My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1499 Don't Say I Didn't Give You a Chance

Chapter 1499 Don't Say I Didn't Give You a Chance
Three days later.

Young Master Liu walked out of the study with a calm expression, and those sharp eyes gradually became dull.

"My lord is well!"

Liu Mingzhi looked warm and waved to the two maids saluting to him with a light smile: "Well, go get busy!"

The two servant girls nodded cautiously, and looked curiously at First Young Master Liu, walking quickly towards the backyard.

Three days after the little cutie Liu Luoyue returned to the Kingdom of Jin with the old monk Hui Pharaoh, Young Master Liu who had just walked out of the study fell into a state of staying at home again.

Except for Liu Song delivering meals, no one knew what Liu Mingzhi was busy in the study.

The girls of Qi Yun wanted to see her husband, but they were afraid that he was busy with something important, so they had no choice but to give up the idea. Anyway, they learned from Liu Song that her husband was safe and sound, and they just quietly lost their minds on the map. .

Since my husband is safe and sound, this is the best news, and I and others can rest assured.

First Young Master Liu moved his stiff body and walked slowly towards the inner courtyard.


Young Master Liu looked at the three little bastards of his family in the courtyard of the inner courtyard who were striding forward, stopped and looked around curiously.

However, apart from the three little bastards, Young Master Liu did not find any trace of Qi Yun and the others.

Seeing the youngest Liu Chengqian with trembling legs, Young Master Liu walked over curiously.

Without the supervision of his mother, he still struts so hard, which is completely different from the character design of the three little bastards in his family.

According to my understanding of them, being lazy for a while is the correct response.

Going around in front of the three of them, Young Master Liu's curious face twitched and he took a step back in shock.


Gathering his mind, First Young Master Liu looked at the three brothers with bruised noses and swollen faces in surprise, and looked bitterly at his own eyes and hurried up.

"Chengfeng, what's going on with you guys? How did you become like this? Did you fight with someone else?"

Liu Chengfeng, the oldest, shook his head silently, wanted to stand up straight and reply, but seemed to have remembered something and took a standard horse gait again, not daring to wipe off the fine sweat on his forehead.

"Stop piercing, stand up and talk, what's going on?"

After hearing what the old man said, the three brothers looked at each other and sat softly on the ground panting heavily. It was the old man who let us sit, not what we wanted to sit on.

"Mother beat me!"

"So are we, mother beat me!"

"Father, it's up to you, Mother and the others are so fierce that they will beat you to pieces without hurting your bones!"

"Is this my mother? We haven't seen other people's families beating their children. Have you greeted their faces?"

"It's been better these two days! The first two days were horrible!"

"Father, you have to make the decision for us, we may not be able to live to be crowned if this continues!"

Young Master Liu looked at the bruises on the faces of the three brothers, and then heard the miserable complaints of the three brothers. He was very distressed, and he ignored asking why the three brothers were beaten, and stood up and walked towards the inner courtyard. look away.

"Qi Yun, Qinglian, Li Yan, all three of you mothers-in-law came out as husbands, are there any mothers like you?"

"It's my own, it's worth beating twice!"

"Beat like this, the stepmother is better than you!"

Following Young Master Liu's howl, the doors of the three rooms opened in response, Qi Yun, Qinglian, the three princesses and three daughters ran out of the room in a panic with embroidery in their hands, and rushed towards Young Master Liu. Come.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

"That's right, I didn't do anything wrong, right? I jumped when you heard your voice!"

"Husband, your face is so scary!"

Young Master Liu looked at the three daughters of Qi Yun with a look of bewilderment, suddenly helpless, and didn't know whether to quarrel or not.

He bent down and pulled the three brothers up from the ground, dragging them to the front of the three women.

"You dare to ask what's going on, take a look, open your eyes and take a good look, this is what you hit?"

"You are my own mothers, how can you be so cruel to do this kind of thing? If you hang them up and whip them for your husband, that's only for the fleshy part of the butt, okay?"

"You are not afraid of beating them stupid!"

Qi Yun's three daughters were startled, looked at each other, looked down at the three brothers and pointed, and then pointed at themselves.

"The concubine's sister beat her?"

Young Master Liu was a little dazed. He looked at the pretty faces of the three girls, and at the three brothers with erratic eyes, and gradually came to think about it.

"You three little bastards, tell me clearly, what is it?"

"Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, your grandma asked me to bring you food."

First Young Master Liu stopped talking, and subconsciously looked into the distance, seeing the appearance of his youngest Liu Mingjie, First Young Master Liu let out a muffled cough, and almost lost his breath.

Liu Mingli held the food box in his left hand, leaned on a cane in his right hand, wrapped his head with a silk scarf, and covered his face with herbs. He limped towards this side, and saw clearly that this was his third child. Some people thought it was Tieguai Li coming!

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, hurried up and took a closer look. It was really his third brother Liu Mingjie.

"Brother, you are out!"

When Liu Mingzhi saw his boss, he greeted him with a grin, as if touching the wound, he sucked in cold air from the corner of his mouth.

Young Master Liu's eyes trembled twice: "Mingjie, what's going on? How did you get your injuries?"

Liu Laosan looked at his eldest brother, then glanced at the three sister-in-laws with pretty faces and the third little nephew who shrunk his neck, hesitating several times.

"Tiantian Xianglou fought!"

Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, his face became stiff when he came back to his senses, and he looked back at the three little boys with their necks shrunk. Young Master Liu took a deep breath, and his eyes were somewhat elusive on the four uncles and nephews. prowler.

"The four of you are going to Tianxiang Tower again!"

Liu Mingjie shivered subconsciously, and looked nervously at his boss. As the saying goes, an older brother is like a father, and when the boss beats up three nephews, he often takes his younger brother along with him.

"Brother, listen to my explanation."

"The old man took us there. If he hadn't been jealous because of Orchid's rivalry with others, we wouldn't have fought with others."

"It was the old man who pushed us. At that time, the old man pointed at the drunk young masters of the Jin family and yelled, sons, grandsons, give me a beating. You guys robbed women, turned against them!"

"How dare we not listen, rolled up our sleeves and rushed forward."

"Those members of the Jin family are young and strong, so they didn't take advantage of it."

"But don't worry, the old man didn't suffer any injuries. Chengfeng and his fists are pretty good. They protected the old man very well, but it's a bit disfigured!"

Young Master Liu took a few deep breaths to suppress the anger in his chest.

"It's all disfigured, and you still say it's okay? How dare you say that you are well protected!"

Liu Laosan leaned on his crutches and scratched his neck.

"The disfigurement was caused by my mother's scratching. We have to dare to ask! Let's talk about it again."

Liu Laosan glanced at the three sister-in-laws and shrank his neck: "We were running for our lives at the time, how could we control the old man? The three sister-in-laws followed our mother's order and chased them all over the yard like a tigress with training sticks. Four of us."

"Anyway, don't blame us, we're going to find our father!"

First Young Master Liu nodded instinctively, and pointed at his three cubs.

"Third, let the three of them eat and drink enough, and you too. I'll go to our old man first."

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance to live, take it well!"

Looking at the back of the boss walking away, Liu Laosan swallowed his saliva, looked at the three nephews with equally stiff faces, and fixed his eyes on the three sister-in-laws.

"Sister-in-law, help!"


(End of this chapter)

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