My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1504 Mighty and Unyielding

Chapter 1504 Mighty and Unyielding

Young Master Liu's impeccable response made Li Ran a little surprised, no wonder the father and the emperor valued her third brother-in-law so much.

After just a few words of conversation, Li Ran understood in his heart that Liu Mingzhi was definitely the kind of person who didn't see a rabbit and wouldn't scatter an eagle.

Facing Young Master Liu for just a short moment, Li Ran felt a little powerless when facing Young Master Liu, as if you punched the soft silk quilt, and all your strength was invisible.

Li Ran raised her eyes and glanced at First Young Master Liu, who was quietly eating pastry, and slowly picked up the teacup to taste the tea to cover up the strange look on her face.

After a long time, Young Master Liu wiped out a plate of pastries. Apart from the first greetings, there was only the sound of Young Master Liu chewing in the living room, and there was no other movement.

After nearly half a stick of incense, the two did not exchange a word.

Li Ran, who had already drank three cups of tea, gradually became overwhelmed. Liu Mingzhi's difficulty was far beyond his imagination.

Gently putting down the teacup in his hand, Li Ran coughed lightly: "Brother-in-law, are the pastries in the house so delicious? They make you eat them so much, with relish!"

Liu Mingzhi patted the residue on his hand, smiled lightly and shook his head at Li Ran,

"Second sister, it's not that these pastries are so delicious that I can't put them down, but second sister, if you have experienced the past of running thousands of miles, eating dry food when hungry, and drinking snow water when thirsty, you will know that the taste of these pastries is simply delicious in the world. exist."

Li Ran was startled, and after a little thought, she understood the meaning of Liu Mingzhi's words.

Under the conditions of ice and snow, slippery and congested roads, Liu Dashao led more than 20 soldiers and horses to rush from the Kingdom of Jin to the northern border of Dalong, and then from the northern border to the capital Qin Wang rescued him. It only took more than 30 days , It can be said that it is not a miracle.

Li Ran has lived in Jeju with her husband Wanjie all the year round, and naturally knows the influence of the weather on the march very well.

Looking at Young Master Liu's somewhat sad expression, Li Ran couldn't help but a picture emerged in his mind.

More than 20 cavalry galloped across the wilderness, facing the harsh weather of wind and snow, gnawed on hard pancakes when they were hungry, and galloped their horses in snow water when they were thirsty.

What kind of elite army is this supposed to be.

With the commander-in-chief issued, nothing in front of them could stop their charge.

Wherever the handsome flag goes, that is where the iron cavalry goes.


No, it should be the elite among the elite.

Husband is also a member of the army, so Li Ran naturally has some understanding of the situation of the soldiers. Not only is it a big dragon, but if you search all over the world, you can find a second army that is the same as the 20 cavalry under Liu Dashao's command. too easy.

Perhaps since Liu Mingzhi became famous in Jin Guoping's rebellion, his repeated victories in every battle had a lot to do with his strategy of leading troops and the soldiers and horses under his command.

After thinking about it, Li Ran gradually came back to her senses, and Liu Yemei frowned slightly, with a special flair.

She suddenly realized that she was the one who asked the question, but Liu Mingzhi led her into the ditch instead, lost the initiative, and almost ignored her original purpose of inviting Liu Mingzhi into the mansion for a talk.

Taking a deep breath slowly, Li Ran calmed down, and secretly warned herself that she must not forget her purpose, and then be led astray by Young Master Liu.

"Brother-in-law, have you ever eaten and drank enough?"

First Young Master Liu was taken aback, and pulled the pastry in front of Li Ran to his face with a thick face.

"If the second sister doesn't mind, I will also enjoy this plate of pastries."

"As for people, they would rather eat enough than go hungry, and try to eat as much as possible when there is something to eat, so as not to be hungry when there is nothing to eat."

"Second sister probably hasn't felt the feeling of being hungry, but my younger brother has actually felt it a few times."

"The food and grass are difficult to support, and the feeling of having to reduce the amount of food and hungry will never be forgotten in my life."

"My little brother, I'm sure those who say that it's ungentlemanlike to gobble up food must have never been hungry. fragrant."

"At that time, they will completely forget about the so-called gentleman's demeanor, and it doesn't matter at all if they are shameless."

"When a person is extremely hungry, he has no face."

"Little brother thinks, second brother Wan Jie should be more familiar with the scene that younger brother just said, and he is also a leader of the army. I believe that second brother must be deeply touched by him."

Li Ran nodded subconsciously. She had seen her husband Wan Jie gobbled it up more than once when he came back from the expedition. Thinking about it, Li Ran hurriedly shook her head and forcibly threw out the things in her mind.

He seemed to be led astray by Liu Mingzhi again.

I invited him here because of my nephew Li Tao, not to listen to his talk about life in the army.

Watching Young Master Liu munching slowly with the pastry, Li Ran poured a cup of tea for Young Master Liu with a pot, and made up his mind that he must get straight to the point, otherwise he would not be able to get to the point until the year of the monkey .

"Brother-in-law, you should have heard about the Second Prince Li Ye's intention to seize the throne, right?"

Young Master Liu squeezed the pastry slightly with his fingers, and the crispy pastry broke instantly, and Young Master Liu hurriedly held it in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

Young Master Liu's eyes flickered slightly, and he sighed silently in his heart, it seems that the dragging formula is no longer effective.

