My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1495 What is the intention

Chapter 1495 What is the intention
Young Master Liu put the two books on the desk case that he compiled based on the history of the past dynasties into the drawer, intending to hand them over to Li Ye when he led the army to the north.

For nearly half a month, young master liu thought about it and thought that there was only so much he could do.

I really want to stay in the capital, guard Li Ye to be loyal and responsible, and teach him how to be a wise king, how to be a holy king, but judging from the current situation, Liu Mingzhi is very clear in his heart.

This is nothing but wishful thinking.

The snow in the capital has already melted, and the weather in the north should gradually warm up.

Wan Yan and his younger brother Huyan Yunyao will not give him a chance to be stable and peaceful. After experiencing the rebellion of Li Yunlong and his brothers, Dalong's national strength has suddenly faded.

With my own understanding of Wanyan and the ambition she has shown in the past, how could she give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Not to mention the younger brother, the Turkic people have enjoyed too many things that they didn't enjoy before because of the mutual market.

The start of the war led to the collapse of the mutual market. For the Turkic people, they could no longer drink mellow wine, sweet tea, or wear comfortable silk. This is tantamount to torture.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

The mutual market has collapsed, what should Turkic people do if they still want to live such a comfortable and comfortable life?
They can only imitate their ancestors, aggressively invade the border, invade the Han city, and plunder everything they need.

If I can't go to the north in time, the Turkic people and the Jin people will make a comeback, I'm afraid the people in the north will fall into dire straits again.

Displacement, separation of wives and children are nothing less than these results.

Liu Mingzhi locked the drawer and sighed heavily.

An eventful autumn.

Dalong's progress has been almost arranged by himself, to unify the world and look around the Western countries.

But now
Not to mention.

Liu Mingzhi really wanted to raise his head to the sky and scream, shouting that Li Baihong and his brothers were harming the country and the people.

However, Li Yunlong drank poisonous wine and killed himself before the portrait of Li Zheng in the Imperial Study Room. Brothers Li Baihong and Li Qing pleaded guilty and bowed their heads.

Things have come to such a point, what can I do if I yell out my throat?
To put it bluntly, if I help you rule the world, will you be able to stick to what you said at the beginning after you get the world?

Can you withstand the pressure brought to you by the civil and military officials of the Kingdom of Jin?

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, and hurriedly recovered and shook his head.

How could I have such an idea.

Taking history as a mirror, the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, dynasties where a minority ruled the majority, have proved how serious the persecution of the Han people was with historical facts.

You can't be a sinner of the nation.

Even if he can resist the pressure brought by the courtiers politely, he will be kind to all the people after the merger of the Three Kingdoms.

But what about the successor?
Can everyone be a Mingjun, the master of ZTE, like Wanyan?
If because of his own impulsiveness, the descendants of later generations fell into the oppression of the Jin people, the people of the Liu family would never have the possibility to raise their heads again.

If you imitate yourself
Liu Mingzhi hurriedly threw away the unrealistic thoughts in his head, and walked out the door with a complicated expression.

It is easy to conquer the country, but it is difficult to sit on the country.

One cannot be without a conscience.

"Liu Mingzhi, Liu Mingzhi, you have to take care of yourself!"

After locking the door, Liu Mingzhi relaxed the expression on his face, trying to look a little foolish.

But no matter how hard Young Master Liu tried, there was a trace of aura on his body, no matter how unrestrained his expression looked.

But those sharp and bright eyes couldn't conceal the weather-beaten past.

In the past ten years, Liu Mingzhi has experienced too many things.

From a dandy to one who has worked hard for the country and the people.

Liu Mingzhi himself didn't know how long ago he would become like this.

Many people said that Liu Mingzhi had changed, but Liu Mingzhi didn't want to admit it.

But now, Liu Mingzhi doesn't want to admit it, but he has to admit that he has indeed changed.

It's almost hard to recognize myself.

When passing by the artificially excavated lake in the mansion, Liu Mingzhi looked down at the sparkling water surface of the lake, trying his best to find a trace of his former appearance from the reflection in the map.

However, the waves flickered, Liu Mingzhi not only couldn't see anything clearly, but became more and more confused the more he looked.

I always feel that my current life is full of illusions, just like the reflection on the surface of a lake.

I can't see what's ahead.

