My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1507 Request to go north

Chapter 1507 Request to go north
More than [-] officials felt Young Master Liu's eyes, and they dodged subconsciously.

Immediately, he found that none of the colleagues around him had retreated, so he calmed down, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, and looked at First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes subconsciously looked at Jiang Yuanming, the Minister of the Household Department, who looked a little anxious.

Lao Jiang felt Young Master Liu's gaze, squinted his eyes and shook his head slightly, his eyes flickered slightly, telling Young Master Liu that Pan Yun's matter was not ordered by him.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze from Lao Jiang, glanced at the more than 20 officials in front of him again, and fell silent.

Pan Yun frowned slightly and glanced at the right servant of the Ministry of Rites beside him.

"My lord, Sir Dai's words are a little exaggerated, but the purpose is always for the court's consideration."

"The next official didn't intend to oppose the prince, but before you stepped down, you also served as the left servant of the household department, so you naturally understand the current situation of the treasury."

"With the current strength of the national treasury, it is indeed a bit powerless to support another campaign."

Hearing that a colleague spoke for him, and Liu Mingzhi was also lost in thought, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites looked at Young Master Liu's expression cautiously.

"My lord, my subordinate is a straightforward person. He always says what he says and what he says."

"My lord, you used to be from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and you have a much clearer understanding of the national treasury than the lower officials. The current strength of the national treasury is not enough to support the consumption of the second northern expedition, but you insist on going to the north for the second time, knowing that It cannot be done.”

"If this is not militarism, what is it?"

"In case, unfortunately, for three to five years, when the time comes, all the power of the whole country will be used to support the prince's Northern Expedition, causing the people to have no food to eat and no clothes to cover their bodies. Who should bear the responsibility?"

"The common people don't understand your lord's painstaking efforts to defend the country's borders. They only know that it was you who insisted on the second northern expedition, which led to the emptiness of the treasury and the sharp increase in taxes, which made them hungry and displaced them."

"My lord, the hearts of the people are like a ravine, and the anger and indignation cannot be appeased!"

"My lord, please think twice!"

"Going out now is definitely not a good opportunity!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, looked at the more than 20 officials in front of him with a strange expression, and laughed.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Liu Mingzhi applauded three times in a row, not only the twenty officials who came out, but even those officials who stayed above their own looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise, not knowing what he wanted to express.

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly and softly.

"My king has misjudged me. It turns out that all my colleagues are good officials who love the people like their own sons, and loyal ministers and righteous men for His Majesty!"

"I am very pleased, very pleased. It is my honor to be able to serve His Majesty together with you."

More than 20 officials stared blankly at First Young Master Liu, wondering if he said these words to flatter himself and others, or to say something ironic.

Liu Mingzhi gently clasped the thumb ring, and his main eyes lingered on Pan Yun and the right servant of the Ministry of Rites.

"I don't know what the two lords have to say. If the Turks, after the spring of the Kingdom of Jin, send troops south and invade our territory, what coups can the two lords have to repel the enemy?"

"Benwang Yulu, please two adults have a high-level discussion, open the book Wang Maosai!"

Pan Yun was taken aback for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and looked at the colleagues who stood up around him.

When these officials met Pan Yun's gaze, they were at a loss for what to do.

They only knew that the national treasury would not be able to support the expedition at this time, but when they thought of a clever way to retreat from the enemy, they were immediately stunned.

Pan Yun put his eyes on the right servant of the Ministry of Rites. The right servant of the Ministry of Rites also frowned, his eyes were mixed, obviously he didn't have any good ideas.

"From the point of view of the following officials, it is better to send envoys from Honglu Temple to the two countries to seek peace and avoid war!"

"Spend some gold and silver to let the two countries stop fighting for the time being, and when I recover, I will retaliate with a tooth for a tooth and revenge."

"Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. With our full assistance to Your Majesty, we will be able to revive my great dragon's power in three to five years."

"Good idea, seconded by the lower officials!"

"It only takes some gold, silver and jewelry to make the two countries stop fighting and make peace. This is an idea that has the best of both worlds!"

"The lower officials also agreed. At this time, we really can't use weapons anymore."

