Chapter 1490
Mrs. Qi hurriedly put down the tray in her hand to help Liu Mingzhi and his wife.

"Get up, there are not so many customs in my own home."

"Thank you mother!"

"Thank you, mother-in-law."

"You children, you didn't say hello in advance when you came back. When you arrived at the restaurant, you prepared such a small meal for your mother."

"Just wait, I'll go and order the kitchen to sit down with a table of good wine and good food for you to wash away."


"Hey, mother-in-law, tell me!"

"Let Yun'er take two altars of peach blossoms that Ya'er has stored for you for several years, and have a good drink with your father-in-law."

"It's very deserted at home this year. The more your father-in-law drinks alone, the worse it gets. Now that you're back, it's good. Finally, he can have a drink in comfort."

"Okay, thank you, mother-in-law."

After Mrs. Qi left, Qi Yun took Ling Wei'er and her two sisters to the wine cellar in the backyard.

Qi Run clapped his hands and walked towards the desk.

"Come on, let's have a few drinks today."

"Okay, my son-in-law will go all out today."

Seeing Qi Run sitting down, Liu Mingzhi took the food and wine left by Mrs. Qi and placed them one by one, and poured wine for the two of them with a pot, chatting while having a drink.

After drinking three glasses of wine, Qi Run hesitated for a moment and looked at Young Master Liu who was pouring the wine.

"Things about the capital have spread to all parts of Dalong. How is the situation in the capital now? Has it stabilized?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned when he poured the wine, thinking of Li Baiyu, Li Yunlong and Li Yunlong, who made great efforts one after another, and almost made the prosperous Dalong turbulent, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

The ten years of painstaking efforts of myself and Li Zheng were ruined in just a few months, how can I not let young master Liu feel a lot of emotion.

Looking at Young Master Liu's melancholy face, Qi Run seemed to understand something, and drank the rest of the wine in the glass in one gulp, and put the glass in front of Young Master Liu.

"That's all, the old man has already retired and returned to his hometown. He is already a loose man in the countryside. It's okay to ask about matters above the court, or just ask."

"Since you can bring Yun'er and the others back to Jinling at this time, it means that things in the court may not be very good, but they haven't reached the point of being too bad."


Liu Mingzhi put the glass full of wine in front of Qi Run, and nodded respectfully to Qi Run.

"Hey, father-in-law, tell me!"

"Mingzhi, the imperial court has changed unexpectedly, the current situation is turbulent, and after you are able to protect yourself, the old man hopes that you will never forget the teachings of the head of the mountain, and let him down the painstaking efforts."

"To be a human being, you must first base yourself on honesty, and a man cannot stand without faith."

"I hope you will not forget your original intention, so that you will always be there."

"My son-in-law understands, thank you father-in-law for your teaching."

"It's good that you understand, don't mention unpleasant things, come, let's have a drink."

"Yes, my son-in-law respects you!"

While pushing the cups and changing the cups, Mrs. Qi led the servants to bring wine and dishes to the table from time to time.

The three daughters of Qi Yun also brought warm peach blossom wine.

Liu Mingzhi originally wanted them to sit down and eat together, but Qi Yun and the girls were sweating from the rush, and their bodies were sticky and uncomfortable. Mrs. Qi led them to the boudoir in the inner courtyard to take a bath.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Mingzhi blushed and brought up the peach blossom wine exuding the fragrance of peach blossoms in front of him to pour wine for Qi Run.

Looking at Qi Run's slightly drunk face, Liu Mingzhi shook his head, his eyes regained a little clarity.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law wants to ask you something, is it okay?"


Qi Run hiccupped, looked at Young Master Liu with slightly erratic eyes and nodded.

"Ask, if you want to ask anything, just ask, there is nothing we can't talk about between you and me, you can tell you if you just want to know how old Yun'er is and still wets the bed."

Young Master Liu was stunned, and looked at Qi Run strangely, wondering if he was drunk.

"Sister Ya, how old is it?"

First Young Master Liu hurriedly shook his head, Qi Run drank a lot, and he had his own measure.

"Father-in-law, do you know much about my third uncle Ling Daoming?"

Qi Run shook his head, his eyes lost in memories.

"Brother Ling Xian! The old man still understands it. He is an outstanding person. It's a pity."

Liu Mingzhi gently rubbed the wrench on his fingers, and quietly glanced at Qi Run's eyes, he didn't look like he had drunk too much, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then what kind of person does my father-in-law think my third uncle is? When the accident happened to my third uncle, my son-in-law was still young, so I don't have a deep impression on him."

"That's why I want to ask my father-in-law to help me recall my third uncle's voice and appearance."

"What kind of person is he?"

Qi Run muttered unsteadily for a while and nodded heavily.

