difficulties."

Gao Jin glanced in the direction of Yi'an Palace, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a light smile.

"My lord, don't worry."

"Since Ruizong's great visit, all the concubines in the palace have been arranged to live in a peaceful place according to Ruizong's will."

"After Emperor Wuzong ascended the throne, there were only two empresses who lived in the harem. Now one of the empresses has not yet returned. Your Majesty is just fourteen years old and has just ascended the throne. There is no time to set up the harem. Empresses, concubines, concubines, nobles and other empresses."

"In this huge harem, only the Empress Dowager of the East Palace and the Empress Dowager of the Yi'an Palace in Xiyuan live here."

"My lord, you don't have to worry about being charged with beheading. The Empress Dowager asked us to find you because there must be something important that is inconvenient for outsiders to know."

"The palace maids and eunuchs in the imperial garden come and go, there are so many people, that's the worst place to go."

"Before we left the palace, the empress had already turned away the little maids and eunuchs on the left and right, my lord, haven't you noticed that since we entered Xiyuan, you haven't seen anyone at all?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that since he entered the palace with Gao Jin, he really didn't seem to meet any court ladies and eunuchs.

"My lord, let's go in and get out of the palace early, otherwise the longer you delay, once the palace gate is closed, you really won't be able to get out."


"Oh, my lord, you are not afraid of the shadow slanting when you are upright. The late emperor almost regarded you as a minister of Tuogu. Your empress must have something important to call you over at this time."

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky, remembered the words of Li Baiyu's edict, gritted his teeth and nodded helplessly.

"Okay, lead the way, go early and return early."

"My lord please."

Under the leadership of Gao Jin, Young Master Liu walked slowly towards Yi'an Palace.

On the way, he gathered his inner strength, held his breath, and did not find any living person's breath, so Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

In front of the majestic Yi'an Palace, the palace door was wide open, Gao Jin smiled lightly and stopped.

"My lord, please, the empress dowager is waiting in the hall."

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment: "Eunuch Gao won't go in together?"

"As an eunuch, how dare we listen to the conversation of the lords, we will wait outside the hall, please come in, my lord."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the wide-open palace door, and nodded hesitantly. There didn't seem to be any problem with such a wide-open palace door.

Under Gao Jin's watchful eye, Liu Mingzhi walked slowly towards Yi'an Palace.

Looking at the simple but elegant layout in the palace, Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that Chen Jie, who had suddenly become one of the masters of the harem, had not lost herself and lived a life of luxury and lust.

Standing firmly in the center of the hall, Liu Mingzhi looked back, bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows, and clasped his fists.

"My brother Liu Mingzhi, see the Empress Dowager."

"Brother-in-law, don't be too polite. Ai's family is behind the curtain. They have prepared a banquet and want to discuss the emperor's affairs with brother-in-law. Come in."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!"

Hearing that Chen Jie said that they were discussing about Li Ye, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief and walked behind the light gauze curtain that was blowing in the wind.

With his skill, he could already clearly perceive Chen Jie's position, and walked straight to the back of the curtain.

"Empress Dowager, my younger brother has...amount."

Liu Mingzhi stared in astonishment at Chen Jie who flung himself into his arms naked, his face was a little stiff and he hurriedly retreated.

However, Chen Jie's snow-white jade arms tightly hugged Young Master Liu's tiger waist, and there was no way for Liu Yao to retreat. Young Master Liu wanted to reach out to push but found that there was nowhere to make a move.

Chen Jie didn't care about anything, and it didn't feel right for her to touch anything.

Flicking his gaze away from Chen Jie, Liu Mingzhi's face gradually became serious.

"Sister-in-law, please respect yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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