My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1503 Invited by Li Ran

Chapter 1503 Invited by Li Ran
Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and looked behind him curiously.

There are only two kinds of people who can call out their identities in one go, one is the familiar people who know themselves, and the other is the people with ulterior motives, and the purpose is to come for themselves.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the middle-aged man who was more than ten steps away from him, and frowned slightly. He could be sure that he had never seen this person before.

The middle-aged man's face was indifferent, with a slight smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at himself with respect in his eyes.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and looked at the middle-aged man quietly: "Your Excellency? I don't know why you called me?"

"My lord Wan Chuan, the eldest son of Duke Wu Wan Jie, Wan Jie's General Du Tong, doesn't know how busy the prince is?"

"Not busy, if you have something to say, you can speak up!"

"It's good if you're not busy, I'm here this time under the order of Princess Jingning, please come into the mansion and have a brief talk."

Princess Jingning?

First Young Master Liu was slightly stunned, and after a little thought, he realized that Princess Jingning was Li Ran, the second sister of the third princess Li Yan.

On the eve of Li Zheng's trip, I saw her once in the back hall of Qinzheng Hall, but I couldn't say I was impressed.

After all, Li Zheng's life is not long, and he needs time to explain his funeral, and he just glanced at Li Zheng's many sons and daughters when he passed by in a hurry.

Young Master Liu had heard of Li Ran's name.

At the age of 16, she married the former Duke of Wu, Wanbuhai, and grandson Wanjie as his wife. She has been living with Wanjie in Jeju, and rarely stays in the capital except during festive seasons.

As the honorable princess, after marrying Wan Jie, she was such a good husband and wife. I don't know how many wealthy children in the capital were envied.

Even in his dreams, he wanted to marry a girl like Jingning Princess Li Ran.

This kind of girl who can bring him prosperity and wealth, and who is also caring for him, which man doesn't want one!

However, there are only a few daughters under Li Zheng's knees who can leave the cabinet as adults, and the last golden branch and jade leaf was given by Young Master Liu.

But what these rich kids want to marry is only a princess like Li Ran, who is easygoing and gentle, but if they want to marry someone else, they are afraid to avoid it.

After all, not every princess is like Princess Jingning.

Isn't that what Young Master Liu was like back then?Marrying the third princess is a taboo to the bone. Fortunately, the third princess has a good personality after getting married, otherwise Young Master Liu would cry.

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, with a smile on his plain face, he punched Wan Chuan.

"It turns out that he is a talented person from the second sister's house. I am so polite."

"Dare to ask brother, why did the second sister find me, can you tell brother?"

Wan Chuan shook his head slightly: "Prince Side by Side is just joking, I'm just a messenger, how could the princess tell the truth about the content of the conversation with you, my lord?"

"If the lord is free at the moment and has no business to do, you might as well come with me at the mansion. If you have any questions, I think your highness the princess will answer the lord for you."

Liu Mingzhi looked a little hesitant. It was no secret that the second prince Li Tao wanted to seize the throne in the capital.

And Li Tao was welcomed back by Princess Jingning and Wu Guogong Wan Mingliang. At this time, she suddenly invited her family to have a talk. She was afraid that if someone saw it, there would definitely be an unnecessary dispute.

Although Liu Mingzhi didn't deliberately investigate, he also knew in his heart that many pairs of eyes in the capital were focusing on him at this moment.

What Li Ran meant, Liu Mingzhi couldn't figure it out for a moment.

It would be fine if the matter of Li Tao's seizing the throne was nothing more than a rumor of nonsense, but if it wasn't, would it be good or bad for him if he was implicated in it?

But what if Li Ran had other reasons instead of Li Tao's affairs?
If he didn't go, it would be hard to hear the news.

After all, Li Ran was always the second sister of the third princess, and naturally she was also her own.

If the second sister invites her, if she refuses, it will inevitably be suspected of being arrogant and conceited if it is spread.

After all, I dared to refuse the invitation of a princess just after I became king, and she was Ruizong's daughter. If rumors arise, I'm afraid it will be very unfavorable to me.

In an instant, Liu Mingzhi fell into a dilemma.

