Chapter 1496
Liu Zhi'an Courtyard Study Room in Liu Mansion.

The door of the study room was kicked lightly by Young Master Liu to open the front door. Before entering the door, Young Master Liu opened his mouth and shouted: "Old man, are you still alive? Where are you?"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the empty study room. Liu Zhi'an, who often stayed in the study room without going out, unexpectedly did not stay in the study room to settle accounts today.

"Old man?"

"Old man?"

"Old man, are you here? If you are not here, I will steal your banknotes and go to Tianxiang Tower!"

First Young Master Liu teased a few words, but there was no response from Liu Zhian from inside or outside the room.

Young Master Liu was about to leave when he spotted the thick stack of ledgers on Liu Zhian's desk with a curious look on his face, and at the same time hesitation.

Exactly how extensive Liu Zhi'an's business is, and Liu's eldest son who has been his son for ten years, is still unclear up to now.

It seemed that he had never seen Liu Zhian lack money.

No matter whether he asks for thousands of taels or ten thousand taels is a million taels, the old man always seems to give it to himself without blinking his eyes.

This made First Young Master Liu very curious about how much money Liu Zhian had in his hands.

How did a man who bears the title of the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River support so many dead men?

Young Master Liu founded the relevant department, and afterward, the relevant department knew better than anyone how much painstaking effort and silver taels it takes to train dead soldiers.

Not to mention all kinds of expenses, just the settling expenses of the dead soldiers are not a small amount.

Anyway, Liu Mingzhi earned all the money, except for necessary expenses, almost [-]% of his family fortune was invested in two companies and one sea.

The two divisions, related divisions, related divisions, and one sea are naturally the forces in the East China Sea headed by Han Zhong.

On the other hand, the old man!Until now, I have a feeling that I can't see through.

Every time I feel that I have understood the old man pretty much, but in the end I realized that what I understand is just the tip of the old man's iceberg.

It is simply a mysterious existence.

When facing Li Zheng, I was convinced of Li Zheng's innate majesty of the emperor, who had the chance to win. When facing the old man, Young Master Liu had a feeling that he didn't know how to describe it.

More than ten years ago, when I came to Dalong in Misty Rain Pavilion, the old man showed his extraordinary strength.

I thought he was just a little richest man in Jiangnan, a merchant.

But the matter of Qi Yun came out, Song Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War.

When he and Qi Yun went to Yangzhou in the misty rain, dead men like Liu Ye showed up.

Then he knew the agreement between the old man and Li Zheng.

The fact that Yue'er was the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin changed the faces of the civil and military courts alike, but the old man was calm, he happily hugged Yue'er and called his good granddaughter.

And even the following kinds.

Hundreds of thousands of rebels invaded the city, and my old man still had leisure time to cook tea at home and enjoy the scenery, and "talked and laughed happily" with Li Yunlong, the king of Shu who led the soldiers and horses to the door.

I don't know how many things about Liu Zhi'an, and how many cards I don't know.

Not to mention, the Shadow Killing Guard under the evil aunt's subordinates, and the people in the Jianghu led by the younger sister Xuan'er.

It's all a puzzling existence.

"Wealth can pass through the gods. When a person's wealth reaches a certain level, no one dares to ignore this old man!"

Recalling in his mind what Liu Zhi'an once said to him when he was in the south of the Yangtze River, Liu Mingzhi shook his head and came back to his senses.

After hesitating for a while, Liu Mingzhi walked to the window sill of the study, opened all the windows, went straight to Liu Zhian's desk and sat down, picked up a ledger and started looking through it.

He knew that Liu Ye, who was everywhere in the Liu family, would definitely report his actions to Liu Zhi'an who had gone somewhere.

Sure enough, Young Master Liu looked at the ledger in his hand with a calm expression.

Not far away, a blue shadow appeared on the roof, leaping towards the front yard of the Liu Mansion.

In the gazebo on the side of the martial arts arena in the front yard, there is a stove beside Liu Zhian, with a teapot on it to boil tea, while Liu Zhian is lying on the recliner, staring at the martial arts arena cheerfully. Nao, a group of children and grandchildren who chase after each other.

Qing Yingfei fell in front of Liu Zhi'an and bowed respectfully, it was Liu Yi, "Master!"

