Chapter 1500

The three daughters of Qi Yun heard the pleading voices of the four uncles and nephews, and looked at each other silently, their pretty eyes were also faintly worried, the husband will not be really angry.

Under the expectant eyes of the four uncles and nephews, the three sisters walked aside and muttered softly.

In the front yard, Young Master Liu was walking towards Liu Zhi'an's courtyard with a helpless expression on his face. He had to have a good talk with Liu Zhi'an, an old and unscrupulous old man.

As long as Liu Laosan and his three little boys are adults, I don't care about their going to the brothel.

I was different back then in that I was unrestrained, and Young Master Liu knew very well the truth that being blocked is worse than being sparse.

They are all men, and Young Master Liu was also young, so he understands how their uncles and nephews are curious about the opposite sex.

But Liu Chengfeng, who is currently the oldest, is only 11 years old this year. At 11 years old, they have already started drinking flower wine when they were still peeing and muddy in their previous lives.

If you continue to indulge like this, you can still get it in the future. If you give them a ladder to climb to heaven, they will dare to go to heaven.

Distressed but distressed, you still have to fight when it's time to fight.

Otherwise, one day they will become lawless.

"Third brother!"

First Young Master Liu was taken aback, and looked not far away, when Liu Song was rushing towards him with Song Qing. .

"Brother, why are you here?"

Liu Song looked at First Young Master Liu in confusion: "Master, it's not that I don't want to inform you, but because Young Master Song said that he has something very important to ask you, so that's why..."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and waved his hands: "Okay Xiaosong, it's nothing, the young master understands, you go and prepare two cups of tea and send them to the main hall!"

"Thank you, young master, Xiao Song will go now."

After Liu Song left, Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing who had a serious expression, put his arms around Song Qing's shoulders and rushed towards the main hall.

"Brother, if you have anything to say, sit down and talk."

Song Qing nodded slightly, sighed, and accompanied First Young Master Liu towards the main hall.

Just as the two sat down, Liu Song put down two teacups and backed out.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and took a sip, quietly watching Song Qing waiting for his next words.

Song Qing stopped after tasting it, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a solemn expression: "The second prince has returned to Beijing!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, muttered a few words silently and nodded: "According to the time, it is almost the same, but His Majesty has already ascended the throne as the emperor, and the overall situation has almost stabilized. He will come back when he comes back. What's the fuss! "

"The first emperor asked the two princes to divide their troops into two groups, and went to me and Wu Guogong separately just in case, isn't it a good thing that he is back now?"

"Of course it is a good thing for the second prince to return safely, but now the capital"

Song Qing paused, and looked around the main hall with deep eyes, obviously afraid that the partition wall had ears.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, looking at Song Qing's eyes with some doubts: "Did something happen, don't worry, don't worry about spreading it out?"

Song Qing looked away, and sighed with a sad face.

"You haven't been in the court for a long time these days, you don't know that now the court almost became a mess because of the second prince's affairs."

"It's been less than two days since the second prince returned to the capital, and rumors are spreading everywhere in the capital. Rumors are spreading everywhere that the second prince is not convinced that his eldest brother Li Ye is enthroned as emperor, and wants to seize the throne."

Young Master Liu grabbed the wrist of the handle of the chair suddenly, and his suspicious eyes became dark.

"Have you found out where the rumor started?"

"There is no trace. This rumor is like a gust of wind. It started immediately after it was mentioned. Wuwei patrolled non-stop for twelve hours, but found nothing."

"It is said that His Majesty's expression on the court these two days is not quite right!"

"What's the reaction of all the officials? Is there anyone dishonest?"

Song Qing was silent for a moment and nodded: "According to what my father said, some young junior officials seem to be not honest. As for their own intentions, it is hard to say whether they were inspired by some big people behind them. "

"Did the Second Prince do anything after he returned to Beijing? What about He Gui and Concubine He? Did you do anything unusual?"

"No one knows for sure, but it is said that the news from the palace is that His Majesty conferred the title of Concubine He as Empress Dowager of the West Palace, and intends to confer the title of Prince Zhao on the Second Prince!"

