Chapter 1508
Li Ye stared blankly at First Young Master Liu, whose eyes revealed persistence and firmness. He had an illusion that came from nowhere and reverberated in his heart.

Regardless of whether I agree with Liu Mingzhi's request or not, my uncle will lead the army to the north to defend the border.

Li Ye couldn't tell where this feeling came from.

Perhaps it was because of Young Master Liu's resolute and resolute eyes, revealing a certain convincing expression.

All civil and military officials recovered from Young Master Liu's roar, looking at Young Master Liu's back kneeling in front of the dragon platform, their thoughts were complicated and unbearable for a while.

What is it that supports the side-by-side king's insistence on going north?

The civil servants thought so, but many elders on the side of the military officials looked at each other, seeing the fanaticism in each other's eyes one after another.

Without anyone taking the lead, dozens of military officers walked out holding the court wat together, and knelt down on one knee behind Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, please issue an order to go north."

"Your Majesty, please issue an order to go north."

"Your Majesty, please issue an order to go north."

The voices of the dozens of military officers were calm, but full of heroism and passion, mixed with the desire to fight in blood.

A group of civil servants headed by Pan Yun looked at the military officers beside them with a slightly flustered expression on their faces.

Things seemed to be beyond their expectations.

It turns out that the officials above the court who want to go north again are not only side by side with the king.

Lao Jiang sighed silently, glanced at Pan Yun who was standing beside him, with an indescribably elusive expression, slowly got up and walked out.

"Veteran Jiang Yuanming asks His Majesty to issue an order to go north. Your Majesty does not need to worry about food, grass, and money. This old minister will never let the soldiers of the Northern Expedition guard the country hungry."

"Veteran Song Yu asked His Majesty to issue an order to go north. Three days ago, the veteran has drawn up the conscription document and is preparing to submit it to His Majesty for distribution to the state capitals to recruit 20 new soldiers."

"One is to replenish the soldiers of the imperial guards who died in this battle, and the other is to replenish the six guards lost in the Northern Borderland War."

"The veteran thinks that it is reasonable to stand shoulder to shoulder with the king, and the internal affairs have been settled, so it is time to look to the frontier!"

Doctor Yu Shi muttered for a while, then walked out slowly.

"The old minister seconded the proposal, please send an order to go north."

As soon as Xia Gongming came out, the left and right ministers couldn't sit still anymore, and they stood up looking at Young Master Liu's back with deep meaning in their eyes.

"The old minister agrees!"

"The old minister also seconded!"

On the military officer's side, although Lord Yasukuni Yunyang is not in court, there are so many military generals who support him, which has become Young Master Liu's greatest help.

The three auxiliary ministers on the civil service side have seconded their opinions. This form is enough to show that the matter of another northern expedition is a foregone conclusion.

Seeing this situation, Li Ye's expression changed from hesitation to firmness, and he nodded silently.

"I'm sure!"

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi relaxed his eyes, and bowed heavily to Li Ye.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Hundreds of officials also joined in the discussion. Pan Yun and the others looked at the surrounding colleagues with complex expressions, and saluted with the wat.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Li Ye stood up gently, took out a blank imperial decree, spread it out, and began to pick up the vermilion brush on the dragon case and dip it in ink to write.

After a while, Li Ye dried up the ink on the imperial decree, picked up the Jade Seal of Chuanguo and covered it heavily.

Li Ye picked up the imperial decree and examined it for a while, then handed it to Su An who was beside him, gave him a look, and signaled Su An to send it to First Young Master Liu.

Su Annai was Li Ye's playmate since she was a child, and she understood Li Ye's meaning with just one look, and took the imperial decree and walked down the dragon platform gently to stop in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Shoulder with King Liu Mingzhi to receive the order!"

"Chen Liu Mingzhi accepts the order!"

"Emperor Dalong said!"

"Turk, the Kingdom of Jin, and those who are ambitious like wolves, look at my treasured land of great dragons."

"Order King Liu Mingzhi to lead the troops to the north, protect the peace of our northern border, and protect the peace and prosperity of our people in northern Xinjiang!"

"Kin this!"

"Chen Liu Mingzhi leads the decree to thank you, long live long live!"

Su An didn't say anything, but Li Ye spoke first.

"Free admission!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Holding the imperial decree, Liu Mingzhi slowly returned to his place. Young Master Liu, who put away the imperial decree, just wanted to take out the two volumes he had written. He looked at the civil and military officials around him and hesitated for a while, but in the end he still didn't take it out. .

The five-volume township book and ten-volume governance policy are the essence of governing the country that I spent nearly eight days writing. Given the current situation of the court, it is better not to let the officials know.

After the court is over, I will hand it over to Li Ye myself.

Li Ye has been watching First Young Master Liu's every move, and seeing his hesitation when he returned to his position, the curiosity in his eyes flashed away, and he glanced at the group of courtiers below.

"My dear friends, what else do you want to play?"

"Report to Your Majesty, Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, has a book to play!"


"Reporting to Your Majesty, on the day your Majesty ascended the throne, he offered sacrifices to the heavens and told his ancestors that he wanted Enke."

With Du Chenghao as the first, the ministers of the six departments and nine temples filed memorials one by one.

Naturally, the Ministry of Officials was talking about the enthronement of the new emperor this year and the selection of Enke scholars. Du Chenghao had drawn up the regulations early and waited for Li Ye's review.

Li Ye naturally remembered the words he said when he ascended the throne, carefully reviewed them, and played them down without any amiss.

The affairs of the household department are nothing more than this year's spring tax. Pan Yun, a servant of the household department, knows the current situation of the treasury, let alone Lao Jiang, an old fox who has been in charge of the household department for many years.

Old Jiang explained the disadvantages after the suppression of the rebellion, and listed dozens of regulations that made Li Ye dizzy. The original intention was the same as various methods to restore the former wealth of the national treasury.

As for the Ministry of Works, repairing the city wall would naturally require a lot of construction work. The Minister of the Ministry of Works cried for a while, Li Ye gritted his teeth and agreed to transfer a batch of money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to complete the repair of the city wall, so it was nothing.

Song Yu had just brought up the matter of the Ministry of War, and Song Yu simply said a few words before Li Ye agreed.

Now there are only more than 3 imperial guards left in the capital, and more than 1 military guards of soldiers and horses.

Just 4 people are far from enough to protect a huge capital. Li Ye will never forget his father's panic expression at the beginning, and his miserable situation of fleeing with his mother and concubine.

At the beginning, there were nearly 15 soldiers and horses defending the Imperial Guards in the capital plus the soldiers and horses, but now there are only more than 4 people left.

Li Ye, who had experienced the previous incident, felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, and naturally agreed to the conscription without hesitation.

The Ministry of Punishment mentioned a few times about the regulations on amnesty for the world, and after Li Ye agreed, it was considered a result.

The Minister of Rites held a thick memorial and looked at Li Ye with a faint smile.

"Your Majesty, the country cannot be without a king for a day, and the harem cannot be without a owner for a day."

"Your Majesty is now ten and four, and has reached the age of marriage. The Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager has summoned the ministers into the harem several times, and mentioned to the ministers about the selection of concubines for Your Majesty."

"Now that the government is almost stable, Your Majesty, for the sake of the country and the country, please choose the empress and concubine as soon as possible."

Li Ye's face turned red when he heard the words of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, with a hint of coddling.

"Let the Ministry of Rites draw up the regulations!"

"Old minister obeys!"

(End of this chapter)

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