"Yunxin is good, mother will take you to play with your brothers and sisters, don't cry a lot, master, are you finally done?"

Young Master Liu was staring at the lake in a daze, when Yinger's voice came from the corridor beside him.

Listening to what he was talking to himself, it was obvious that he was telling his daughter not to make trouble. As for the surprised voice behind him, it was naturally the joy of seeing his beloved young master.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, smiled and looked in Ying'er's direction.

Seeing Fendudu in Yinger's arms, the little daughter Liu Yunxin with big eyes and vivid eyes hastily stretched out her arms to greet her.

"My dear girl, come and give Daddy a hug!"

Ying'er handed her daughter to First Young Master Liu with a happy face: "Master, you have been bored in the study for six or seven days, and Ying'er is almost worried to death. It's good to see you are fine."

Liu Mingzhi picked Tiao Yinger's firm Qiong nose, and shook her daughter in her arms. The little girl was just over one year old, and her big eyes that were still teary when she was hugged by her mother were immediately put away after being hugged by her father, staring at her. He looked at his father curiously with squinting eyes, full of curiosity.

The little hands were rubbed together, the blood relationship between the father and daughter made the little girl giggle, and subconsciously burrowed into the father's neck.

Seeing how naughty his daughter was, Young Master Liu cheerfully changed his posture, for fear of twisting his daughter's waist.

"Ying'er, I've said it several times, my daughter is already this old, she's still called Young Master."

"It's fine to call you Husband from now on. Your sister Yun and the others didn't treat you as a maid, so you can't always treat yourself as a maid."

"You are the young master's wife, the young wife of the Liu family, do you understand?"

"Next time you dare to make a mistake, the young master must punish you properly."

Ying'er smiled sweetly, her eyes narrowed into crescents and she shook her head slightly.

"No, Ying'er likes to call you young master. Calling young master Ying'er feels kind, but it always feels weird to call you husband."

After Ying'er finished speaking, she gently took the young master's arm and looked at the koi swimming freely in the lake.

"Master, have you forgotten? Ying'er said that you have many wives, but Ying'er is the only girl in the house."

"Yinger wants to be your only one!"

First Young Master Liu was startled, then laughed dumbly.

"In this way, you are the most greedy one!"

Ying'er smiled and stuck out her clove tongue: "Young master can say whatever you want, anyway, Ying'er will call you young master, and keep calling you."

"Okay, okay, you can call it whatever you want, by the way, Yunxin was teary just now, what's going on? Did you, mother, bully her?"

Yinger sighed weakly.

"It's not Yue'er, a stinky girl, who insisted on holding Yunxin on the swing the day before yesterday, but Yunxin fell in love with her right away, crying after she was full, and smiling when she sat on the swing."

"These days, Ying'er has been tossed to death. Just after changing her diaper, she wanted to cry again. Isn't she going to take her to Luoyue and the others!"

Young Master Liu cheerfully lifted up his little daughter and shook it.

"You little girl, don't you know how tired your mother is from watching you feed you? She can't rest because of the trouble. Do you want to be spanked?"

Young Master Liu said 'threatening' words, but the little girl couldn't understand what it meant, and thought that her father was playing with her again.

Giggling and laughing non-stop, the little hands kept clapping together.

About half an hour later, Major Liu returned Liu Yunxin to Yinger.

"Take your daughter to play, let Yue'er and the others be careful, don't bump into each other!"

"Yeah, Ying'er will tell you, this is the meat that fell from my body, why don't you feel bad!"

"After staying in the study for so long, my back hurts from sitting. Make some ginseng soup today, and don't forget to leave the door open for the young master."

Yinger's pretty eyes lit up, and she nodded hurriedly.

"Ying'er understands, but let's talk about it first, you can drink porridge, but you can't compete with Yunxin for food, so grown-ups don't feel ashamed."

Under Young Master Liu's stunned expression, Ying'er pursed her cherry lips and smiled lightly, holding her daughter and walking quickly towards the front yard.

After Ying'er disappeared in the corridor, Young Master Liu came back to his senses.

With a wry smile on his face, he shrugged helplessly.

"There must be someone who comes first! Blame me!"

Laughing at himself a few times, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the blue figure on the roof leaping towards the old man's yard, with a touch of strangeness, he straightened his clothes and walked towards Liu Zhian's courtyard.

"Old man, old man."

"What do you want to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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