Chapter 1502

Young Master Liu's eyes and words caused many officials to look a little panicked, and they all shook their heads and lowered their eyebrows, not daring to look directly at Young Master Liu.

They didn't know why they were afraid of this side-by-side king who was about the same age as them. They had to know that just now they and others dared to speak out to the emperor, and they were a little at a loss when they forced the emperor.

No matter how powerful the side-by-side king is, he is just a prince. Why should he and others be afraid of him?

Many officials couldn't figure this out, they just knew that they told themselves from the bottom of their hearts that it was better not to fight against Liu Mingzhi.

Young officials don't understand, but it doesn't mean that old foxes don't understand.

They knew in their hearts that the reason why those junior officials didn't dare to look at Liu Mingzhi was because they couldn't help being afraid of the faint aura of the King of Side-by-Shoulders.

The seemingly ordinary glance, once you look closely at each other, you will realize that you seem to be stared at by a ferocious hungry tiger.

This indistinct momentum can also be called evil spirit.

Many generals stared at First Young Master Liu with wide-eyed eyes, as if they saw their young self from Young Master Liu.

One word to describe.

It's madness, supercilious madness.

Many old military generals looked at the young civil servant opposite, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of their mouths.

You must know that the side-by-side king had just fought in the national war for less than a few days, and then moved to the capital to quell the rebellion. After two consecutive battles, he was at the time when he was most murderous. A few catties and a few taels by myself.

This evil spirit from the sea of ​​blood cannot be eliminated without three to five months of precipitation.

This is why Qi Yun's daughters always feel that her husband has become a little frightening.

Seeing the reaction of those officials, Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, relaxed his body and sat down on his knees with relaxed and complicated eyes.

Today's court makes me feel sad!Once Wei Yong, Xia Gongming, Song Yu, Du Chenghao and the other old people retreated, there were still a few people who could carry the banner in the Hall of Qinzheng.

If there was only one person who dared to compete with himself just now, Young Master Liu might be angry, but he would be relieved.

At least in the future, there will be people who dare to compete with him in the court, so that he will not be the only one.

For more than ten years, Liu Mingzhi knew too well what the premise for the court to ensure peace was.

Balance, only the word balance.

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about Wei Yong and Tong Sansi, no one can understand the other, and no one can beat the other.

It's not that the two of them don't have each other's handle, it's not that the two of them don't have the strength to reach each other and die.

It's that the two of them knew clearly in their hearts that once the other was finished, they wouldn't last long.

Being rivals and friends is the way to survive.

Therefore, once these old things retire, if he does not have an opponent in the court, how long can he stand in the court.

The older Liu Mingzhi got, the clearer he was.

In the face of interests, an enemy may not be an enemy, and in the face of survival, a friend may not be a friend.

No one dares to be an enemy to oneself. Dare to fight against oneself. It seems to be a kind of victory, but in fact it may be a fatal disaster.

After seeing First Young Master Liu enter the palace, Li Ye restrained the minister who had caused his own headache by saying a few words, his eyes were filled with admiration and a hint of panic.

But that look of panic was well covered up by Li Ye.

Gently fluttering the sleeves of his robe, Li Ye looked at the few young ministers who had given him the most trouble just now with a relaxed gaze.

"Cao Aiqing, Fan Aiqing, Meng Aiqing, Xiang Aiqing, I thought about it just now, and I think Liu Aiqing's words are reasonable. If the four Aiqings are really homesick, I can allow you to resign and return to your hometown at your discretion."

"I don't know what the four lovers think?"

Among the civil servants, four young officials around the age of 30 subconsciously shuddered when they heard Li Ye's questioning from plain to sharp.

Gently glanced at Li Ye who was on the dragon chair, saw the confidence in his eyes, and hurried out holding the chao wat.

"Your Majesty should not disobey His Majesty if you are convicted!"

Li Ye looked indifferently at the four people who had changed from tigers to mice, and wanted to banished them from the court and never hired them with a big wave of his hand, so as to relieve the embarrassing anger in his heart.

However, in Li Ye's mind, he remembered the words taught by the emperor's grandmother Nangong Meng last night.

Ye'er, you haven't secured your seat on the throne yet, and you can't make the relationship too rigid with the courtiers.

If you want to manage the dragon well now, you still need to rely on these civil and military officials, and you need them to assist you in stabilizing the country.

If you can't get down because they embarrass you, you will relegate them from the court. At that time, all civil and military officials will be in danger.

Now you can't do without their assistance.

You have to keep in mind what the imperial grandmother said, as long as they don't rebel and deceive the emperor, you don't have to take it to heart when they commit some disobedient words and deeds. On the contrary, not only don't you take it to heart, you have to be more and more generous.

With the combination of grace and power, you can win people's hearts and make them gradually lean towards you.

Secondly, the court should not be too clear. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. Although they make you dissatisfied, you must support a group of treacherous villains to control those loyal officials and prevent them from dominating the family.

In the words of your emperor's grandfather Ruizong, it is balance. The foundation of emperor's power lies in balance.

Li Ye came back to his senses and sighed silently.

"It's your first offence, I'm enthroned as the emperor, and I will follow the purpose of the previous emperor's benevolent government, so I won't go into it with you."

"However, capital crimes can be forgiven, living crimes are hard to forgive, and a half-year salary will be fined, as a warning to others!"

"Go back!"

The four of them nodded hurriedly, wiped the sweat from their foreheads and hurriedly saluted.

"Thank you for your grace, thank you for your grace."

After the four of them retreated into the distance, Li Ye glanced at his uncle, young master Liu, where the old god was present, and his eyes slowly scanned.

"I have conferred the title of Concubine He as Empress Dowager of the West Palace, and awarded my second younger brother Li Tao as King of Zhao. I wonder if any lover has any advice?"

Except for some old foxes, many officials focused their eyes on First Young Master Liu, who was nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, and looked at Li Ye with complex expressions when he saw his motionless appearance.

"I have no objection! Your Majesty is wise!"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes glanced at Li Ye from time to time, and he closed his eyes and fiddled with his fingers, wondering what he was thinking.

The look on his face was so indifferent that no one could see his thoughts.

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Clan Mansion, Qin Tianjian Shaofu Supervisor."

"Chen is here!"

"You and the other three ministries will choose a good day to seal the matter."

"The ministers obey the order."

Li Ye exhaled and stretched his sore waist: "Today's court meeting, I have prepared all the memorials. If you have nothing else to play, you can retreat to the court!"

Wen and Wu of the Manchu Dynasty looked at each other, and they all saw that they had nothing to do with each other, they raised the chao wat in unison with one voice and one movement.

"I send you off to Your Majesty respectfully, long live my emperor."

The new chief executive, Su An, waved his whisk, shouted back in a childish and sharp voice, and then walked towards the back of the hall to meet Li Ye.

Li Ye's figure disappeared, and Baiguan got up and left slowly.

Many officials looked at Young Master Liu, wanting to come up and get close to this side-by-side king who hadn't been in court for many days. Seeing Young Master Liu sitting motionless and dozing, he hesitated for a while, and then gave up the idea of ​​getting close. .

The Qinzheng Hall was completely silent, and only then did Young Master Liu slowly open his eyes, patted the dragon robe and walked slowly towards the outside of the hall.

Now, I can no longer get too close to anyone in the DPRK.

Glancing in the direction of the apse, First Young Master Liu temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​meeting the second prince, Li Tao. Maybe this time is not the best time.

After explaining a few words to Lao Jia, Young Master Liu slowly walked towards the door of the house.

"Shoulder to shoulder king, please stay!"

(End of this chapter)

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