My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1498 Chun Zhang Dadi v. Li Shang

Chapter 1498
After Young Master Liu came out of Liu Zhi'an's study, he ran towards his study in a ghostly manner.

Just passing through the arches of the inner courtyard, a slightly crying voice came from the corridor on one side: "Daddy!"

First Young Master Liu was stunned, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, only to see Little Cutie trotting towards him by himself, and his expression was obviously not very happy.

First Young Master Liu hurriedly ran towards the little cutie, squatted down in front of the little cutie, and supported the little cutie's shoulders with an extremely anxious expression.

"Good girl, what's the matter? Who bullied you? Tell daddy, daddy will help you vent your anger!"

The little cutie looked at Young Master Liu's anxious face, her big and exquisite eyes condensed with mist, which quickly became teary, and her rosy cherry mouth was pursed up.


The little cutie called Daddy, threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms, and hugged Daddy's neck tightly and did not let go.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu trembled with distress. Ever since he met his daughter, he was reluctant to beat her and scold her. When she was the worst, she waved her training stick and gestured a few times. But he was never willing to hit her all at once.

This is the first time I have seen my daughter look so wronged, as if I have suffered a lot of wronged.

Picking up her daughter and sitting on her lap, First Young Master Liu sat on the railing of the corridor and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the little cutie's eyes.

"Baby Yue'er, don't cry, tell Daddy what's going on?"

The little cutie choked up and lowered her head sullenly.

"Daddy, Yue'er is leaving!"

"Go? Where are you going? This is your home and you can go"

Young Master Liu paused while talking, and looked at the cutie who clasped his little hand with a slight frown: "Are you going back to the Kingdom of Jin?"

The little cutie looked up at her father, then nodded silently.

"Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, Grandpa Huifa has come to pick up Yue'er and go back!"

"Grandpa Huifa is waiting for Yueer outside the mansion right now!"

"Hui Fa?"

First Young Master Liu came to his senses after being dazed for a while: "The abbot of the Great Huguo Temple in the Kingdom of Jin you mentioned that day, Zen Master Huifa?"

"Well, it's him!"

"According to his mother's will, he wanted to bring Yue'er back to Jin Kingdom safe and sound. During that time, it was freezing and the roads were impassable. Grandpa Huifa was afraid that Yue'er would be frozen, so he sent me to our house."

"But now that the ice and snow have melted, Grandpa Huifa said it's time to take me back, but Yue'er is so reluctant to part with daddy, and brothers and sisters!"

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi looked around the mansion with a complicated expression.

Yes, in the blink of an eye, spring has returned to the earth, and everything has recovered.

It's another good year.

Sighing silently, Liu Mingzhi looked at the cutie sadly.

"Good girl, tell daddy, do you want to go back?"

"If you want to go back, daddy won't stop you. If you don't want to go back, no one can take you away, let alone a mere innate bald donkey, even ten innate bald donkeys. If daddy doesn't say anything, no one can get out of our Liu family. door."

"You can stay at home as long as you want as long as you don't want to."

The cutie stared blankly at her father, subconsciously nodded and shook her head.

First Young Master Liu looked at the cutie suspiciously: "Daughter, do you want to leave or not? Daddy doesn't quite understand!"

"I don't want to go!"

"By the way, if you don't want to leave, then don't leave, and stay with daddy at home!"

The little cutie lowered her head silently: "But Yue'er misses the old woman very much, and Yue'er knows that she must be very worried about Yue'er."

"Yue'er can't bear to part with Daddy, but Yue'er misses the old woman again!"

"I want to go back and see her!"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, nodded with a complex expression, and gently grabbed his daughter's wrist and began to knead it.

"If you want to go back to see your mother, go back. Daddy understands you."

"Yue'er, forget it, daddy, don't say sad words!"

"When are you going to hit the road?"

Cutie hesitated for a moment, and pointed towards the corridor on the west side. First Young Master Liu followed the trend and saw the eldest daughter Liu Yiyi holding a bundle in her hand, looking at her with a faint smile.

When Young Master Liu saw this, he understood in his heart that cutie had already packed his bags and came to say goodbye to him.

Quietly watching his daughter look more and more like her mother Wanyan Wanyan, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a sour heart.

"That's fine, the sooner you arrive safely in the Kingdom of Jin, the sooner your father will be relieved."

Gently put the cutie on the ground, Young Master Liu led the cutie and walked towards Liu Yiyi.

