Chapter 1488

In Yi'an Palace, Chen Jie clasped her white and tender palms together, and kept pacing in the hall, looking outside the hall from time to time, apparently waiting for someone to arrive.

Until the last afterglow of the setting sun fell, a gleam of light appeared under the corridor outside Yi'an Palace.

With farsightedness and nearness, it can already be vaguely seen that a person is walking at night carrying a lantern.

Seeing this light, Chen Jie showed a slack look on her pretty face, and hastily raised her palace skirt to meet the light.

"The son Chen Jie from the Li family sees the mother, and the mother is blessed."

The moment Chen Jie saluted, the person holding the lantern stopped, and with the light of the lantern, one could clearly see that the person coming was the Empress Dowager Nangong Meng.

No one expected that the person who came would be Nangong Meng carrying a lantern alone, and came to Chen Jie's Xiyuan without even bringing her personal eunuch.

Nangong Meng, who is in her early forties, has no traces of time left at all. Although her appearance is not as delicate as Chen Jie's, her every move has a graceful and luxurious temperament.

The word mature and elegant is vividly reflected in Nangong Meng.

The phoenix eyes looked around slightly, and Nangong Mengdan's lips parted slightly.

"Excuse me, let's talk in the palace."

Chen Jie stepped back half a step and walked to Nangong Meng's side, and took the lantern from Nangong Meng.

"Mother, please first."

Nangong Meng didn't give in, and walked gently towards Yi'an Palace.

Gao Jin, Chen Jie's personal eunuch, lit the candles in the hall, making the hall instantly bright. Seeing that Nangong Meng's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law wanted to talk, Gao Jin tactfully retreated to the outside of the hall, leaving the space in the hall for Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Chen Jie inserted the pole of the lantern into the buckle on one side, poured a cup of still warm tea and handed it to Nangong Meng: "Mother, please sit down!"

Nangong Meng nodded slightly, picked up the teacup and tasted it lightly, her phoenix eyes kept examining Chen Jie's exquisite body, as if she wanted to see something.

Although the peripheral vision in Nangong Meng's eyes was very dim, Chen Jie still felt it. She felt a little uncomfortable for a moment, and her pale fingers standing on one side were intertwined, and her expression seemed a little uneasy.

Nangong Meng gently did not put down the teacup in her hand, her gaze stayed on Chen Jie.

"Mingzhi didn't touch such a delicate beauty like you?"

Chen Jie's delicate body trembled, her pretty face quickly turned red, the blush reached down her neck, and penetrated deep into her delicate body wrapped in the skirt.

Reflecting the red light of the lantern, Chen Jie's shy posture has a special flavor.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, Chen Jie mustered up the courage to glance at Nangong Meng, and nodded slightly, her voice was as subtle as a mosquito.

"Hmm! Not a single finger touched!"

Although Chen Jie's voice was low, Nangong Meng could hear it clearly because of the distance.

Looking at Chen Jie's at a loss, Nangong Meng's eyes became complicated.

A little relieved, it seems to hide the color of disappointment.

Sighing silently, Nangong Meng stood up gently, grabbed Chen Jie's jade hand and patted it lightly.

"Jie'er, the Ai family didn't want to make such a bad move, but you also saw the situation on the school field outside the Hall of Qinzheng that day."

"Tens of thousands of soldiers did not listen to the child Ye'er's holy will, but were ordered by the child Mingzhi to retreat, and they retreated from the palace like a tide."

"This is an army with strict military orders."

"Whether it's Ruizong or Yu'er, they trust Mingzhi a lot."

"The Ai family is also willing to believe in their vision of choosing people, and also willing to believe in the loyalty of this child Mingzhi."

"But the Ai family can trust him, but they are worried that the soldiers under his command will be disobedient."

"Once there are more than a hundred people, there are all kinds of people, not to mention that there are as many as 30 arrogant soldiers under Zhi'er's command."

"The Ai family is afraid, this child Ye'er can't even control a hundred civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty, how can he control hundreds of thousands of soldiers?"

"As a last resort, for the sake of the Li family's country and society, and for the stability of the emperor, the Ai family can only let you seduce Mingzhi with your beauty, and want him to become your servant."

"Since ancient times, there have been stories of the beauty village, the hero's tomb, and the hero's grief at the beauty pass."

"Based on the Ai family's understanding of Ming Zhi, once he touches a certain woman, he will definitely be responsible for her."

"This is a wrong move at the cost of innocence, but it is also a wrong move that cannot be helped."

