Chapter 1486 Ten-volume Governance Policy

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Chen Jie's delicate appearance, which was picked by you.

Although Chen Jie's beauty was not as beautiful as the queen's, she was not far behind Qi Yun, Qi Ya, and Murong Shan, and she could be regarded as a first-class beauty.

In particular, this is someone else's wife. As the saying goes, don't blame brothers for being unjust, it's all because of sister-in-law's charm. Ahem...

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly shook his head to recover, and threw out the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

Chen Jie is not an ordinary person, but a queen mother who is half as noble as the mother of a country, how could she think such absurd thoughts.

Furthermore, this is the third princess's sister-in-law, Yu privately wants to call her the emperor's wife, and Yu Gong is Li Baiyu's concubine.

Although the relationship between myself and Li Baiyu's monarch and ministers is short, but Li Baiyu is really good to me, so I shouldn't be delusional.

Moreover, with his own physical strength, he couldn't even deal with the wolves and tigers at home, so how could he dare to provoke wild flowers.

Still a wildflower with a terrifying identity.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and put all the thoughts in his mind behind him, keeping the Lingtai clear.

Liu Mingzhi carried the pot and poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and finished it.

"Sister-in-law, my brother understands your difficulties, but you really don't have to do this."

"You are the wife of the emperor's brother, and the younger brother is Yan'er's husband. This kind of thinking is really contrary to human relations. If it is placed in a remote village, if people know this kind of thinking, they will be soaked in a pig cage. "

"Fortunately, there are only two of us in Xiyuan today, and this matter will not be spread. I hope that you will never mention this matter, sister-in-law."

"It's for your own good, and it's also for the good of my younger brother."

Chen Jie's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, slowly opened them, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes.

"How can this be contrary to human relations? In the folks, brothers die and sisters-in-law live, and sisters fill houses when sisters die. This kind of thing is too common beforehand, and it can be said that it is not uncommon."

"Now that the late Emperor has been on the road for many days, Ai's family is already a widow, and Ai's family is not stealing from her husband."

Chen Jie's face turned red again, obviously it was difficult for her identity as empress dowager to say such words as stealing husband and stealing man.

"You understand the meaning of Aijia."

"Huang'er's foundation is too weak, and he hasn't stayed with the first emperor for long. If you say that you have only a half-knowledge of the emperor's art, you will look up to Huang'er."

"Among such a group of shrewd old foxes, if no one can resist the pressure of the civil and military ministers for the emperor, the Ai family is really worried whether the emperor can live up to the high hopes placed by the late emperor."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Chen Jie with a complex expression, then gently stood up holding his wine glass, and scanned the elegant scenery in the West Garden.

"Emperor's sister-in-law also said that this kind of behavior is only among the people, but now it's in the palace."

"Furthermore, even if it is really feasible in the imperial palace, the brother-in-law will be the sister-in-law, who is also the second brother, the fifth brother, and the others, not a courtier or a brother-in-law."

"It's not in line with emotion, it's not in line with reason."

"The most important thing is" Liu Mingzhi held up the wine glass and kneaded it, his eyes became deep and cold.

Chen Jie immediately looked at First Young Master Liu expectantly: "What is the most important thing?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed slowly, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and tossed it lightly, the wine glass in his hand landed firmly on the stone table, exactly where it was just now.

It can be seen from this that Young Master Liu's half-step innate internal strength has reached a state of perfection in the control of strength, of course, it is still a few blocks behind his mentor Wen Renzheng.

Under Chen Jie's bewildered gaze, Liu Mingzhi took out an exquisite ring pendant from his bosom. The ring pendant was exquisitely carved, and the green hills and cypresses on it were vivid, as if a majestic green hill and a tall and straight light were stuffed into the ring pendant. .

Facing the setting sun in the west, Liu Mingzhi slowly raised the jade pendant in his hand, reflecting the afterimage like blood, the high-quality jade pendant was shining brightly, exuding an obsessive halo.

Liu Mingzhi stared quietly at the slightly shaking jade pendant and spoke loudly.