Liu Mingzhi trembled, and held back his trembling arms. If the Heavenly Sword hadn't been placed on the armament stand outside the hall, Young Master Liu's palm might have touched the hilt of the sword out of instinct.

Looking back at Li Ye who was sitting on the dragon chair, First Young Master Liu noticed the reluctance in Li Ye's eyes. It was obvious that the Turks were willing to seek peace and avoid war by spending gold and silver to fight for the kingdom of gold. Not so happy in my heart.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi calmed down a bit.

Looking back at more than 20 officials.

"Seeking peace and avoiding war, I don't know which adult's opinion is it?"

In an instant, more than 20 officials took a step back, revealing a middle-aged man standing in the middle.

When the middle-aged man saw this situation, the corners of his mouth trembled twice, and he held back his fear and looked at Young Master Liu.

"That's what the officer said!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the middle-aged official indifferently, and after thinking about it for a while, he remembered the identity of the official.

"Master Geng Chao, official doctor!"

"Yes, I'm an officer!"

Liu Mingzhi walked towards Geng Chao slowly, and stopped two steps away from him.

"Use gold and silver to tie the hearts of the two countries, seek peace and stop fighting."

"How did you come up with this idea, you can sit in the second class, it's really hard to see!"

As he spoke, Liu Mingzhi glanced at Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Tong Sansi on the right, then turned around and glanced at Manchao Wenwu.

"Gold and silver jewelry, gold and silver jewelry."


"If it is the Kingdom of Jin, the Turks are not satisfied with gold, silver and jewelry, but insist on going south? So what should you do?"

"Should I continue to give it?"

"Is it necessary to cede the land after giving gold, silver and jewelry?"

"After the land is cut off, do you still have to sacrifice the city?"

"Five cities today, ten cities tomorrow, but you can sleep overnight!"

"My dragon's land is limited, but the greed of the two countries is unlimited. In the end, should I send them over to the country, the country, and the mountains and rivers of [-] miles?"

"Follow it more and more, invade it more urgently!"

"Since that's the case, why don't you just send some gold, silver and jewels? My lord, why don't you give them Dalong's world directly from the beginning? It's all over!"

In the end, Young Master Liu was completely roaring his words. Seeing the officials shrinking their necks, Young Master Liu's fists were clenched.

"Hundreds of thousands of soldiers fought bloody battles, regained the lost ground with great difficulty, and flaunted our country's prestige. In your eyes, it turned out to be militarism!"

"You guys who can only talk about it, you shouldn't stay in the court, you should go to northern Xinjiang to see what it means to be displaced and what is meant by the suffering of the people's livelihood."

"This king insists on guarding the border, but it turns out to be a warlike one."

"Is your brain full of paste?"

"If this king does not lead troops to guard the border, relying only on the current strength of the six cities in northern Xinjiang, it will not be able to stop the Kingdom of Jin at all. Millions of cavalry from the Turkic countries will march south."

"Once the border town falls, the scourge of the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin will spread unimpeded all the way to the hinterland of our Great Dragon, until it reaches the gate of our capital."

"At that time, you don't want to use military force anymore, and you should think about how to save your life."

"The country is dead, you think the poor soldiers will have no chance!"

"You bow your heads and ears and admit that there is still a chance of survival in the enemy country."

"Where's Your Majesty? Where's Dalong Jiangnan?"

"A group of short-sighted guys, if the Great Dragon perishes, it will also perish in your hands!"

"In the last national war, this king led 30 brothers to fight, and only 20 came back, 10, 10, 10 died on the battlefield like this, and buried their bones in other places."

"For King Qin's protection, I still have the bones of [-] brothers lying in the ice and snow in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin, and no one has collected them!"

"They fought for the country, but they ended up dead without a place to die!"

"Now that the treasury is running out of money, you are afraid and say no more. How can you let me have the face to meet their heroic spirits in heaven after a hundred years?"

"Today, if there is someone who strikes back and seeks peace, I will let his blood splatter on the spot!"

Liu Mingzhi gasped heavily under the dull gazes of civil and military officials, walked to the dragon platform staggeringly, and knelt down on one knee under Li Ye's dragon platform.

In Li Ye's stunned eyes, Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye resolutely.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi asks for an order to go north."

(End of this chapter)

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