Chapter 1506
As soon as Young Master Liu stood up and opened his mouth, except for a very few interested people, most of the civil and military officials discovered that Young Master Liu had also come to court.

Normally, they have long been accustomed to ignoring the front position. If Young Master Liu hadn't stood up and came out, they really wouldn't have reacted.

Everyone looked at Young Master Liu's back in amazement, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Obviously, it is a miracle for many officials that this master can go to court for two days in a row. After all, in their minds, laziness is the main character of Young Master Liu.

However, these officials ignored one thing. If Young Master Liu was really a lazy person, how could he act non-stop and rush thousands of miles to rescue King Qin of the capital.

Just like what Young Master Liu and Ling Weier said in front of the third uncle Ling Daoming's grave, sometimes what you see may not be true.

Li Ye smiled lightly and looked at First Young Master Liu who was leading the way, and waved his hand lightly.

"Certainly, I wonder if Liu Aiqing has any plans to play?"

Liu Mingzhi took out a memorial from his cuff and held it up.

"Your Majesty, from the beginning to the end of the civil strife in the imperial court, it has been peaceful so far. The court is stable, the people are safe, and the internal affairs are no longer serious. However, the great troubles in the frontier must be guarded against."

"The rebellion of the kings shocked the inside and outside. In the Kingdom of Jin, the Turkic tigers have been watching my dragon for a hundred years. Now that this is a good opportunity, they will definitely open their teeth and claws at the beginning of spring, and send their troops south to attack the city and harass our dragon's border."

"I implore your Majesty to issue an order to lead the troops to the north to defend the frontier, so as to protect our Dalong, Jiangshan, and the country from harm."

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Jin, the Turkic matter is the most important thing that my dragon bears the brunt of."

"I hope that Your Majesty will prioritize the country, the country, and the common people!"

"The minister chooses a day to go to the north to defend the border!"

After Young Master Liu finished speaking, he bowed his waist and lifted the memorial even higher. Seeing this, Su An, the chief manager next to Li Ye, trotted down to take the memorial in Young Master Liu's hand, walked towards Li Ye, and handed it to Li Ye. Ye's hand.

After Li Ye took the memorial, he flipped through it a few times, looking at Young Master Liu's firm expression, his eyes revealed a little hesitation.

After these few days of experience in court, Li Ye found that without his uncle in charge of the court, these courtiers would be like wild cats having fun.

Only when Liu Mingzhi came to the court, these courtiers would obediently become docile, and give advice with a pleasant face.

Once young master liu leads his troops to the north, can he hold down these civil and military ministers?

After careful consideration, Li Ye came to a conclusion.


These courtiers relied on being the important ministers left by the late emperor, and they often disobeyed their own wishes, making themselves unable to step down and lose the slightest bit of face.

Thinking of this, Li Ye really didn't want Liu Mingzhi, his uncle who could help him manage the house, to leave the court and go to northern Xinjiang thousands of miles away.

However, Young Master Liu made the pros and cons quite clear in the memorial. The most important thing for Dalong now is to resist the southward movement of the two enemy countries, Jin and Turks.

Li Ye hesitantly put down the memorial written by Young Master Liu in his hand, and glanced at the civil and military officials with different faces.

"What do you Aiqings think, should I agree with Liu Aiqing's going to the north to defend the border, or should I reject it?"

All the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering if they should support Young Master Liu's advice.

Right Xiangtong pondered for a moment, just remembered the book on his body, and caught a glimpse of Xia Gongming with the old god on the side, Wei Yong and the two looked hesitant and sat back obediently.

Tong Sansi's eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at Xia Gongming and the two from time to time, trying to see something from their expressions.

The three auxiliary ministers did not speak, and the officials below did not dare to speak first.

Who knows what it means that His Majesty still has several immediate superiors!
Behind Hubu Shangshu Jiang Yuanming, an official a few years older than Young Master Liu hesitated for a moment, then came out holding a chao wat.

It was the time when Young Master Liu went to the north to serve as the governor of the two governments, and Pan Yun, the servant of the household department, took over the position of the left servant of the household department of Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, I dare not agree with the king's words!"

