My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1497 Family Heirloom

Chapter 1497 Family Heirloom

In Liu Zhi'an's study, Major Liu put back the last ledger.

He slapped the desk hard, and looked at the four characters of honesty and integrity on the plaque above his head with a strange expression.

"Nonsense, the accounts are as clean as a perfect little girl, how could she earn such a family fortune, do you think I'm a fool?"

Young Master Liu sat down on the chair weakly, lifted the teapot beside him and poured it into his mouth regardless of whether the tea was cold or not, Young Master Liu burped and threw the teapot casually.

Raising his hand and gently rubbing his forehead, First Young Master Liu sighed helplessly.

"Tricky, tricky."

"The old man is hard to deal with. The fake accounts are so watertight. It's more real than the real thing. It's like a group of hedgehogs. I can't do anything with this young master!"

From the accounts, Liu Mingzhi couldn't see anything at all.

After muttering for a while, First Major Liu set his eyes on the study room again and began to scan.

There must be something in this study.

Well, there should be something.

First Young Master Liu glanced narrowly towards the roofs outside the window, and began to search in Liu Zhian's study.

In the drawers, on the bookshelves, there were paw prints of Young Master Liu.

However, First Young Master Liu was disappointed, the drawers were all neatly placed with pens, inks, papers and inkstones, nothing left the study at all.

On the bookshelves are either ledgers or biography of famous people, a collection of classics and history books that gave Young Master Liu a headache to read.

It can be said that Liu Zhian's study is really just a study.

It's not like Young Master Liu's study room, where there are a lot of shady things.

It can't be said that it is shameful, it can only be said that it is more precious.

The really shameful things are stored in the hands of the four sisters Qi Yun, Yinger, Qi Ya, and Qinglian respectively.

Young Master Liu was very aware of the reason why eggs should not be put in one basket. Many important drawings, letters, and documents were divided into four by one, and stored in the hands of the four wives.

It is of no use at all to get a copy.

Young Master Liu pinched his waist, sighed and scanned the furnishings in the study.

"Okay, old man, you can do it, you are smart enough."

"Did this young master underestimate you? Jiang is still old and hot. I accept it. Let's wait and see!"

On the roof on the west side of the study, Liu Yi looked at the distraught Young Master Liu in the study with strange eyes, and shook his head helplessly.

"Young master, young master, your father will always be your father!"

"Who is a decent person to put things in the study!"

The fruitless Young Master Liu cursed a few times and walked towards the door. He finally understood that the old man, this old fox, had all the important things out of the study, and there must be another secret place.

As for the place, Young Master Liu can look for it blatantly, but whether Liu Zhi'an will let him find it is up to him.

"Old fox, let's ride a donkey to watch and sing"


Young Master Liu, who was about to go out, paused and looked down at the stone bricks under his feet.

Liu Mingzhi stepped on it lightly a few times with a strange expression, and there was a sound of thumping on the floor, and Young Master Liu knew that the floor was empty.

Young Master Liu grinned, squatted down cheerfully, looked at the floor tiles he stepped on just now, raised his hand and tapped it lightly a few times.

When an obviously hollow echo came, First Young Master Liu licked the corner of his mouth and laughed.

"Old man, old man, you are finally a hundred secrets and a secret!"

"I couldn't feel it before, but it's a pity that your son, I am no longer the powerless Liu Mingzhi before. Now I am a half-step genius."

"This little trick, you still want to hide it from me!"

Young Master Liu memorized the location of the floor tiles, and looked around the study, apparently looking for tools to pry stone tiles.

Liu Yi outside the study frowned slightly, looking at Young Master Liu's every move with a somewhat suspicious expression.

He wondered to himself whether the master had too many things to do and forgot some mistakes, which caused the young master to discover something wrong.

Seeing Young Master Liu grabbing the scissors and squatting down again, Liu Yi hesitated whether to go down and stop him.

However, Liu Yi recalled Liu Zhian's confident words and expression just now, and canceled the move to stop Young Master Liu.

