Chapter 1493 Kill
Ling Yang's figure disappeared behind the wilderness.

Three figures walked out from behind the rocks on the east side of the tomb, looking at the newly piled up tomb with piercing eyes.

The three of them were all wearing thick cloaks to keep out the cold, and light bamboo hats on their heads to cover their faces. Looking at the clothes of the three of them, it was clear that they were two men and one woman.

The woman on the far left gently lifted the veil under the bamboo hat, and looked around, she was the enchanting aunt that Young Master Liu couldn't avoid, she blamed Liu Ying, a beautiful woman.

Liu Ying finally set her eyes on the man on the left, her charming eyes were full of curiosity.

"Brother Ling, my little sister finally understands why you were regarded as a wise and close demon back then. Did you expect this to happen a long time ago?"

The man in the bamboo hat on Liu Ying's left shook his head slightly, and the breeze blew the veil under the bamboo hat, revealing Ling Daoming's appearance.

The veil of the person next to Ling Daoming was also blown by the wind, revealing Liu Zhi'an's unsophisticated face and deep eyes.

"Wisdom is close to a monster, but it's just spreading rumors. The old man is just a little afraid of Zhi'er's growth, so he made preparations in advance."

"At best, it can only be considered preparedness."

"However, it turns out that my brother's preparation was indeed used."

"These children have really grown up now, and their thoughts are getting more and more careful. If they don't guard against it, they will show their feet and be caught by them."

"Especially the kid Zhi'er, who has been scrambling in the court for so long, and is more cunning than the old fox. If he hadn't made preparations a few years ago, everything we did today would be exposed before his eyes."

Liu Ying sighed and nodded: "Yes, my little sister still feels chills on her back, how did this child come to open the coffin for an autopsy."

"Speaking of which, the two of them are really decisive. If you say dig a grave, you can dig a grave, and if you say an autopsy, you can do an autopsy. Most people don't have such courage."

"Many people are still extremely afraid of ghosts and gods."

"It's a good thing they only checked the bones of the person who replaced you, otherwise once they look at the other two bones, there may not be no possibility of revealing the truth."

Ling Daoming's elegant complexion also had a look of fear, he gently rubbed the bright iron gall in his hand, and glanced at Liu Zhi'an at the side, his eyes narrowed.

"Second brother, do you now regret giving Qinglong and the others to Zhi'er?"

"Although the company's name is weird, its strength should not be underestimated."

"In time, once it grows up, it may not be impossible to surpass Liuye."

"You found a strong enemy for Liu Ye, and you also cultivated a strong enemy for yourself."

"My little brother really wants to see Zhi'er's weird expression after knowing the truth, I think it must be very interesting."

Liu Zhi'an frowned, the old god was clasping the wrench in his hand.

"When encountering a storm, it will transform into a dragon."

"Could it be that Xinzhou Fengyundu is the turning point of this proverb?"

"Are we really wrong? This dragon is not the other dragon, but the meaning of the side-by-side king!"

Liu Ying and the two were startled, looked at Liu Zhi'an with a look of surprise on their faces and fell silent.

Liu Zhi'an let out a long sigh, turned around and walked towards the north of the city.

"After Li Zheng's trip, it is too difficult to meet a worthy opponent. Isn't it too boring to live alone in the world without an opponent."

"Isn't it even more pitiful."

"No matter what it means to turn into a dragon when encountering a storm, the old man doesn't want to continue to intervene, just let nature take its course."

"Fighting against the sky is endless joy; fighting against the earth is endless joy; fighting with sons is even more joyful."

"Hahaha, I haven't felt so comfortable in a long time. I feel dizzy after calculating every day. These are more interesting."

"Even if Li Zheng is dead, he wants to use the world as a pawn, but this old man wants to be an outsider."

"I want to see what Li Zheng can do with his chess."

"But judging from the current situation, it's a pity."

"Li Zheng's wonderful chess game was played poorly by his sons!"

"What a pity, what a pity!"

"Let's wait and see, and see where the bastard can grow up in the end!"

"Let's go, since you're here, let's pay homage to the two brothers and sisters!"

"Third brother, you owe them too much. If you hadn't been so self-willed back then, your siblings might not have died, let alone what happened later."

"To put it bluntly, the grievances and grievances between you, Wei Yong, are ultimately due to your own fault."

Ling Daoming, who was following Liu Zhian, was shocked, and gently put down the door veil on the bamboo hat, showing a nostalgic look.

Two lines of teardrops flowed slowly from the old eyes, with deep regret in them.

"Second brother, I know I was wrong!"

"Back then, I only thought that a young man was not frivolous, but I didn't think about the price of being young and frivolous."

"I didn't expect that the price of youth and recklessness would be so heavy."

"If it goes to heaven, oh, don't say it, don't say it!"

Liu Zhian let out a long sigh.

"There is no medicine for regret in the world. People have to pay a price to understand certain things."

"In short, the past is the past. The spirits of the two brothers and sisters in heaven will forgive you."

"I don't know if people have a next life. If so, the next life will make up for them."

"The only ones are the two children, Ling Yang and Wei Er, who have lived in hatred from the beginning to the end."

"When the general situation of the world is completely cleared up, let's make up for the brothers and sisters!"

Ling Daoming sighed and nodded: "My brother is most worried about the two of them now. After the situation becomes clear, I will make up for my apology to their siblings and go to accompany them."

"You can't sleep together in life, let's die in the same hole!"

"I also admit to being a cow and a horse for them below, to make up for the apology to the two of them, and to atone for the youth and frivolity back then."

"When a person knows a mistake, he must correct it, so that he deserves it."

Liu Ying on the side suddenly stopped, glanced at the dark surroundings with pretty eyes, and gently raised her jade hand.

In an instant, dozens of plain-clothed men flew down from all directions, protecting the three of them in the middle, their weapons unsheathed one after another, and they scanned the surrounding silent environment sharply.

A slight movement came from the grass on the west side, and several figures leaped towards the grass on the west side.

In the blink of an eye, there was a muffled hum.

A graceful woman jumped out of the grass and stopped in front of Liu Ying. It was Liu Ying's personal maid, Ling Bi. Gently waved his head and waved his hands to signal Lingbi to step back first.

Ling Bi retreated to the side, Liu Ying whispered in Liu Zhi'an's ear.

A moment later, Liu Zhi'an scanned the surrounding environment with a strange expression.

After a long time, Liu Zhi'an withdrew his gaze and yawned, tidied up the cloak on his back and strode forward along the path.

"A group of scumbags! Isn't this going to make trouble for the old man and the bastards?"


(End of this chapter)

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