"Wisdom is close to demons, and hates evil like hatred."

"It's said that he is so smart that he is close to a monster. The reason why your father's business can spread all over the world is that your third uncle was behind his back when he was young."

"You should understand that you hate evil like hatred. If it weren't for these things, he wouldn't have fallen into the final situation where his family was ruined because of Wei Xiang's affairs."

"Time is fate, if it weren't for his untimely death, maybe he would have reached the position of an extremely human minister now."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"However, the old man heard something faintly back then. It seems that there is something hidden about the matter between your third uncle and Prime Minister Wei. It seems to be"

"What does it seem to be? Father-in-law, tell me quickly!"


Young Master Liu stared at Qi Run, who was slapped on the wine table, who was calling him handsome, in astonishment, his face became tangled.

My father-in-law must have been drinking too badly now, so he became so drunk wherever he went.

Gently pushing Qi Run's shoulder, Young Master Liu leaned forward to look.

"Father-in-law, what does it look like? Do you remember?"

The only response to Young Master Liu was snoring, and Qi Run was completely drunk.

First Young Master Liu rubbed his forehead lightly and stood up, walked two steps and there was a sound of clattering one after another, Young Young Master Liu looked down, only to find that there were already five wine jars and seven or eight wine jugs on the ground.

It turned out that my father and I had already drank so much without knowing it.

"Husband, you and Daddy"


The three daughters of Qi Yun who came back from the bath, and Mrs. Qi who was on the side looked at the two of them who were drunk and collapsed on the table in astonishment.

"Husband, why did you drink so much? Why is dad so drunk?"


Young Master Liu hiccupped and waved his hands with a smile.

"I didn't drink too much, my father-in-law was happy, so I inevitably drank a little more"

Qi Yun looked helplessly at her husband who had fallen into her arms, sighed and waved to Ling Wei'er.

"Sister Wei'er, help me carry this drunk to the room."

In the middle of the sun, Young Master Liu rubbed his forehead and sat up from the bed, thinking about drinking with Qi Run.

After a long time, First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly and exhaled.

"Hidden feelings? What does it seem to be? What is it? Did my father-in-law not say anything later, or did I forget the fragments?"

Young Master Liu stretched his waist and walked towards the door, just in time to see Qi Yun, Ling Wei'er, Wenren Yunshu, and Mrs. Qi playing mahjong in the side hall.

Seeing Young Master Liu coming out from behind the screen, Qi Yun was slightly taken aback.

"Husband, why are you awake?"


"Shouldn't I wake up?"

"No, it hasn't been an hour and a half since you drank too much, but you feel that you are waking up a little too soon. Are you drunk or not?"

Young Master Liu scratched his head blankly.

"Should...should be drunk!"

"It doesn't matter whether you're drunk or not, you clean it up, and let's pay homage to Third Uncle."



Qi Yun looked at her husband tangledly. She felt that something was wrong after her husband left the capital, and she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Apologetically looking at Mrs. Qi, Qi Yun's voice was a little embarrassed: "Mother, look?"

Madam Qi smiled lightly and pushed down the mahjong in front of her, stood up and walked out the door.

"Go and take care of your drunk father for your mother. Go early and come back early. If it's cold today, don't come back too late."

"Thank you mother for understanding!"

Half a day later, in front of Ling Daoming's tomb outside Jinling City.

Ling Wei'er's beautiful eyes were full of mist, and she knelt down in front of the grave with a pretty face a little lonely.

"Father, the unfilial daughter has come to see you!"

The other two women sighed silently, and gently placed various tributes in front of the tombstone.

Young Master Liu, who was squatting aside, lit the ingot candle with a complicated expression.

After a long time, Young Master Liu slowly knelt down in front of the grave where there was only a wisp of smoke left.

"Third Uncle, the boy Liu Mingzhi is not filial. In order to clear up some confusion, he will do some disrespectful behavior later, and I hope that Third Uncle will have a spirit in heaven so that he will not blame the boy for his disrespect."

After Liu Mingzhi kowtowed a few times, under the astonished gazes of the women, he put his right hand on the tombstone and shook slightly, and the tombstone fell straight to the ground.

Young Master Liu grabbed the iron shovel not far away with his left hand and dug down towards Ling Daoming's grave.

Ling Wei'er came back to her senses, and hurriedly hugged Young Master Liu, looking at Young Master Liu with a pretty face in panic.

"Brother Zhi, what are you doing, this is Wei'er's father's grave!

"Wei'er, there are some things that I can't explain clearly, and I can't explain clearly."

"Only by opening the coffin for an autopsy can the fog in my heart be cleared."

"I want to dig the grave and see who is lying in it!"

(End of this chapter)

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