Li Ye put his eyes on Pan Yun, and there was no sadness or joy in his expression.

"Oh? Pan Aiqing disagrees, but it doesn't matter!"

Pan Yun glanced at Young Master Liu who was frowning slightly, and took a deep breath to ease his mind.

"Your Majesty, our dynasty has just experienced civil strife for less than two months. Only the kings rebelled. Although the consumption of the treasury is not enough to hurt the bones, but after the kings entered the city, they wantonly divided the gold, silver, treasures, food and silk in the treasury."

"Although King Side by Side recovered [-]% of the treasury's gold, silver, grain and grass in the hands of King Qing and King Yun after entering the city, but less than [-]% of the gold and silver in the hands of King Shu was recovered, and the remaining [-]% disappeared."

"As the king of Shu drank poisonous wine and committed suicide in the imperial study, the whereabouts of these gold and silver were completely cut off, and the possibility of recovering them was almost impossible."

"Just after a big battle, dozens of state capitals north of the capital were ransacked by rebels under the command of the kings, and all important things were swept away!"

"Our dynasty is now full of waste, repairing the city wall, appeasing the people, compensating the people's property damaged during the war, and distributing gold and silver to the beards of the soldiers who died in the war. This sum of expenditure is completely a bottomless pit!"

"Based on the current state of the treasury, the gold and silver consumed by these items alone is an astronomical amount."

"If hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses go north again, the treasury will definitely be exhausted."

"No one knows how long this war will last. Even if the emergency bank is used, it is very likely that food and grass will be difficult to support."

"As the saying goes, to fight against the outside world, one must first secure the inside."

"Now the imperial court is only Xiao'an, and I think it is not a good opportunity to go to war with the king at this time!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

After Pan Yun finished speaking, he raised his wat and bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows, not looking at Li Ye's expression, nor at Young Master Liu's.

After hearing Pan Yun's words, the hesitation on Li Ye's face became more serious.

What Young Master Liu said had Young Master Liu's reasons, and what Pan Yun said had Pan Yun's difficulties, each insisted on their own words, and each had its own reasons.

Which one is more reasonable, Li Ye really couldn't decide for a while.

"My minister echoed Master Pan's words, to fight against the outside world, the inside must be settled first. If the internal affairs are not in order, it is inevitable to send troops at this moment. It is inevitable."

Li Ye looked at the right servant of the Ministry of Rites who came out: "Dai Aiqing, you can speak directly if you have something to say, how about it?"

The right servant of the Ministry of Rites glanced at First Young Master Liu, then looked at Li Ye and let out a sigh of relief.

"It's a little too militaristic!"

"My minister also agrees that in the last national war, the consumption of the national treasury has exceeded [-]% of the budget. If there is another northward levy, today's spring tax will still be hard to come by in March. With the current gold and silver in the treasury, I am afraid it will be"

"My minister agrees!"

"The minister also agrees!"

With Pan Yun taking the lead to speak, officials in twos and threes, officials in sevens and eights stood up one after another, all seconding Pan Yun's words, and they all felt that it was not a good opportunity to march again at this moment.

More and more courtiers stood up, as if adhering to the idea that the law does not blame the public, no matter how good the prestige of the side-by-side king is, they can't overshadow the sky with one hand above the court.

Seeing this situation, Li Ye's expression became more and more hesitant.

In fairness, he didn't want Liu Mingzhi to leave the court and go to northern Xinjiang, but he subconsciously thought that his uncle must be right to do so.

But now that so many courtiers are opposed to the expedition, how should I deal with it properly?
Li Ye's gaze subconsciously looked at Young Master Liu's position, and Li Ye's heart trembled when he saw it. At some point, Young Master Liu's complexion became gloomy and terrifying.

There was a stern cold light in the slightly squinted eyes.

Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths, and gradually returned to his usual expression. He turned his head and looked at the more than 20 officials behind him, Young Master Liu, and sneered twice.


(End of this chapter)

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