My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1487 You Can Only Believe In Yourself

Chapter 1487 You Can Only Believe In Yourself
The three princesses stopped in their tracks and stood in front of Liu Dashao and Chen Jie.

Inadvertently glanced at the faces of the two of them and the appearance of neat clothes, the uneasy mood in their hearts completely calmed down, and they smiled sweetly and sat down on the stone bench beside them.

"Sister-in-law, my husband, you two also sit down and talk, you don't feel tired after standing for a long time!"

"Ye'er has just ascended the throne, so if you want to talk about him, it is definitely not clear in a few words. You can still stand if you keep talking."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and gave Chen Jie a gesture of invitation. The more the three princesses were here, the more he had to abide by etiquette.

Although he has already become king, Chen Jie is still the empress dowager, and he always bows his head in front of her.

Chen Jie gracefully and gracefully sat beside the third princess, holding the pot to pour wine for the third princess.

The third princess hurriedly picked up the wine glass and went to pick up the jug: "Thank you, sister-in-law, next time if you want to drink, you can come by yourself. How dare you bother sister-in-law to pour the wine herself."

The third princess spoke impeccably, and slowly put down the wine glass in her hand.

Liu Mingzhi sat across from the two women and didn't interrupt. He knew what kind of woman the third princess was, and he was able to deal with Chen Jie, the empress dowager, without any pressure.

Chen Jie raised the wine glass to signal to the third princess, and the two girls put down the wine glass after a sip.

Chen Jie glanced at First Young Master Liu vaguely, and looked at the third princess with a light smile: "Sanmei, Aijia remembers that you just came back from the palace, why did you go back to the palace again? You are here at Aijia and Aijia , is there something important?"

The third princess's gentle eyes fell on First Young Master Liu, and the affection in her eyes could not be concealed no matter what.

Lifting the serving chopsticks, the third princess sighed helplessly as she picked up a slice of meat for her husband and put it on the plate in front of him.

"Sister-in-law, it's not because of this big fool's husband that my little sister went back and forth."

"Sister-in-law, don't you know that my little sister's husband has a good reputation both in court and among the people, but he is a real road idiot!"

"In a slightly larger place, after turning around a few times, you will be confused and don't know east, west, north, south."

"Little sister heard that he was summoned into the palace by the emperor's wife, and was afraid that he would get lost in the palace due to his confused temperament."

"Seeing that the sky is about to darken, and the palace gate will be closed within half an hour, if this fool gets lost in the palace by accident and is passed on by some indecent court ladies and eunuchs, he will be completely speechless." .”

"A healthy man stays overnight in the palace, not to mention the husband as a foreign minister, even the second brother, fourth brother, and fifth brother will not escape punishment."

"This little girl thinks that I was born in the palace since I was a child, and I can say that I am familiar with the paths in the palace."

"For some unnecessary troubles, I have to pick him up in person."

"I hope the sister-in-law won't take offense at the fact that my younger sister came here uninvited."

"It's a good thing to have a younger sister to accompany you, sister-in-law, or to your husband."

"After all, brother Huang has just made a fortune, and sister-in-law is now widowed. The recent events in the court have caused panic, so it's better to pay attention."

"Sister-in-law should also understand the fearful truth of people's words. Is it true that sister-in-law said?"

The third princess spoke with a light smile, her words were quite profound, and she didn't know whether it was intentional or not.

I don't know whether to tell Young Master Liu or Chen Jie.

Looking at the action of the third princess raising her wine glass and pecking lightly, Chen Jie's eyes lingered on Young Master Liu for a few times with an unnatural expression, and quickly put it back before the third princess put down the wine glass, returning to normal.

Perhaps the third princess said it was unintentional.

However, I couldn't bear the guilty conscience of Chen Jie, a caring person, and I always felt that there was something in the words of the third princess.

After all, it was really not a glorious thing for me to throw myself into the arms of my brother-in-law Liu Mingzhi naked in the palace just now.

It can even be said that it is against women's morals and shameless.

As the concubine's sister-in-law, but she doesn't have a clue in front of her sister-in-law and her husband, I'm afraid there are not many people in the world who can do such a thing.

Chen Jie's heart dimmed silently, and the gloomy look in the phoenix's eyes disappeared in a flash.

Who can understand my own difficulties?

If my son can control the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty and secure the throne like his father and husband in the court, why would he do such a behavior that violates women's morals.