No promise, no promise no.

If he excused himself because he was busy, but just now he had told Wan Chuan that he was not busy, as long as he was not a fool, he could see what he meant.

"My lord."

"My lord?"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses and looked at Wan Chuan with a light smile: "Brother Wan, please tell me!"

Wan Chuan leaned slightly, and opened his left hand: "Your Majesty, please move, after all, there are many people on the street, and the situation between you and me will inevitably make some people suspicious."

"My lord might as well go to the mansion and talk about it. I don't know what your lord wants?"

Wan Chuan has already made this gesture, so it is obviously inappropriate for him to refuse.

Nodding helplessly, Liu Mingzhi walked towards Wan Chuan.

"Brother Wan, please lead the way!"

Young Master Liu did know the location of Duke Wu's Mansion, but he didn't know whether Li Ran was waiting for him in the Duke's Mansion or the Princess Mansion.

"My lord, you are welcome, please!"

Young Master Liu didn't ride a horse, and Wan Chuan just took off the reins and led the horse along. After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi looked at Princess Jingning's mansion on the right side of Zhuque Street in front of him, slightly dazed.

It turned out that he came to the Princess Mansion instead of the Duke's Mansion. It seems that the situation this time is not very good.

Maybe, maybe I was thinking too much.

"My lord please."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, his eyes moved slightly to examine the scenery inside the Princess Mansion, remembering every route, and followed Wan Chuan towards the living room of the Princess Mansion.

"His Royal Highness, the minister has brought back the side-by-side king!"

As soon as he walked into the corridor more than ten steps away from the living room, Wan Chuan spoke loudly.

Young Master Liu was startled for a moment, then smiled, knowing that Wan Chuan was reporting to Li Ran, and following Wan Chuan quietly, Young Master Liu didn't say anything.

As soon as Wan Chuan finished speaking, a woman about 32 years old walked out of the living room. The woman had bright eyes, delicately curved willow-leaf eyebrows, bright eyes shone softly, and her face was frosted with red lips with a touch of rouge.

Her appearance is [-]% similar to that of the third princess Li Yan. If she didn't know the truth, it would not be too much to say that this girl is only [-] years old.

"Little brother Liu Mingzhi sees the second sister, wishing the second sister stays young forever."

Li Ran sized up Young Master Liu with his shining eyes, and saluted Young Master Liu with his red lips slightly raised with a faint smile.

"Brother-in-law is free of courtesy. I have taken the liberty of inviting my brother-in-law to my humble house without discussing it. Please don't mind my brother-in-law."

"Second sister was joking, younger brother and Yan'er are married couples, second sister invited me, how dare younger brother not come."

Seeing Young Master Liu's humble and polite appearance, Li Ran couldn't imagine how the reputation of being shameless in the capital came to him.

"Brother-in-law, let's not be polite, sit inside, the tea is ready, please taste a little brother-in-law!"

"Thank you, Second Sister, but my younger brother will be disrespectful!"

When the two sat down, Liu Mingzhi was not polite, picked up the tea and tasted it lightly, not intending to take the initiative to speak.

In a word, misfortune comes from the mouth, if you can drink a few cups of tea to deal with Li Ran's invitation, you should try to talk as little as possible.

Li Ran looked at First Young Master Liu, who was drinking tea with his head down, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and pushed the pastry in front of Young Young Master Liu.

"Taste the craftsmanship of the chef in the house."

"Thank you, Second Sister. Anyone who can cook for Second Sister must be a person with excellent cooking skills. My little brother is lucky today."

Young Master Liu picked up the pastry and tasted it lightly, implementing his own policy, eating more, drinking more and talking.

Li Ran, who was at the side, saw that Young Master Liu was so calm, and there was a strange look in his bright eyes.

Covering his lips with his white, tender and flawless palm, he coughed softly.

"Brother-in-law, don't you intend to ask me why I invited you here?"

Liu Mingzhi's movements froze, and he sighed silently, as if he couldn't avoid it.

"Little brother is not a very curious person. Second sister, if you don't speak first, how dare you find out!"

(End of this chapter)

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