My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1494 I did my best

Chapter 1494 I did my best

In front of the gate of Qi Mansion, Young Master Liu and his wife, who stayed for a few days, embarked on the journey back to Beijing again.

In the past few days, after worshiping the third uncle and Ruyi, Young Master Liu and Wenren Yunshu went to Dangyang Academy to see if Wen Renzheng was staying on the mountain.

Although they have made good mental preparations, the result will inevitably disappoint the two of them.

Wen Renzheng is really not on the mountain, if not for Mr. Liu, the old man who came to clean it every now and then, maybe Wen Renzheng's old residence in Dangyang Academy would have been abandoned.

Dangyang Academy elected a new mountain leader named Xie, Xie Daoling. In order to show respect for Wen Renzheng, the old mountain leader, Xie Daoling chose another small place not far from Wenrenshe. Three washrooms were built as places for teaching and educating people.

Did not occupy the dove's nest and live in Wenren's house.

This move was unanimously agreed by all the masters of Dangyang Academy.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, and an academy cannot be without a backbone for a day.

Wen Renzheng has been gone for too long, Dangyang Academy cannot live in the world of Wen Renzheng forever.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, please stop!"

"Let's take some time off in the future, and when Sister Ya gives birth and recovers, my son-in-law will bring them back to see you!"

Mrs. Qi looked at her daughter with some reluctance, turned around and wept secretly, she didn't know when she would be able to reunite with her daughter and son-in-law again after leaving.

After all, Qi Run is a man with a much stronger personality.

With the meaning of parting in his eyes, he nodded slightly.

"Bon Voyage."

"Don't forget what the old man said. If you don't forget your original intention, you will always be there."

"You are a rare pillar of the country, you must work for the well-being of the people of the world, and do your duty faithfully for His Majesty!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded heavily: "Father-in-law, please rest assured, my son-in-law will definitely remember the instruction."

"Stay, farewell!"

"Daddy take care!"

"Uncle take care!"

Following the whisper of the four, the horseshoes rushed towards the city gate.

"Shut up!"

Young Master Liu suddenly grabbed the reins, turned his head and glanced at Qi Run and his wife who had disappeared in front of the mansion gate, his eyes flickered frequently, as if he was thinking about something!
"Brother Ling Xian, Zhi is so close to a monster, and hates evil like a vengeful enemy! What a pity!"

Wisdom is close to the demon!

Wisdom is close to the demon!

Qi Yun slowly took the reins of the horse, turned the horse's head and looked at the stiff-faced husband, his face was full of concern.

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Did you forget something, I will accompany you to get it."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and shook his head with a light smile at Qi Yun: "It's nothing, I just feel that the father-in-law and mother-in-law are quite deserted here, and I'm considering whether to take them to Beijing for a while."

Qi Yun's pretty face beamed with joy, her eyes showing uncontrollable excitement.

"Husband, what you said is true?"

Liu Mingzhi patted Qi Yun's fragrant shoulder lightly: "Of course it's true, let's exchange letters after returning to Beijing, and see what the two elders mean!"

"Okay, thank you husband!"

"Silly girl, don't you feel offended by saying this? Let's go, continue on our way, try to return to Beijing as soon as possible, I don't know what's going on in the court!"

"Can Your Majesty hold back these old foxes?"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes gradually darkened as he spoke, and he gently clasped the hilt of his sword with his fingers.

"This group of old foxes should be more sensible. The late emperor entrusted the important task of Tuogu to my husband. My husband is the knife in His Majesty's hand. I don't mind if my knife sees blood sooner!"

Feeling the chill in her husband's eyes, Qi Yun shivered subconsciously.

Husband has really changed, he is no longer the laughing, playful dude who has no decent behavior.

The current husband kills with his mouth open and kills with his mouth shut.

It's as simple as eating wine and drinking water.

The evil spirit became too heavy.

