Chapter 1485
After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, before Chen Jie could speak, the door behind him creaked, Young Master Liu froze, and hurriedly held his breath to scan.

However, after a long time, besides Chen Jie's breath, Young Master Liu could not feel the breath of a second living person at all.

"Sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, please respect yourself!"

Chen Jie looked up at her snow-white neck, and looked at Young Master Liu's eyes that dared not look at her. The shyness in her beautiful eyes disappeared in a flash, and her eyes gradually became firm.

Looking at Young Master Liu's bearded stubble quietly with beautiful eyes, Chen Jie put her pretty face on Liu Mingzhi's chest and began to rub it.

In all fairness, Chen Jie's beauty was comparable to Qi Yun's, otherwise she would not have such a noble status as the prince's side concubine.

Chen Jie looked at Young Master Liu's expression, and said in a delicate voice: "Brother-in-law, isn't Aijia beautiful?"

Liu Mingzhi shrank his pupils and closed them slowly.

"Sister-in-law, my brother's words remain unchanged, please respect yourself, if you don't let go, this brother will use your internal force to shake your arm away, don't blame me if you get hurt."

"The younger brother doesn't know what the emperor's sister-in-law means by this move, but the younger brother hopes that the emperor's sister-in-law will think twice."

Hearing Young Master Liu's threat, instead of letting go, Chen Jie put even more force on the two pairs of jade arms around Young Master Liu's waist. The ten pale and slender jade fingers were tightly clasped together, I wish I could integrate my body into Young Master Liu's body.

Young Master Liu felt the feeling that his arms were getting more and more full, and wanted to use his internal force to shake Chen Jie's arm away, but when he thought about his own strength, a weak woman like Chen Jie would definitely die or be disabled.

Gritting his teeth, he wrapped his hands with the hem of his official robe, and pulled towards Chen Jie's palm on his back.

Liu Mingzhi exerted a little force, and his fingers slightly touched the acupuncture points on Chen Jie's wrist. Chen Jie subconsciously let go of the arms that hugged Young Master Liu's waist with a groan of pain.

Young Master Liu, who broke free, flicked the hem of his clothes lightly, and Chen Jie fell towards the carpet behind him.

Liu Mingzhi turned around directly, extended his right hand and waved his sword finger on the slightly floating veil, and a sword energy condensed with internal force cut off several sections of the veil in the hall.

Sensing the position of Chen Jie behind him, Liu Mingzhi grabbed the veil and waved it towards the back, Chen Jie's naked body was instantly wrapped in the veil.

"Sister-in-law, if you want to learn from Lu Pheasant, I advise you not to kill yourself. If you feel ashamed in your heart, your plan is fine. If you have a clear conscience, no one will try to kill me."


"Brother-in-law, wait a minute, Aijia doesn't mean that!"

Liu Mingzhi turned a deaf ear to Chen Jie's voice, and walked quickly towards the palace gate.

Chen Jie wrapped her delicate body in several layers of gauze and hurriedly chased after Young Master Liu.

"Brother-in-law, if the Ai family wants to emulate Empress Lu, how can they reject all the maids and eunuchs in the palace and even in the entire Xiyuan."

Liu Mingzhi paused, his brows slightly frowned.

That's right, there is no one in the entire Xiyuan, if Chen Jie wants to imitate Lu Zhi, it shouldn't be like this at all.

"Emperor's sister-in-law, my younger brother wants an explanation. We have no grudges in the past, and we have no enmity in recent days. My younger brother has traveled thousands of miles to help the capital, and to push Li Ye's nephew to the throne."

"I asked myself if I didn't let down the kindness of the emperor, why did the emperor's wife want to put the younger brother to death."

Chen Jie looked at Young Master Liu's back standing in front of the hall with a melancholy face, and bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth.

"Brother-in-law, can you give Aijia a chance to explain? Aijia will immediately change into a palace costume."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently: "Alright, I don't want my sister-in-law to become a life-and-death enemy in a muddle-headed manner, but I advise my sister-in-law not to repeat the old tricks."

"Otherwise, once today's matter is leaked, it will be of no benefit to you or me."

"I'm waiting for my sister-in-law in the gazebo outside the hall. There is a clear view there, so people won't be afraid of being criticized if they see it."

"Since you want to talk about business, let's talk frankly."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he directly opened the door of the hall, and walked towards the outside of the hall, leaving Chen Jie with a somewhat unnatural expression behind the curtain to change into formal clothes with her lotus feet bare.

"My lord, have you finished talking with your empress? We will send you out of the palace right away!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gao Jin who was coming towards him, and stared into his eyes.