"The Ai family also knows that doing this is sorry for Yu'er, but for the sake of Ye'er and for the sake of the Li family's country, the Ai family thinks that Yu'er has a spirit in the sky and a knowledge in the spring, so she must be able to understand the difficulties of the Ai family."

"It's just that I'm sorry for you."

"I hope you don't resent Aijia in your heart."

Chen Jie shook her head hastily: "I won't, I know that the queen mother is doing this for the emperor's son, and as Ye'er's mother, I am willing to do anything for him."

"He is the flesh that fell from my son's body. Thinking that if he is restrained by the important officials in the court in the future, without the majesty of an emperor, my son's heart will be as painful as a knife."

"But it is his destiny to be born in the royal family!"

"If you want to blame, you can blame God's will for tricking people. The demeanor of the husband and the sage has not yet unfolded, and it is halfway."

"Sigh, I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be so upright, and he didn't have a heart for right and wrong with my son."

Nangong Meng's eyes darkened a bit: "Tell Ai Jia about all the story carefully, don't be shy, at this age, you should already understand what it means to be involuntary."

Nangong Meng told Chen Jie not to be shy, but standing naked in front of a man, how could Chen Jie not feel ashamed, she is the mother of a country, not a shameless woman.

Chen Jie took a few deep breaths to calm down her shame.

"My son let Gao Jin"

The lights were dim and dim, and Chen Jie was talking softly about what happened in Yi'an Palace, and when she got to a certain place, she couldn't help but get a little stuck because of her embarrassment.

Finally, amidst the crackling of the candlelight, Chen Jie told Nangong Meng Ting all the incident without any concealment.

Nangong Meng was silent for a long time, and her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

After a while, Nangong Meng looked at Chen Jie: "Mingzhi really said that?"

"That's right, my son absolutely didn't hide a single word."

Nangong Meng showed a look of relief: "Okay, neither Ruizong nor Yu'er saw the wrong person."

"A ruler and a subject will never lose each other. Because of that little girl in the Kingdom of Jin, the child Mingzhi has completely become loyal to the Li family."

"The rest is up to Ye'er. After the imperial court is over, we will take turns teaching Ye'er. Don't let him do things that alienate Ming Zhijun and his ministers."

"If the government wants to stabilize, it cannot do without Mingzhi's help."

"My son understands!"

Nangong Meng thought for a moment: "Ruizong left a way out for future generations early on, Jingyao is twelve years old, right?"

"I'm only 12 years old after the Spring Festival."

"It will take three years before your Excellency will marry a boy from the Liu family. I hope nothing will happen."

"How about this, you can discuss the selection of concubine with Ye'er tomorrow, he is already fourteen, it's time for him to become a concubine."

"My son understands."

"If you go to bed early, Ai's family will leave first. Since nothing happened today, don't take it to heart, treat it as a dream."

"The Ai family will not suspect your disloyalty to Yu'er because of this matter, just take it easy and don't let it go."

"Thank you, Queen Mother, for your understanding. My son understands."

Nangong Mengfang looked melancholy, silently recited the blessings of the ancestors of the Li family, held up a lantern and disappeared into Xiyuan.

"Husband, I heard from Sister Yun that you plan to go back to Jiangnan tomorrow?"

In the corridor of Liu Mansion, the couple who came back hand in hand walked towards the inner courtyard in a casual manner. The third princess waved her arms and asked the question in her heart.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded: "Yes, my husband does plan to go back to Jiangnan tomorrow."

The third princess nodded with reluctance in her eyes: "The concubine is going to guard the spirit of the elder brother and the third brother, so I can't go with you, but what are you going back to Jiangnan at this time?"

Liu Mingzhi's body froze, and he narrowed his eyes slightly to scan the silent Liu Mansion under the night.

"Sweep the third uncle's grave."

"Sweeping the third uncle's grave? But the anniversary of the third uncle's death has passed, it's too late to go back at this time!"

Liu Mingzhi gently squeezed the trigger on his thumb and shook his head.

"It's not too late. As long as you clean it up, it's never too late. It's your heart, not your time, to go back!"

"Okay! Then this journey will take more than ten days!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently.

"Maybe, maybe longer, who can say for sure!"

In the dim night, the third princess didn't see the complex expression on her husband's face, bit her cherry lips lightly, glanced at Young Master Liu and gently leaned over.

"Is it okay to drink porridge with my concubine tonight? It's been ten days!"

"Okay, I'll have porridge at your place today."

"Five bowls. No, no, seven bowls, okay?"

Young Master Liu was shocked, and looked at the shy third princess in horror.

"What, what are you supposed to be a husband, animal."

"Even cattle have to rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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