"Daddy, little sister!"

"Hey, so cute!"

"Sister Yiyi!"

Liu Mingzhi took the burden from Liu Yiyi's hand with a stiff wrist: "Yiyi, go play with younger sister and younger brother, daddy has something to say to Yue'er!"

Liu Yiyi reluctantly waved at the father and daughter, and walked towards the inner courtyard step by step.

Children's feelings are purer and more inseparable than those of adults.

Liu Mingzhi melancholy led the little cutie and walked towards the door: "Yue'er, when you return to the Kingdom of Jin, you must listen to your mother, don't go against her will, and make her unhappy!"

"No matter what she says, you have to listen, you know?"

"Yeah, Yue'er knows, Yue'er must be very good."

"What Daddy said is that no matter what you say, even if it is a detriment to Daddy, you don't have the slightest hesitation, just follow her orders."

"Don't worry, Daddy won't blame you, as long as Daddy knows that Yue'er loves Daddy the most."

"My child, your birth is your misfortune, and it is also your father's luck."

"Daddy is happy and proud of having a daughter like you. Daddy owes you too much."

"But Dad has a lot of unspeakable secrets that he can't explain to you."

"The only thing Daddy can do is not let you be caught between Daddy and your mother."

"So, you have to listen to whatever arrangement your mother makes, to make her feel at ease and to make you feel at ease."

The little cutie looked up at her father's complex expression, nodded after hesitating for a long time, and hummed subtly.

"Amitabha, the old monk Huifa, see the prince."

A sound of the Buddha's name awakened the young father and daughter Liu, and only then did they realize that they had walked outside the gate of the mansion while they were talking.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huifa with a kind face and unwavering eyes, and nodded in response. His face came from his heart, and he had an inexplicable feeling that the old monk Huifa in front of him would definitely be able to bring his good daughter back to Jin Kingdom safe and sound. .

As for why, it can only be said to be a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Based on his understanding of the queen, besides himself, the queen should be the person who cares most about his daughter's safety.

No matter what, the Queen could not arrange for a person who threatened her daughter's safety to come and bring her back to the Kingdom of Jin.

"Master, no courtesy. I have heard about Master Gao's surname for a long time. I can see you today. Liu Mou is lucky to have a life. I will take care of the safety of my little girl."

"If Grandmaster needs anything, just ask, and Liu will definitely arrange it carefully."

Pharaoh Hui's benevolent and benevolent appearance made people involuntarily feel good about him. He smiled and shook his head when he heard Young Master Liu's words, giving people a feeling of extreme kindness.

It's as if he won't get angry if you stab him with a knife.

"My lord, I am an outsider, three meals a day are enough."

"I think, the lord will not let Her Royal Highness go around empty-handed, as long as Her Royal Highness has enough living needs, it will be fine."

"Alright, Master Lao is here again!"


Huifa uttered the Buddha's name, and slowly stretched out his big old hand: "Your Highness, it's getting late, and it's time for us to leave."

Cutie reluctantly let go of her father's big hand and walked towards Huifa.

"Daddy, Yue'er is gone. If you think about Yue'er, you have to think about it every day. If the moon tells Yue'er that you don't miss me, Yue'er will be there for a month. Forget about you!"

Liu Mingzhi's heart was full of sourness, and he chased after the little cuties.

"Think, think every day!"


Cutie turned her head, looked at First Young Master Liu quietly, and waited for his next words.

"Tell your mother, Daddy misses her very much! But Daddy."

"Just tell her that Daddy misses her very much!"


"Amitabha, Your Royal Highness, let's go!"

The figures of the two cuties disappeared at the corner of the street, and Young Master Liu walked towards the mansion in a daze.

It was night, Young Master Liu was leaning on the court pillar outside the study, staring blankly at the moonlight in the sky.

He turned a deaf ear to Mrs. Liu's roar and the third child's cries in the courtyard on the other side, and Young Master Liu selectively ignored the voices of the three sons crying for father and mother.

As for the sons, they are their own, their mothers can kill them.

It's fine if you don't live, just hit it!
"The moon bends and shines on Kyushu, some families are happy and some are sad."

Young Master Liu sighed silently, and the appointment to drink porridge in Ying'er's room was also missed because of the cutie's departure.

Tonight, Young Master Liu is doomed to sleepless nights!

(End of this chapter)

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