Qi Yun sighed silently, looking at her husband's pretty face, she was a little worried. If her husband continues to do this, I really don't know if it will be a good thing or a bad thing.

"Come on, my husband, whoever arrives in Ezhou first wins, and whoever wins is up to whoever wins. I lose, and I can agree to all your previous requests!"

Young Master Liu was stunned, and chased after Qi Yun's riding horse, waving his whip with ecstasy on his face.

"My lady, you can't play tricks, since it's a competition, you have to wait for me to start together!"

"What do you think about reasoning with women?"

Qi Yun's sly voice came, and she glanced back at First Young Master Liu who was chasing after her, then waved her whip again, and rushed towards a remote alley, intending to gallop out of the city as soon as possible.

Wenren Yunshu and the two looked at their backs in astonishment, looked at each other suspiciously, and chased after them brandishing their whips.

Wenren Yunshu has been in a daze, but Ling Wei'er seems to have gradually understood something, and it must be her husband who made some excessive demands, and Sister Yun did not agree.

Use the game today to stimulate your husband's xinxing.

Apart from this, Ling Wei'er really can't think of any other reason why her husband looks like this.

What shameful request did Brother Zhi make?
Thinking about it, Ling Wei'er's pretty face gradually became hot, and the cold wind from the galloping horses couldn't subdue it.

Obviously, this girl who has become a woman doesn't have any healthy images in her mind.

Seven days later, the four riders entered the capital and stopped in front of the gate of the Liu Mansion.

Young Master Liu looked at Qian Ying, who dropped the rein of Qi Yun and ran towards the mansion, threw the rein to Liu Yuan who was stunned, and chased after the beautiful woman licking her face.

"Miss, we can't count what we say. It's you who wins and listens to whoever you say. It's hard for your husband to win. How can you go back on your word?"

"Father-in-law has already said that if you don't have faith, you can't stand. You can't be like this. It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. I promise to be my husband tonight!"

"I'm already an old couple, what's there to be shy about!"

"Bah, you are so beautiful! If you hadn't cheated and pretended to fall off the horse, how could I lose to you? You won't win by force, and I would naturally go back on what I said."

"Hey! That's your fault. A match is like a confrontation between two armies. It's normal for a soldier to be willing to cheat. It doesn't matter what the method is. The important thing is to win the battle."

"It's human nature for a woman to be unreasonable, put away your extravagant thoughts, those demands of yours are impossible!"

Young Master Liu looked at Qi Yun's trotting back, stopped and shook his head, holding his chin and showing a malicious smile.

"Impossible? Look at how Weifu turned decay into magic, turning the impossible into possible."

"I can't deal with you!"

Sunset Moonrise!

That night.

Outside a certain courtyard, the maids carrying lanterns didn't dare to stay at all, and fled this war-torn 'place of right and wrong' with red faces.

Young Master Liu, who had rushed back from Jinling, completely forgot that he was still a minister of state affairs after returning to the mansion, and he did not show his face in the court for more than ten days.

Although the civil and military officials were puzzled, they were already used to it.

Young Master Liu's habit of not going to court is not a day or two, but it has gone through two generations of emperors.

None of the officials, big or small, in the capital knew it, and none of them knew it!

One day Young Master Liu worked so hard that all civil and military officials felt that it was abnormal, wondering whether the King of Parallels had contracted the cold and burned his brain.

In Liu's study room, Liu Mingzhi put down the brush in his hand with a solemn face, and gently dried the ink marks on the rice paper.

Liu Mingzhi gently sorted out the two books and put them together.

Stretching, she walked slowly towards the window sill of the study.

Young Master Liu looked out the window at the scene where the ice and snow had completely melted, and let out a breath of stale air.

"Five volumes of government documents, ten volumes of government policies."

"As long as Xinjun studies carefully and ponders more, he will surely be able to restore the magnificent mountains and rivers."

"Ruizong, Wuzong!"

"I tried my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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