Liu Mingzhi put the plate on the table, picked up the tea and drank it in one gulp, looking at Li Ran's meaningful eyes and nodded slightly.

"Of course my little brother has heard about it!"

Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got to the point: "Then brother-in-law"

"My little brother has been thinking about it all night. I think this should be a treacherous scheme by the Jin Kingdom or the Turks. The purpose is to make me, Dalong, fall into civil strife again."

"Its purpose is self-evident. The civil strife in my dragon is rampant, and the two countries can benefit from it."

"What does Second Sister think?"

First Young Master Liu cut off Li Ran's words and gave his answer directly.

He doesn't care whether the matter of the second prince Li Tao's seizure of the throne is without wind and waves, or if it is a monster, until the matter is clear, he doesn't want to get involved.

The second prince was welcomed back by Wan Mingliang and Li Ran. It would be best if the matter of seizing the throne was fake. If it was true, Liu Mingzhi also planned to wait and see what happened. As long as Li Tao's matter was not a foregone conclusion, he didn't need to pay attention to these matters at all.

Li Ran was slightly dazed, looking at Young Master Liu's chuckle, the colors in her bright eyes became brighter and brighter.

The jade finger tapped the table lightly, and Li Ran nodded slightly.

"It seems that my brother-in-law and Bengong's thoughts coincide with each other."

"Since this is the case, I can rest assured. The purpose of inviting you here this time is to see your opinion, brother-in-law. Now I have a solid foundation in my heart."

"As long as brother-in-law, you believe that Tao'er has no intention of competing with Ye'er for the throne, I believe that this evil wind will not last long in the capital."

"Second sister is absurd, the younger brother is just doing his best."

"Brother-in-law is too modest, there are 30 elite cavalry with fierce aura guarding outside the city, I don't even want to be rampant with any monsters and ghosts."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and then relaxed.

"Second Sister Cheng said auspiciously, I hope that no monsters and monsters will really come out to make trouble, otherwise I don't mind trying to see if the weapons in the hands of the brothers can block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas."

"I believe that the father and the emperor have the eyes of the emperor and the others. Since this is the case, I will keep my brother-in-law soon. Lonely men and widows should not be together for too long, so as not to cause some disputes."

"I see the same thing. Since that's the case, the younger brother will leave, and the second sister will stay and talk about it when I have time."

"Good to go!"

"Stay back!"

Li Ran got up and walked out of the hall, looking at the back of Young Master Liu who was walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, Liu Yemei let out a slight sigh.

"Who on earth is trying to trap my family and injustice? Is my brother-in-law really ignorant, or is he pretending to be ignorant?"

Li Ran came back to her senses, patted her palms lightly, and a white shadow floated over.

"Wei Di Li Rong sees Your Highness!"

"Have you found anything?"

"Princess forgive me, there is no trace of the origin of the rumor!"

"Has Concubine He's reply arrived yet?"

"It should be on the way, the subordinates try to urge it!"

"Okay, you can step back first, I will go to the Duke's mansion to pay a visit to my father-in-law!"

"Congratulations to the princess!"

Young Master Liu left Princess Jingning's mansion, and rushed towards Liu's mansion without stopping.

After a stick of incense, Young Master Liu returned to the mansion, and after writing something in the study, he rushed to Qi Yun's room, took out the training stick, and chased after the three brothers Liu Chengfeng.

After a while, the quiet Liu Mansion became jumpy.

Young Master Liu's sworn brother, Brown Boy, huddled in a corner and shivered, not daring to mess with the three brothers, for fear of getting into trouble and turning his upper body into a hot pot of dog meat.

During the cup of tea, the three brothers Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chenggan, and Liu Chengzhi swayed in the wind on the trees in the courtyard.

Young Master Liu slapped his palms with a training stick, wandering around with a gloomy expression, glancing at the three brothers who were twisting their buttocks and howling from time to time.

"If you don't hit you, you really don't have a long memory. You really dare to think about going to a brothel at the age of 11!"

"I really don't have any clues in my mind. You are young and small. What's the use of going? It's a waste of money and makes other girls dislike you."

"Your own strength is not enough, what kind of brothel are you going to? Are you playing mahjong?"

"Ah? Huh? Huh?"

"Have you learned everything from dogs in the Imperial College for so many years?"

"Is it okay to learn more about the style of a gentleman, you three little ancestors, can you give me a good face? Let me save myself!"

"If you are rich, you can't be lewd, and if you are mighty, you can't be subdued. If you don't learn these good habits, why can't you learn to be in tune? You are going to piss me off."

"Old, old. Dad, if you can't be lewd if you are rich, what does the Liu family want so much money and gold and silver for?"

First Young Master Liu was taken aback, feeling that his outlook on life was a bit off course!
Is this the understanding that wealth cannot be promiscuous?

When he came back to his senses, First Young Master Liu jumped into a rage and roared at the three brothers.

"Damn, is this what it means that rich people can't be prostitutes? Which motherfucker taught me this, I'll kill him!"

"If you are rich, you can't be lewd. Why do you want to be rich? Are these ridiculous remarks taught to you by an old bastard who gave birth to a son with a weak kidney?"

"Isn't this deviant? Isn't this misleading people?"

"Uh...uh... Grandpa taught me!"

(End of this chapter)

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