"what happened?"

Liu Yi whispered a few words in Liu Zhian's ear, then stepped aside and looked at Liu Zhian questioningly.

"Master, do you see?"

Liu Zhi'an turned over and looked at his third son Liu Mingjie who was riding on Liu Chengqian's body with a light smile.

"Just look at it. Whoever is a serious person keeps secrets in the study room, will you?"


"Well, the subordinates are all placed in places where no one cares about them."

"That's fine. The old man won't let go. He can see it however he wants. The old man is an upright man, and he hasn't done anything shameful."

"Walk straight, walk straight, what is there to be afraid of people watching!"

"In the whole world, who doesn't know that I, Liu Zhi'an, am honest and kind to others!"

The corner of Liu Yi's mouth twitched a few times, and his little finger scratched his forehead.

"Master, we were not like this when we buried Shopkeeper Hu of Xiangzhou a few days ago!"

Liu Zhian yawned, and glanced at Liu Yi lightly.

"That's what you buried. What does it have to do with the old man? The old man hasn't even touched a hair on him."

"Liu Yi, you eat the old man, drink the old man's, spend the old man's, live in the old man's, and the daughter-in-law is also paid by the old man to marry you. We have to behave according to our conscience. How can you pour dirty water on the old man? "

"You found the sacks, you filled the people, you tied the ropes, you dug the holes, and you buried the people!"

"The old man didn't go to the government to report that you have disregarded human life. That's because of our decades of friendship. I acted ignorant of my conscience."

"It's fine if you are not grateful, but you still want to drag the old man into the water."

"Damn the old man's reputation."

"Do you still have a conscience? You are not afraid of being struck by lightning when you go out!"

"I'm about to reach the age of knowing my destiny, and I've never even picked up a knife, so I've got the reputation of being a black heart. I've been wronged, don't I!"

"This old man is a good man, a good man, a good man, do you understand?"

Liu Yi looked at Liu Zhi'an who was preaching to him with embarrassment, and nodded with a wry smile.

"Yeah, you should be considered a bitch, you shouldn't mention this."

"The young master's behavior in the study is just to let him go, pretend he can't see it, right?"

Liu Zhi'an yawned again, squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

"The old man is a decent person, there is nothing that my son can't see."

"You will know your destiny soon. It's time to live up to your old age. Let's make trouble."

"Sooner or later, he will understand that his father is still his father."

"You can fight with me, but you must be prepared to fail."

"Understood, this subordinate is going back!"

"Get out, get out, don't disturb the old man watching the children play."

"Subordinates retire."

After Liu Yi left, Liu Zhi'an picked up the warm teapot beside him, held it in his hand and took a sip from time to time, watching the children and grandchildren's fight with a smile on his face.

"My lord! Shopkeeper Xing from the lumber shop has handed over an invitation card, inviting you to have a few drinks at Tianxianglou."

Liu Yuan walked to Liu Zhian's side holding a greeting card, and said softly.

The dozing Liu Zhian suddenly sat up, looking at the greeting card in Liu Yuan's hand with piercing eyes.

"Is there a girl?"

Liu Yuan opened the greeting card, glanced around, looked around like a thief, and whispered in Liu Zhian's ear.

"There are a few orchids in their 20s, newcomers!"

Liu Zhi'an stood up from the reclining chair with a jerk, and looked around.

"Where's Madame?"

"I went to Mrs. Song Yu's house to chat with Mrs. Song and the others."


"When I get older, I realize the vastness of the world. I'm just a frog in a well. I always want to see the world and get a taste of the customs and customs of the Western Regions."

"Forget it, since shopkeeper Xing sincerely invites you, I will go and meet you as hard as you can!"

"Well, this old slave knows. When Madam asked, she said that the master went to discuss business. Don't forget to unify the caliber!"

"Yes, the old man went to discuss business, that's all."

Looking at the back of Liu Zhi'an rushing towards the outside of the mansion, Liu Yuan shrugged helplessly, put away the greeting card and walked towards his yard.

After Liu Yuan left, Liu Zhi'an went back and forth, waving happily to Liu Mingjie, Liu Chengfeng's uncle and nephew on the martial arts arena.

"Son, grandchildren, let's inherit the fine traditions of the Liu family together!"

(End of this chapter)

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