Chapter 1509
Three poles in the sun.

Today's court meeting is finally over.

This is the first time since Li Ye came to the throne, he has experienced the feeling of being busy with government affairs, and his mind is full of various things instilled by civil and military officials.

Li Ye, who stood up from the dragon chair, subconsciously walked towards the back of the hall when he heard Su An's voice calling for retreat.

Now his mind is completely muddled, and all kinds of memorials are intertwined into a mess.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

After Li Ye's back disappeared, all the officials left the court one after another, Young Master Liu slapped his legs, and looked at Pan Yun not far away with an unnatural expression.

Under Pan Yun's somewhat bewildered gaze, First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and walked towards Pan Yun.

"Master Pan, how about talking while walking?"

Pan Yun was startled, nodded subconsciously, and turned sideways hastily when he came back to his senses.

"My lord, please!"

"Don't be cautious, please!"

"Don't dare, my lord please first!"

First Young Master Liu knew what Pan Yun was worried about, it was nothing more than fear that he would take personal revenge on him because of the incident just now.

Could it be that his reputation above the court is so unbearable?

Well, Young Master Liu murmured in his heart, and finally had to admit that his reputation above the court was true and that was it!

"According to what this king knows, Mr. Pan, you should be a Jinshi official in the 24th year of Xuande, right?"

Pan Yun hurriedly nodded: "My lord is right. The next official is Enke who entered the temple in the 24th year of Xuande. The past is like dust and smoke. More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, looking at Pan Yun, who was three or four years older than him, and sighed.

"That's right, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. Speaking of which, Mr. Pan is still the king's senior!"

"At this age, being able to sit in the position of Minister of the Household Department is enough to show that Mr. Pan is a rare middle-aged and young talent!"

"My lord praised me absurdly. How dare I be called a young talent when I am an official in front of my lord. But my lord can deserve this title."

"I think back then, the prince was still a foreigner, but now he is an extremely human minister, and he has thrown the subordinates thousands of miles away."

"to be frank"

Pan Yun hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and looked directly at Young Master Liu's surprised gaze.

"To be honest, I admire the prince very much, but I still want to ask in my heart, is the prince's insistence on going north this time really suitable for the current situation of the court?"

"The words of the court today, the official did not intend to oppose the prince, let alone make enemies with the prince."

"However, in his position, he seeks his own government and does his best."

"The prince is no longer an official in the Ministry of Household Affairs. I don't know how serious the situation of the treasury is now."

"The millions of taels of gold and silver divided up by the king of Shu disappeared, and together with the consumption of defending against the rebels of the kings, if the prince leads the army to march north again, the treasury will really be hurt."

"No one can tell whether God will open his eyes this year. In case of natural disasters such as drought, locust plague, and floods, if the treasury does not have enough silver to support the consumption of refugees, there will be chaos in the rear."

"At that time, there will be rioters behind and enemy troops in front, which will be even more unfavorable to the prince."

"Your Majesty, no matter whether His Majesty has issued an order to allow you to lead the troops to the north, I still have to speak out."

"Sending troops at this time, I always feel that it is not the best opportunity."

"The prince's worries have just been stated in the court, the pros and cons, and the officials also understand the prince's difficulties!"

"It is precisely because of this that I hope that you, my lord, will carefully consider the matter of going out."

"My lord, the soldiers and horses under your command are different from the ordinary army. Just the consumption of the horses that the cavalry soldiers sit on is a huge test for the current court!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Pan Yun's serious expression indifferently, raised his hand and gently patted Pan Yun's shoulder.

"Master Pan, don't worry, if this king harbors resentment towards you because of matters above the court, he won't come out to chat with you."

"You are a loyal and responsible minister. As the Minister of the Household Department, it is your duty to consider for the treasury!"

"This king naturally knows that you have your difficulties."


"Master Pan, your vision is not far-sighted enough!"

"You don't know the Golden Queen and the Great Turkic Khan, but this king knows what they are like."

"To put it bluntly, if this king doesn't go to the north to defend the frontier at this moment, just relying on the current strength of the six cities in northern Xinjiang, our dragon will be defeated by the iron cavalry of the two countries within half a year, and the country will eventually perish. possible!"

"Don't think that this king is scaremongering! You just have to take... well, forget it, you don't understand what this king told you!"

"This king has one thing to say, and another to say two."

"Master Pan, if your vision can be farther-reaching, this king believes that there will be a place for you among the red and purple robes above the court in the future."

"Do your own thing well, I look forward to the day when you will become one of His Majesty's pillars."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he patted Pan Yun's shoulder with a light smile, and walked towards the palace gate in a hurry.

Pan Yun stared at Young Master Liu's back in a daze, with a complicated expression on his face. Wasn't the side-by-side king not going to care about things that he was going against him in the court?
Young Master Liu walked out of the palace gate all the way, stopped in front of a stall, fiddled with the gadgets in his hand and began to watch them.

After waiting for about half an hour, no more officials came out of the palace. Young Master Liu picked up the gadget in his hand, threw a piece of silver to the vendor owner and walked towards the palace gate.

The general guarding the gate in the morning watched the young master Liu who had gone and returned hurriedly greeted him.

"My lord, did you leave something in the palace?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head indifferently: "I didn't leave anything in the palace, the reason why I came back is that I have something very important to go to the imperial study to hand over to His Majesty."

The general hesitated for a moment, then backed away.

"My lord, please!"

"It's work!"

After Young Master Liu entered Lin'an Gate, he rushed all the way towards the Imperial Study Room. On the way, he met many eunuchs and retreated after seeing Young Master Liu salute.

Looking at the figures of the eunuchs who hurriedly disappeared, Liu Mingzhi sighed with a sad face.

How many of these unremarkable little eunuchs and maids of honor are someone else's eyeliner!

Not to mention other people's stories, maybe some of the court ladies and eunuchs I met had the eyeliner of my aunt Liu Yingying hiding in it.

While walking, Liu Mingzhi took out two books from his arms and patted them.

After handing over the two books to Li Ye, he can rest assured that he will go to the north.

As long as Li Ye is not a fool, studying these two books carefully will surely restore the power of the dragon.

Staying on the steps in front of the Hall of Qinzheng, Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the majestic Hall of Qinzheng in front of him, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

For this expedition, I don't know how long it will take to return to the court.

Maybe there will be no chance to return to the court in the future. After I have to seal the 150 second state capital, I am afraid that I will never have the chance to stand on the court again.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the Palace of Qinzheng in a daze for a long time, and suddenly grinned.

He seemed to see Li Zheng, Li Baiyu and his son standing outside the hall and smiling softly at him.

"Father, brother, rest in peace!"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and walked towards the Imperial Study Room at the back of the hall!

When he reached the end of the school yard, Liu Mingzhi glanced in the direction of the palace gate, or in other words, the Liu Mansion which was leaning towards the southeast, and then let out a long and faint sigh.

Old man, be quiet.

Son, I have lived for more than 30 years, and I really don't want to have a frank talk with you face to face.

How can a person have no shortcomings, unless he deliberately hides them deeply.

There is no secret in this world that can stand scrutiny!

Son, I just don't want to think about it.

PS: There are two shifts today and tomorrow. The younger brother’s father has some troublesome trifles, so he has to go back and eat the manuscripts for these two days.

I hope the brothers understand the difficulty of being a son of man, and will make up for it as soon as possible after returning!

(End of this chapter)

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