Chapter 1489

The next day, the sky brightened.

Qi Yun, Ling Wei'er, and Wenren Yunshu, who had already packed their bags and were ready to go, looked at Young Master Liu who walked out of the room with a hot towel to wipe their cheeks, with strange expressions in their pretty eyes.

Although Young Master Liu tried his best to conceal himself, the three women were all talented women, and it was obvious at a glance that Young Master Liu couldn't control the trembling of his legs.

Qi Yun glanced at the room of the third princess behind Young Master Liu, covered her cherry lips with a smile, and narrowed her eyes at the husband who pretended to be calm.

"It seems that sister Yan'er has a lot of tricks, can she still ride a horse?"

Ling Wei'er burst out laughing when she heard the words, and looked around with her beautiful eyes.

Young Master Liu froze when he wiped his face, pretending he didn't hear the teasing meaning in Qi Yun's words, he casually threw the hot towel to the maid beside him, picked up the tea, rinsed his mouth and walked towards the stable in the backyard .

"Ladies, let's go, go back to Jiangnan!"

Qi Yun and Ling Wei'er were already used to Young Master Liu's guilty look.

Pursing her cherry lips and smiling, she followed with a burden on her back. Only Wenren Yun Shu pursed her cherry lips slightly, staring at Young Master Liu's trembling back with a look of sadness in her pretty eyes.

Among all the sisters, she is still a perfect girl. Every time she hears the shameful words of the sisters, she can't get in the conversation at all, and her heart is beating wildly.

All the culprits are this heartless guy!

Recently, Wenren Yunshu has been doubting her own charm more and more.

He didn't doubt that First Young Master Liu could do it, after all, he was disturbed by the commotion in the courtyard next door yesterday, and he was only able to fall asleep in the middle of the night.

Gently buckling the buckle of the burden, hearing Ren Yunshu's fluttering phoenix eyes, thinking secretly in his heart, should he really consider the scriptures he got from Yun Xiaoxi.

Prescribe the medicine first, and then talk about the rest.

Young Master Liu endured backache and back pain, turned on his horse under the different gazes of the three women, slightly turned his horse's head, and swayed towards the outside of the mansion.

Looking at the three daughters who were staring blankly at him, Young Master Liu frowned slightly: "What are you doing as a husband? Get on the horse, it's time to hurry!"

Qi Yun pointed to Young Master Liu's lower back with a strange expression on his face: "Husband, are you sure you can really ride a horse?"

"Of course, my husband is already on his horse. Hurry up, my husband is waiting for you outside the door."

Young Master Liu has a stubborn mouth, and firmly refuses to admit that his kidney deficiency is such a disgraceful disease. Afraid that the three Qi Yun sisters will say something that hurts his heart, Young Master Liu swings his horsewhip and walks straight towards the gate of the house.

The three daughters were helpless, knowing that her husband would suffer for her face, but she was afraid that breaking the casserole and asking the end would hurt her husband's self-esteem, so they got on their horses and chased after Young Master Liu.

The three girls knew that they were going to ride on horseback, so they all took off their skirts early and changed into men's attire.

After reuniting with her husband, a young man with a resolute face rushed towards Jinling with three elegant young masters on horseback.

At noon on the eighth day.

On the northern official road leading to Jinling City, four steeds rode side by side, raised their hooves high and stopped under the north gate of Jinling City.

Because the snow had not cleared and the road was muddy, the three and a half days in the past, Young Master Liu and his wife walked for eight days in a daze before arriving at the destination.

Looking at the familiar word "Jinling" above the city gate, the four of Mr. Liu and his wife sighed endlessly.

I grew up in Jinling, and I have been away from Jinling for five or six years in the blink of an eye.

Jinling City is still the original Jinling City, but how many people in the city have changed.

Looking at the people coming in and out of the city gate, Liu Mingzhi sighed deeply.

"It's snowing again, and the wanderer has returned."

"Return to the road of childhood, and see no one in the old days."

"The sun and the moon are passing by, how time flies. Back then, my husband was a half-grown young man, and in a blink of an eye, my children are almost grown up."

"I don't know if those former playmates are still safe."

The three daughters silently looked at the melancholy husband, and also let out a faint breath.

The same is returning from the wind and snow, they can clearly feel the mood of the husband at the moment.

This Jinling left them too many memories.

Liu Mingzhi also didn't want to make the three ladies feel melancholy because of himself, so he got off his horse and walked towards the city gate with a faint smile on his lips.

