Chapter 1505
Liu Zhi'an threatened the day before yesterday that Young Master Liu would break Young Master Liu's legs if he dared to touch Liu Chengfeng's uncle and nephew.

However, under the earnest eyes of the three Liu Chengfeng brothers, his three brothers' buttocks were scorchingly painful from being whipped by the training stick, and grandfather Liu Zhi'an also failed to show his face to suppress the evil force of Dad.

At night, Young Master Liu came out of the study with a sad face, went to the rooms of Qinglian and the third princess, and finally returned to Qi Yun's room.

Qi Yun had just finished bathing and grooming, her face was flushed with steam, and Qi Yun had just laid down with her clothes on when Young Master Liu entered the door.

Young Master Liu walked to the bed, took out a porcelain bottle from his cuff, and stuffed it into Qi Yun's palm.

"This is the unique golden sore medicine that my husband asked for from Sai Lao. You go and apply it to Chengzhi, so that you don't get infected."

Qi Yun sat up gently, and glared at her husband angrily.

"Obviously I feel so distressed, why are you pretending to be a strict father, you feel sorry for your son and go to apply the medicine on him? The concubine goes to apply the medicine herself, except to make the son resent you as a father in his heart."

Young Master Liu smiled bitterly, took off his outer robe, and got into the bed that had been warmed by Qi Yun.

"It's better to be resentful than to let them go astray. Beating them is also hating iron but not steel."

"Maybe they go to the brothel just to drink some flower wine, touch the wrists of those brothel girls or something, but they have more than enough energy to do something out of the ordinary."

"That's why, the husband must curb their temperament in time."

"I'm also a man as a husband, so I understand boys' psychology."

"If one day they drink too much and their brains get hot, it may not be a good thing for them to do something."

"I have no objection to going to a brothel as a husband, but you must wait until you are an adult."

"Kids should do kids' things."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he turned sideways and closed his eyes slightly.

"Go, don't be so painful that you can't sleep anymore, Lian'er, I've already sent Yan'er there, so you don't have to work hard!"

Qi Yun nodded slightly, passed her husband to put on her clothes, and walked towards her son Liu Chengzhi's room holding a candle with a lampshade.

Amidst the sound of the three little fellows gasping for air, First Young Master Liu's breathing gradually became even.

When Qi Yun returned to the room, Young Master Liu had already fallen into a sound sleep.

Qi Yun put the candle on the table, walked to the side of the bed and sat down gently, looking at her husband's frowning in his sleep, the worry in Qi Yun's eyes was self-evident.

Raising her hand and lightly stroking her husband's cheek twice, Qi Yun sighed faintly.

"Silly man, what are you thinking?"

"The concubine can't understand you more and more!"

"Before you knew it, how did you become such a preoccupied look?"

Young Master Liu didn't know if he felt the lady's actions, so he babbled twice in his sleep, turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

Seeing this, Qi Yun gently took off her outer robe, curled up in her husband's arms, found a comfortable position, closed her worry-filled eyes, and fell asleep.

The sound of the rooster made Young Master Liu's sleeping eyes suddenly open, and he glanced at the already pale sky outside the window. Young Master Liu slowly pulled out the wrist resting on Qi Yun's neck and turned over and got out of bed.

Looking back at Qi Yun who was sleeping soundly, Young Master Liu put on his clothes lightly, and walked directly towards the study after washing.

Opening the drawer on the desk case, Liu Mingzhi carefully caressed the two books he had written himself, and there was no longer any delay in going out to defend the frontier.

Seeing the weather getting warmer day by day, it would be too late to leave for the north now.

After blowing out the candles in the study room and locking the door, Young Master Liu went back to the room to take a look at Qi Yun who was still awake, and hurried towards the backyard.

In a moment, Young Master Liu rode his horse and whipped his whip and galloped towards the imperial palace. Today's court meeting was the day he bid farewell to the north, and he had to rush there early to negotiate on the arrangements.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes disappearing in the courtyard, Qi Yun opened her bright eyes slightly, changed her position, closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Husband has more and more things on his mind!
"Shut up!"

After a few cups of tea, Young Master Liu reined in the horse and stopped in front of the palace gate.

At this moment, the palace gate was wide open, and officials in twos and threes were already walking towards the palace gate.

It was no longer Lao Jia who was guarding the gate. Presumably he had listened to Young Master Liu and packed up his things to celebrate the few remaining days of reunion with his wife.

Young Master Liu doesn't know the general guarding the gate, but it doesn't mean that the general guarding the gate doesn't know Young Master Liu, a great man.

Seeing First Young Master Liu get off his horse, the general subconsciously looked up at the sky, looking at the sky with some residual stars, the general was dazed for a moment and hurried up to meet him.

"The last general, Gong Hao, sees the prince!"

Young Master Liu smiled and waved his hands, and handed the reins to Gong Hao.

"You don't need to be too polite, just keep the palace gate safe."


Young Master Liu tidied up his slightly wrinkled python robe, entered the palace gate calmly and rushed towards Qinzheng Hall.

Gong Hao looked at Young Master Liu's back, scratching his head with a troubled expression.

"I went to court for two days in a row, what's wrong with this world? The King of Side Shoulders has been possessed by something dirty? It's almost like June Feixue!"

"General, what are you mumbling about?"

"Nothing, stand guard!"

When Young Master Liu stepped into the Hall of Qinzheng, the hall was brightly lit, and more than a dozen officials had already knelt and sat on their seats.

Young Master Liu is most familiar with Xia Gongming, the imperial historian, and Wei Yong, the prime minister of the left.

Looking at the energetic Xia Gongming, Young Master Liu suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Perhaps this is the real official who serves the country and the people. Compared with the [-]-year-old who is so busy every day, he is indeed a bit too lazy.

Watching the action of more than a dozen officials burying their heads in arranging the memorial, Young Master Liu did not disturb them, knelt down and took out two books and started to read them.

Carefully check for omissions and make up for vacancies, for fear that I may accidentally miss some important items.

You must know that this is a policy for governing the country, and a negligence may cause endless troubles. Although it has been checked several times, when it comes to the front, Young Master Liu is still a little worried.

Except for the time of Qiu Wei that year, after ten years, Young Master Liu had this uneasy feeling again.

Young Master Liu's mind sank into the book, and he didn't even notice it was bright outside the hall.

It wasn't until a young and sharp voice sounded from the back of the hall that Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and then realized that the sky had brightened and it was time for the court meeting. .

Young Master Liu hurriedly closed the book, straightened his posture and looked towards the dragon platform.

"His Majesty is here!"

"Your Majesty is welcome, long live my emperor."

"My dear friends, please forgive me"

Li Ye stared blankly at First Young Master Liu, and was a little dazed before he came to his senses.

"Free admission!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Ye gently sat on the dragon chair, his eyes flicked to Young Master Liu's position from time to time.

Did my uncle drink too much?Going up to court for two consecutive days is completely out of character for him.

"Aiqings, do you want to play?"

Young Master Liu looked at an official on the opposite side who wanted to come out, immediately straightened up and walked to the center of the hall,

"Report to Your Majesty, my minister Liu Mingzhi has a book to play!"

(End of this chapter)

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