"But whether these news are true or not, I don't know for the time being!"

"Right now, everyone in the court is worrying about this evil wind that seizes the throne."

"The other three auxiliary ministers are in a state of desperation right now, but they can't catch the culprit who started the rumors, so how can they calm down the rumors!"

"From what my father said, Xia Yushi speculated that it might be the Jin Kingdom, or the rumors spread by spies from the Turks. The purpose is self-evident."

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of tea with a gloomy look in his eyes: "The two dragons seized the throne, and my big dragon fell into the second civil strife?"

"That's exactly what Xia Yushi meant!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed melancholy, got up and walked towards the hall door.

Looking at the scenery in the courtyard with complicated eyes.

"What a vicious scheme, this is a scheme to test people's hearts."

"If His Majesty is not broad-minded enough, even if the second prince has no intention of seizing the throne, he will have to fall into the struggle for the throne in order to protect himself."

"What's more worrying is that it's true."

"The second prince was escorted back to Beijing by Wu Guogong Wan Mingliang and the second princess Li Ran. Your Majesty and all the officials will subconsciously classify Wu Guogong as the second prince."

"If another turmoil breaks out, Dalong is really not far from subjugation."

"Without the Golden State, the Turkic offends the side. Just two internal frictions will drag Dalong down!"

Song Qing walked up to First Young Master Liu with a sad face and stopped: "Brother, this time, my father and Mr. Jiang, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, want to ask you what you plan to do?"

"You are one of the auxiliary ministers, and you are also an important minister of the late emperor. Many officials are looking at you!"

"But you haven't come to court for a long time, and now the hearts of the people in the court are as complicated as a pot of porridge!"

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes slightly, and lightly clasped the finger on his thumb. After a long time, Young Master Liu suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a gleam of light.

"Tomorrow is the Great Court Meeting?"

"That's right, tomorrow is the Great Court Meeting!"

"How about this, brother, you go back first, I will think about it tonight, I will go to the court tomorrow, I will wait and see before making any plans!"

"It is easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings by making assumptions now."

Song Qing didn't hesitate, and nodded decisively.

"Okay, I'll go talk to my father and Master Jiang first, think about it carefully!"

"Little brother still has some mundane things here, so I won't send big brother off!"

"Stay back!"

After Song Qing left, Young Master Liu looked at the scenery outside the door in a daze for a moment, sighed faintly and rushed towards Liu Zhi'an's yard, let's talk about handling his own internal affairs.

In the courtyard of the inner courtyard, the discussion between Qi Yun and the three daughters seemed to have come to fruition.

"Uncle, Cheng Qian, Cheng Feng, Cheng Zhi, the only one who can save you now is your mother-in-law, hurry up."

"You bastard, you're also counting. You want to explain to me that you want your grandma's legs to sleep with your mother. It's amazing to be a prince. If you dare to face me, you might want to leave two years early!"

"I just took them to drink flower wine, what's wrong, I asked you what's wrong?"

"Not only did I go there a few days ago, but I also took them there every day to explain, you fucking stop for me, and I will give you a proper explanation."

"You move one of the four of them, see if I dare to beat you, you bastard."

"Sleeping your mother, what the hell, heh bah, stop for me!"

Hearing the roar on the corridor, several people in the courtyard looked subconsciously.

I saw Liu Zhi'an wielding a training stick in his hand, chasing Young Master Liu away, not daring to stay for a moment.

"Old man, is there anyone like you who is a father? Is there anyone like you who is a grandfather?"

"I'm letting them see the dangers of the world in advance, and let them learn to beware of some girls with ulterior motives."

Young Master Liu was stunned and subconsciously paused, why did these words sound so familiar.


"Oh, old man, you are serious!"

"Get out of here, if you dare to show your face next time, I will hit you every time I see you!"

The four uncles and nephews saw Young Master Liu panic-stricken, and subconsciously glanced at the setting sun!

In my mind, I recalled the past when Young Master Liu chased himself and the others with a training stick, that arrogant look of claws and claws.

look at big brother.

Dad running in the sunset is also our slowly passing youth.

(End of this chapter)

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