After a long time, under Gao Jin's cautious expression, Liu Mingzhi was completely relieved.

It seems that even her personal chief eunuch did not know about Chen Jie's actions in the palace. Thinking of this, Liu Mingzhi felt a heavy burden in his heart.

Just now, the expression of himself and Chen Jie in the hall, if one less person knows, the more safe it is.

"The talk hasn't finished yet. The empress dowager thinks the palace is too boring, so I asked the king to wait in the gazebo before discussing more serious matters."

"It turns out that this is the case, my lord, please come here, and we will guide you."

"It's work!"

In the gazebo dozens of steps outside Yi'an Palace, Young Master Liu straightened his official gown and sat down. While cupping tea, Chen Jie was dressed in a dignified palace attire, with a plain cloak behind her, holding a tray in her hand towards her. Come with the gazebo.

Seeing this, Gao Jin rushed up to take the tray in Chen Jie's hand, but was stopped by Chen Jie: "Go and guard thirty steps away, the Ai family wants to discuss something with the King of Side-by-Shoulders .”

"Yes, let's leave!"

Gao Jin walked out of the gazebo, Chen Jie walked into the gazebo with the tray in her hand, put down the tray and sat down opposite Young Master Liu.

Seeing Young Master Liu's eyes, Chen Jie blushed a little on her pretty face, sat silently opposite Young Master Liu, and poured a glass of wine for Young Master Liu with a pot.

Young Master Liu frowned and looked at the wine glass in front of him, he really didn't dare to drink it, for fear that there was something in it.

Seeing Young Master Liu's expression, Chen Jie waved her hands flusteredly.

"There's nothing wrong with the wine, brother-in-law, if you don't believe me, Aijia will drink it for you."

After Chen Jie finished speaking, she picked up the wine in front of Young Master Liu and drank it down in one gulp, then gave Young Master Liu a signal for the empty wine glass before putting it back.

When Chen Jie married Li Baiyu, she was only twenty-eight, and now she is only thirty-two, only one year older than Liu Dashao.

When First Young Master Liu frowned, Chen Jie, a weak woman, really couldn't bear the fierce aura that came from the battlefield.

Seeing that Chen Jie drank up all the wine, Liu Mingzhi's face slowly recovered.

"Sister-in-law, I won't drink the wine, let me tell you the reason first!"

"The emperor's wife, who is famous in the promiscuous harem, will not be unclear. I hope the emperor's wife can give my younger brother a reasonable explanation."

Chen Jie stopped pouring wine, put down the teapot and looked at Young Master Liu with calm eyes and pretty face, a little bit ashamed, even more ashamed.

Obviously, he was ashamed because of his shameless behavior in the palace.

Chen Jie's fingers were tightly intertwined, and she silently lowered her phoenix head.

"The emperor came to the throne at a young age and has no foundation in the court. With his current power, he can't suppress the civil and military affairs of the Manchu court."

"The veterans in the court are all old foxes left over from Ruizong's period. The former Emperor Wuzong had to spend a lot of effort to control them, let alone the emperor!"

"The Ai family wanted to help the emperor find a capable helper, but with all the officials and courts, the Ai family couldn't figure out who was loyal and who was treacherous."

"Only you, brother-in-law, try your best to protect the safety of Aijia's mother and son, and spare no effort to help the emperor's son become emperor."

"And brother-in-law, in your current position, you are the only one in the court who can withstand the civil and military pressure of the court and help the emperor with all your strength."

"I just want to be sad."

A shy and ashamed look appeared on Chen Jie's face again.

"I just want to exchange my remaining body for my brother-in-law, your great help to the emperor, to help the emperor to stabilize the country, to continue the blood of the late emperor, and to continue the Li family's country and society."

"As long as you, brother-in-law, can help the emperor stabilize the imperial court, I will let you choose what to do with the ruined body of the Ai family."

Looking at Young Master Liu's stunned eyes, Chen Jie's expression was extremely unnatural.

"The Ai family knows that this way is shameless, but the Ai family really can't think of any other way."

"The tiny forces of Ai's natal family can't make any waves in the court at all."

"The Ai family also knows that they are sorry for the late Emperor!"

"But women are weak, but mothers are strong."

"I am willing to give anything for the sake of the emperor's family."

"Including Aijia's remnant body, and the lives that survived by chance."

"Aside from this somewhat pretty body, Aijia really has nothing to offer."

"As long as you swear to help the emperor become emperor, the Ai family will be at your disposal."

After Chen Jie finished speaking, she leaned her neck and closed her phoenix eyes slightly, showing a posture of letting the king pick and choose.

(End of this chapter)

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