In the final analysis, he was still not strong enough to keep the throne for the emperor.

Thinking of this, Chen Jie suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Involuntary thoughts kept appearing in my heart.

Laughing at herself, Chen Jie nodded slightly to the third princess.

"What my younger sister said is that the Ai family didn't think well enough and asked my brother-in-law to come to discuss matters before entering the palace at this time. I hope the younger sister doesn't take it to heart. The Ai family is also too worried about Ye'er."

"Ye'er has been easy for you to get close to since she was a child. Presumably you can understand a mother's behavior of losing her mind for the sake of her child."

The third princess noticed the worried look on the eyebrows of Chen Jie, the emperor's sister-in-law, and felt a little regretful in her heart, so she waved her hands hastily.

"Sister-in-law, my little sister has no other intentions, so don't forget to take it to heart."

"You also know that every move of our royal family is an example for the people of the world. The younger sister really didn't mean to target my sister-in-law by saying these words."

"Ye'er has just ascended the throne, and the situation in the court is unclear, so it won't be a big mistake to be careful."

"The Ai family understands that the Ai family has already discussed with the brother-in-law before you came, and the rest of the matter is to fill in the gaps. With the experience of the brother-in-law for many years as an official, he will definitely be able to handle this matter very well."

Chen Jie looked at First Young Master Liu: "Brother-in-law, the harem is not allowed to engage in politics. This is the ancestral precept of Emperor Gao, the great ancestor, and the Ai family dare not disobey. Brother-in-law will have to worry about the emperor's affairs in the future."

"It's getting late, and seeing that the gate of the palace is about to be closed, Ai's family went back first, and you all returned to the mansion earlier, so as not to be criticized by others."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, got up and saluted.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, my younger brother will definitely support His Majesty with all my heart and soul. It's getting late, sister-in-law, please go slowly."

The third princess also hurriedly stood up and gave her a blessing: "Sister-in-law Huang, go slowly."

Looking at the beautiful figure of Chen Jie walking towards Yi'an Palace, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded to the third princess.

"Yan'er, let's go back, thanks to you coming, otherwise my husband might really get lost in the intricate palace."

The third princess tapped Eldest Young Master Liu's forehead with her fingers: "Fool husband, everyone in the world can get lost, but the harem must never get lost. The court has undergone major changes, and people's hearts are complicated, not to mention a few."

"You have ascended the throne, and you are already on the cusp of the storm. There are not many people who are jealous of you. In the future, you must not act as unscrupulously as before."

"Big brother could still carry it for you when he was in office, but now Ye'er can't take care of herself, how can I carry it for you."

"Tigers can't hold back a pack of wolves. For the sake of profit, some people don't care about anything."

"The more you get to this time, the more careful you should be."

"If you want to add guilt, there is no excuse for it!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully, looked around, found no trace of anyone, and quickly tapped the third princess's cherry lips.

"Good Yan'er, let's go home, this harem is uncomfortable for my husband."

"it is good!"

The third princess glanced at the deserted Xiyuan, and gently shook her husband's hand.

"I ran back and forth in the palace twice, I'm tired!"

"I'm carrying you for my husband, but you have to come down when you leave Xiyuan. Be careful when others see you and say you don't obey women's ways."

The third princess grinned, and threw herself on her husband's back.

Young Master Liu bent down familiarly, and walked towards the palace gate with the third princess's smooth and slender thighs in his arms.

The third princess, who put her chin on her husband's shoulder and smiled, suddenly smelled the elegant fragrance of Young Master Liu that did not belong to the man's scent on her husband.

Crescent frowned slightly, looked back at the direction of Yi'an Palace behind her, gently wrapped her arms around Young Master Liu's neck, and rubbed her pretty face against Young Master Liu's face a few times.

"Husband, you must distinguish right from wrong in life."

"Nowadays, the world has changed, and some things must be thought twice."

"Some people only think what they see, and don't care what the reason is!"

"They don't care about your innocence or not, they only want to step on you to get higher and higher. What does your life and death have to do with him!"

"In this turbulent world, don't trust anyone but yourself."

"Even if there are a few sisters who are concubines, women are easy to be soft-hearted. Maybe one day they will get confused about other people's ways and do things that are not kind to your husband."

"Even if my husband doesn't blame us, we will feel uneasy!"

(End of this chapter)

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