"The pines and cypresses of the green mountains will never lose each other."

"This adornment is named Songbai Zhuqingshan, and it was a gift from elder brother Bai Yu."

"Eldest brother tries his best to protect the younger brother's children, and the younger brother will naturally repay the elder brother's kindness with all his strength, live up to the elder brother's support, and do his best to assist Li Ye's nephew and stabilize the country."

"Sister-in-law Huang, you don't have to do these things that sacrifice your innocence and reputation for nothing."

"Although you did this for the sake of Li Ye's nephew, but you did it because you are sorry for the husband and wife relationship between your elder brother and you."

"A couple of days is a hundred days of kindness, and a couple of a hundred days is like the depths of the sea."

"Emperor's sister-in-law, I dare to say a word, I hope the emperor's sister-in-law will not go astray."

"As long as the younger brother stays in the temple for one day, no one can shake Li Ye's nephew's throne."

"Liu Mingzhi won't agree, and neither will the 30 elite soldiers under Liu Mingzhi's command."

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to do this, you can put your heart in your stomach."

"First Ruizong, then the late emperor, the younger brother from a small white body to sit side by side with the word Leyi. People are not grass and trees, so no one can be ruthless. Liu Mingzhi has accepted their kindness, and will naturally repay it with all his strength."

"As long as Liu Mingzhi is still alive, there will be no chaos in the imperial court. As long as Li Ye's nephew is right, if anyone rushes out to play around, first ask the minister if he agrees to the golden whip bestowed by Emperor Ruizong."

Chen Jie stood up carelessly, and looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise: "Brother-in-law, what you said is true?"

Liu Mingzhi put away the jade pendant in his hand, and nodded gently.

"A man is a man, never contradict his word."

"But Aijia is still."

"Sister-in-law, rely on mountains and mountains, rely on water and flow, people can only rely on themselves."

"The younger brother can stand up to Li Ye's nephew for a while, but he can't decide his life forever. If he wants to stabilize the country, he still needs to work hard on his own."

"Your brother is conceiving ten volumes of national governance policies these days, and will submit them to His Majesty as soon as they are finished."

"As long as your majesty governs the country according to the ten-volume governance policy, even if the ministers lead the army to the north, there will be no worries about Dalong Jiangshan and the court."

Glancing at Young Master Liu's solemn expression with deep brows, Chen Jie's pretty face once again showed a hint of shame.

"Brother-in-law, thank you for understanding Aijia's difficulties, it is really a bad plan for Aijia"

"Little sister Li Yan sees the emperor's sister-in-law!"

"I have met my husband in person."

While Chen Jie was talking, the soft voice of the third princess Li Yan suddenly came from the west-to-east corridor, and the two of them trembled and subconsciously looked in the direction of the third princess.

Liu Mingzhi's eyebrows flashed with the look of the rest of his life after a catastrophe. Fortunately, he was a pretty good person, and he didn't covet Chen Jie's beauty to do anything against human ethics.

If accidentally bumped into by the third princess, I don't know how to face her.

Chen Jie's eyes dodged unnaturally, and the blush on her face gradually faded due to panic.

The third princess smiled lightly and walked towards the two, seeing the scene where the husband and the emperor's wife were chatting across the stone table, there was also a slight sense of relaxation in the bright eyes.

Husband, a healthy man entered the harem, it is not a small matter to spread the word.

Fortunately, the two of them talked in a place with a wide view, and what happened could be seen at a glance. Otherwise, if they were alone in the palace, if they were taken advantage of by someone with a heart, the husband would definitely be punished.

It is not so easy to block the long mouths.

"Sister-in-law, husband, what are you talking about!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and looked at the third princess who was walking lightly in Lianbu: "Yan'er, why are you here?"

Chen Jie nodded to the third princess, put away her unnatural look, and looked at the third princess dignifiedly.

"Little sister, you're here, sit down and rest your feet, Ai's family is discussing with her brother-in-law what will happen after the emperor ascends the throne!"

(End of this chapter)

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