After the couple let the guards check their credentials, they led the horses and walked towards the city.

Since entering the city, the eyes of the four have been wandering on both sides of the street, trying to find the memories that belonged to them back then.

However, until the gate of Qi Run's mansion, the four old people from Jinling did not meet a familiar passerby.

Qi Yun handed the reins to First Young Master Liu, walked gently to the gate of the mansion and pulled the latch.

"Who is it!"

"Qibo, it's me, Yun'er is back!"

"Second miss?"

"it's me!"

The door of the mansion opened in response, and an old man who was not much different from Liu Yuan's age was inside the door, looking at Qi Yun and the others in surprise: "Second miss, why are you guys back at this time?"

"It's freezing cold here, and it's still a month before spring begins. Please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

Back at her natal home, Qi Yun didn't feel unfamiliar, after all, it was the place where she came out of the cabinet, so it was difficult for Qi Yun to be unfamiliar.

Handing over the reins to the servants beside the old housekeeper, Qi Yun dragged the two sisters to greet Young Master Liu and walked towards the inner courtyard of the Qi Mansion.

Looking at Qi Yun's pretty face full of laughter like flying swallows returning to their nests, Young Master Liu's eyes were full of love and indulgence, looking at the familiar environment in Qi's mansion, Liu Mingzhi secretly wondered if he wanted to go back to the old house of Liu's family for a visit. Look.

After thinking about it again, Liu Mingzhi dismissed the idea.

Now that my family is living in the capital, why bother the servants who stay in the old house to look after the home.

What's more, the purpose of my rushing back to Jiangnan this time is not just to go back to my hometown to have a look.

"Yun'er, Mingzhi, girl Yunshu, girl Weier, why are you back?"

In the main hall of the Qi Mansion, Qi Run was holding a teacup in one hand and a scroll of books in the other and was watching carefully. Hearing the chittering of Qi Yun's third daughter's house, he thought it was the servants who were messing around, but just put down the scroll and saw it Young Master Liu and his wife are four.

In an instant, Qi Run smiled on his slightly aged face, and hurriedly put down his teacup and walked out of the hall.

"My son-in-law sees my father-in-law."

"The unfilial girl Qi Yun pays her respects to her father!"

"Little girl Ling Wei'er, Wenren Yunshu is meeting her uncle."

"No need to be too polite, no need to be too polite, just sit down, sit down quickly."

Qi Run sat in his seat, looking cheerfully at the four people who seemed to have fallen from the sky.

"How do you say you came back suddenly? I didn't know that I would send a letter in advance to let the old man prepare."

"Father, it's my husband who insists on coming back. My husband is in a hurry to hurry before the child is ready. If you want to blame him, blame him for not thinking carefully."

Qi Run pretended to stare at Qi Yun.

"You child, you don't have any manners when you speak. Zhi'er must have something urgent to deal with when he comes back in a hurry. If you are married and obey your husband, you will follow if you are asked to follow. How can there be so many complaints."

Seeing Qi Yun's aggrieved appearance, Young Master Liu chuckled and shook his head: "Father-in-law, what Yun'er said is good, it's true that my son-in-law didn't think carefully, and there is nothing important to do when I come back this time, just deal with some private matters That's all."

"There are only some elderly servants left in the old house. My son-in-law doesn't want to bother them, so now I have to bother my father-in-law. Please don't blame us for disturbing your father-in-law."

Qi Run glared at First Young Master Liu angrily: "You child, what are you talking about outsiders. You treat Qi Mansion as your own home, and come back whenever you want."

"This old man and your mother-in-law are what you wish for!"

"Thank you, father-in-law. Why don't you see your mother-in-law and my younger brother? Xiumu years ago, my younger brother should be at home now."

Qi Run sighed with a melancholy face.

"Your mother-in-law went to the kitchen to arrange meals. Qi Liang served as the governor of Qianzhou. He first arrived in Zhidi, so he didn't bring his wife and daughter back this year for the sake of government affairs."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Qianzhou is good. It has rich products and simple folk customs. As long as there are no major disturbances, sooner or later it will be in the second class."

Liu Mingzhi was not surprised that Qi Liang had served as governor of a state.

At the same time, he had already become king in the imperial examination, and Qin Bin, who was born in a poor family, served as the governor of a prefecture in Yingzhou. It is not surprising that Qi Liang was the governor of a prefecture.

"Yun'er! Mingzhi!"

"Why did you come back?"


"My son-in-law sees my mother-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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