The master has been good at calculating all his life, so he should not be careless and leave any trouble for the young master.

Maybe it was just an accident.

Liu thought over and over again, gave up the idea of ​​notifying Liu Zhi'an, and quietly observed Young Master Liu's every move.

Liu Yi understood in his heart that the young master opened all the windows in the study room just to tell himself and others that he and others knew of their existence, so Liu Yi simply stopped hiding his figure, leaped from the back of the house, and headed towards Liu Zhi'an The study leaps away.

Stopping, Liu Yi leaned on the door frame and quietly watched First Young Master Liu's movements.

Accidents are the best, if not, you can also mediate from them.

First Young Master Liu, who was prying stone bricks with scissors, froze and looked up at Liu Zhang.


"It's okay, the subordinates can go around at will, young master, you can do whatever you want, don't worry about me, just treat it as if I'm not here."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Yi with a strange expression, and continued to start his great career of prying bricks.

Liu Yidu pretended to turn a blind eye, so why should he look for trouble when he has nothing to do.

However, Young Master Liu, who was prying the bricks, was a little bit cold. After Liu Yi arrived, he looked at him without asking, obviously not worried that he would see something that he shouldn't see under the floor tiles.

However, giving up halfway is not in Young Master Liu's character. Now that he has acted, let the truth under the floor tiles be revealed.

With a little force, the floor tiles were pried up by Young Master Liu with scissors, revealing a gap, Young Master Liu buckled it with his fingers, and the whole floor tiles were taken off by Young Master Liu.

Looking at the hidden compartment with a square foot and a depth of about one foot, First Young Master Liu licked the corner of his mouth as he looked at the sandalwood box placed in the dark compartment.

With a strong lift, Young Master Liu lifted out an exquisite sandalwood box from the hidden compartment. Seeing that the top of the box was spotless, it was obvious that Liu Zhian often took it out to touch it.

When Liu Yi saw the exquisite sandalwood box Liu Dashao was carrying Hu Lai, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he swallowed what he wanted to say.

Liu Mingzhi smiled and rubbed his hands together, and carefully opened the sandalwood box.

Looking at the several beautiful books in the box, Young Master Liu's eyes gleamed directly, saying it was because of the books, or rather because of the three big characters in seal script on the books.

family heirloom!
That's right, the three big characters of family heirloom are written on the page.

First Young Master Liu carefully took out the books on the top side, and looked at them fondly.

It's no secret that young master Liu likes treasures, and this young master likes things that can make Liu Zhi'an a family heirloom.

The old man is very clear about his nature, the sky pays off, and he can finally know some of Liu Zhi'an's secrets.

Young Master Liu stroked the cover of the family heirloom lightly, and slowly opened a page to look at it.

Looking at the page with exquisite picture quality and only two colorful illustrations on the paper, Young Master Liu's mouth twitched a few times.

Little Huang's martial arts cheats!


Seeing Eldest Young Master Liu's stunned look, Liu Yi thought that there was something extraordinary written in the book, and subconsciously leaned forward to take a look.

When he saw the contents of the book, he couldn't help but snorted, trying not to laugh.

Young Master Liu closed the book with an embarrassed expression.

"Liu Zhi'an, you are almost fifty, you still don't want to look old."

"My young master advises you to be an individual!"

Liu Yi withdrew his gaze and rubbed his nose: "Then what young master, the subordinates are going back first, grandson's diaper should be changed, so farewell, young master, do what you want!"

Liu Yi came and went quickly, suddenly there was only Young Master Liu left in the study.

First Young Master Liu sighed helplessly, glanced, then glanced, and then glanced again.

In the end, by mistake, he stuffed a few family heirlooms into his arms.

After kicking the box into the dark compartment and covering it with floor tiles, Young Master Liu walked out of the study with a serious expression.

I plan to destroy these harmful books.

Regardless of the orphan copy, the orphan copy must not be kept.

(End of this chapter)

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