Chapter 1491

Ling Wei'er looked at Young Master Liu's seemingly determined move to dig a grave, and the tears in her eyes couldn't help but flow down.

"Brother Zhi, when my father committed suicide in front of you, we buried her with Aunt Ling'er and mother with our own hands. Have you forgotten?"

"If it's not my father and the others, who could it be? Don't be stupid, okay?"

Liu Mingzhi tightly held the wooden handle of the shovel, his arms trembling slightly, and his eyes were fixed on the grave in front of him.

"Wei'er, sometimes you don't even have to believe it, your own eyes will deceive you."

"What you see with your own eyes may not be true, Wei'er, can you trust me once? Since I have made such a decision, it is definitely not aimless."

"Remember what I said?"

"Maybe I've been living in a huge conspiracy, but I still don't know what this conspiracy is."

"So I have to figure out what's going on, otherwise my life will not be easy at all."

Su Weier Lihua asked for the phoenix head with rain, obviously she still couldn't accept that her sweetheart wanted to dig up her father's grave and open the coffin for an autopsy.

Qi Yun at the side trembled slightly when she heard First Young Master Liu's words, and looked at her husband's frowning face, her cherry lips twitched a few times, but finally she didn't speak.

"Brother Zhi, don't be stupid. Daddy's body was buried by Wei Er and elder brother himself. How could it be a fake? If you say that the person lying here is not Daddy, you must have evidence to convince Wei Er."

"It's not that Wei'er doesn't want to believe you, but watching you dig up your father's grave, you know how much Wei'er feels."

"Let him dig, there are some things I really want to confirm."

Ling Wei'er's words were interrupted by a cold voice, and the few people subconsciously looked to the right when they heard the voice.

Holding the sword in his arms, Ling Yang walked towards the four of them with gentle steps, his face was still gloomy and cold, like a piece of ice that had been frozen for thousands of years.

Ling Wei'er looked at Ling Yang who suddenly appeared in surprise, and let go of Young Master Liu in her arms to greet Ling Yang.

"Brother, you... where have you been during this time?"

Ling Yang looked at Ling Wei'er who was looking at her excitedly, a hint of warmth appeared in her cold eyes, which was instantly covered up by Ling Yang.

Raising his hand and gently patting Ling Weier's fragrant shoulder, Ling Yang walked towards Young Master Liu with the sword in his arms.

Glancing slightly at the tombstone lying on the ground, Ling Yang put his eyes on Ling Daoming's grave and shook his head slightly at Young Master Liu.


Liu Mingzhi gave Ling Yang a grateful look, and pointed the shovel in his hand up to the seal on the tomb.

"Brother, Brother Zhi, are you still crazy? This is Daddy's tomb, don't you all understand the truth that the dead are the greatest?"

"The graves of other people are like this, let alone the graves of your own elders. How can you do this to the spirits of your father and mother in heaven?"

"Are you going to let them die without peace?"

Ling Yang turned his head and looked at Ling Wei'er who had an expression of disbelief and shook his head.

"Wei'er, what the third brother just said is right, sometimes what the eyes see is not necessarily the truth."

"Whether it's Daddy lying here or not, you have to look at it to find out."

"Third brother, keep digging."

Seeing that her brother and her sweetheart looked determined, Ling Weier sighed, and looked away, watching her father's grave being dug up with her own eyes, one can imagine the feeling in her heart.

That being the case, it can only be out of sight.

Seeing Ling Weier's helpless acquiescence, Liu Mingzhi's expression was complicated and melancholy.

The movement of the hand hesitated for a moment before continuing to dig.

Every time a piece of soil was removed, Liu Mingzhi would bend down and grab a handful of hard frozen soil, rub it in the palm of his hand, and even sniff it a few times under the tip of his nose.

The same is true for Ling Yang on the side. He stuck the sword in his arms into the snow beside him, squatted in front of the grave, grabbed a handful of soil, and felt something carefully.

After a long time, Young Master Liu cleaned up the sealing soil, exposing the corroded coffin.

Quietly looking at the cleared coffin, Liu Mingzhi and Ling Yang looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

"Old-fashioned, untouched."

"Seeing the same thing!"

The eyes of the two were placed on the coffin in front of them again.

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then waved to Qi Yun and Wenren Yunshu.

"Yun'er, Yun Shu, take Wei'er and take ten steps back to avoid it."

Qi Yun and the two daughters hurriedly nodded, and pulled Ling Wei'er who was somewhat reluctant to retreat towards the distance.

The two women are both Kung Fu masters, so it can be said that they are not high-handed and courageous, but they are still appalled from the bottom of their hearts when facing such illusory things like gods and ghosts.

Seeing First Young Master Liu digging a grave, the two women felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, digging people's graves is the enemy of life and death in modern times, let alone in the era of strict rules and regulations in ancient times.

However, young master Liu is his husband and sweetheart, and the two daughters can only endure the discomfort and wait by the side.

But his eyes had already wandered elsewhere, he didn't dare to look at the exposed coffin, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his husband asked the three of them to avoid him.

Liu Mingzhi saw the three women retreating to a distance, dropped the shovel and kowtowed again to the coffin.

"Third uncle, two aunts, the child is unfilial and offended."

Seeing this, Ling Yang kowtowed several times towards the coffin without saying a word, obviously his heart was definitely not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

It is true, after all, it is the tomb of one's own parents, and there are very few people in the world who are determined to do this.

Liu Mingzhi stood up and took out a handkerchief from his arms to cover his mouth and nose, and picked up the shovel with one hand to pry the nails on the coffin.

After a cup of tea, the hesitation on Liu Mingzhi's eyebrows was replaced by determination, and with a slight force on the shovel in his hand, the lid of the coffin was picked up by the shovel.

All of a sudden, there was a bad smell, which made Ling Yang, who was beside him with a face of ice cubes, frown involuntarily.

After a long time, the smell gradually dissipated a lot, and Liu Mingzhi slowly looked into the coffin.

I saw three skeletons lying neatly in the coffin, and the brocade clothes were rotten beyond recognition.

Under Ling Yang's slightly astonished eyes, Young Master Liu jumped directly into the coffin, squatted in front of the skeleton in the middle, and looked carefully.

The skeleton in the middle is Ling Yang's father, Ling Daoming.

This is how a few people buried them with their own hands, Ling Yang knew it all too well.

Liu Mingzhi bowed to the skeleton in the middle with a solemn expression: "Third Uncle, I offended you."

Liu Mingzhi covered his nose and mouth with one hand, and groped under the rotting brocade clothes with the other hand.

After a while, Young Master Liu paused, and gently raised his hand to take out a jade talisman from under the bones and held it in his hand.

Standing up gently, Liu Mingzhi held the jade talisman and began to look at it. The texture of the jade talisman was of high-quality jade material, and the brilliance of the jade talisman could not be concealed after being buried with him for so long.

Seeing the words Ling Daoming on the jade talisman, Liu Mingzhi was a little dazed, and glanced at the bones under his feet, Liu Mingzhi handed the jade talisman to Ling Yang on top.

"Second brother, take a look!"

Ling Yang hesitated for a moment, then gently took the jade talisman and began to look through it.

"It belongs to my father, second uncle, and uncle. They all have a piece. It was carved by second uncle by a skilled craftsman Qiansi when the three brothers swore together."

"Are we all thinking wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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