My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1510 Good medicine is bitter

Chapter 1510 Good medicine is bitter
The news of Young Master Liu's departure and return was passed on to Su An, the chief executive, by the little eunuch outside the imperial study.

Su An, who was well aware of Young Master Liu's position in Li Ye's heart, naturally did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly reported the matter to Li Ye.

Li Ye, who was sitting in front of Longan and was tossed by the memorial, his eyes lit up when he heard Su An's words, and he hurriedly put down the ink pen in his hand and walked out of the hall.

"Uncle, why are you back?"

After Li Ye asked this sentence, he regretted it, because he suddenly remembered the hesitant face of Young Master Liu in the Palace of Qinzheng. Doesn't the uncle's departure and return coincide with the previous expression?
"Chen Liu Mingzhi sees His Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"Uncle, hurry up and give up the courtesy, please come in!"

"Uncle, this is at the back of the hall, not above the court hall. We don't speak differently as a family, and we must not practice such etiquette when we see our children in the future."

"Let's talk in the palace."

Liu Mingzhi gently straightened up and shook his head silently.

"Your Majesty, courtesy cannot be abandoned."

"Although I'm your uncle, I'm also a courtier."

"It's a matter of course for me to salute Your Majesty. Your Majesty must not be too humble, otherwise you will lose the majesty of the emperor."

Although Li Ye was humble enough in front of him, Young Master Liu couldn't believe it.

He knew too little about Li Ye. At the age of 14, when a person was already mentally sound, it was better not to be foolish in front of Li Ye like he was in front of Li Zheng and his son.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, sometimes they must clarify their position.

If someone gives you a pole, you can climb up along it, and you will die sooner or later.

Liu Mingzhi didn't want to have a reputation of relying on his talents and neglecting the emperor.

Li Ye looked at Young Master Liu's bowed body, the complex look in his eyes flashed away, and he nodded silently.

"Forget it, uncle can do whatever he gets used to in the future, Ye'er doesn't force you to do it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Uncle, please come inside. As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, there must be something important when you go and come back. Let's discuss it in detail inside."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

First Young Master Liu complimented, and followed Li Ye into the imperial study.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, First Young Master Liu's gaze subconsciously scanned.

Ever since the incident of Li Yunlong's rebellion happened, Liu Mingzhi understood that it was not easy in this small imperial study.

Maybe dozens of pairs of eyes stared at me the moment I entered the door, and the source was nothing more than experts and spies.

As for whether there are other forces, First Young Master Liu does not know.

Glancing at the portrait about half a foot smaller hanging next to Li Zheng, Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, feeling a sudden soreness in his heart, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

The portrait is naturally Li Baiyu's portrait, but compared to Li Zheng's portrait, Li Baiyu's portrait is too young.

Thinking of the words that Li Chengbai, the new patriarch of the clan, said that the late emperor died young, and the day of his death will naturally be different from that of the ancestors. Liu Mingzhi faintly remembered the last time he saw Li Baiyu before he left for the expedition. past.

Who would have thought that this farewell would become an eternal farewell.

"Your Majesty, can I offer incense to the late Emperor?"

"Of course, Ye'er will hold incense for you."

After Li Ye finished speaking, he took a step forward and walked to the altar under the portrait, took out nine incense sticks and lit them on the candle.

When Gao Xiang emitted curling smoke, Li Ye handed Gao Xiang to Liu Mingzhi.

"Uncle, Grandpa Huang Liuxiang, Father Huang Sanxiang."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, took the high incense and put them in the incense burners respectively, then lifted the hem of his clothes and saluted a few times.

"My father is above me, my brother is above me, may you all have spirits in the sky, and bless my Dalong, Jiangshan, safe and sound, and prosper day by day."

Liu Mingzhi stood up, sighed, took out the two books he wrote and placed them in front of Li Ye.

Looking at Li Ye's puzzled expression, Liu Mingzhi waved his hand slightly: "Your Majesty, speak at the table!"

"it is good!"

Li Ye sat on the dragon chair, and wanted the eunuch to arrange a chair for First Young Master Liu, but found Young Young Master Liu standing straight opposite his desk, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

Gently place the books on both sides separately in front of Li Ye.

Young Master Liu gently lifted the cover of the first book.

"Your Majesty, the late Emperor unfortunately passed away on a grand trip. Your Majesty is young, the situation in the court is complicated, and all the officials have different thoughts."

"Especially the veterans left behind by Emperor Ruizong, if they rely on their status to do something against His Majesty, with His Majesty's current power, it will be difficult to control them."

"Your Majesty is about to march to the north, so you can rest assured about everything, except that your majesty can control these civil and military ministers."

"In the beginning, Your Majesty, they were afraid of the majesty of the emperor, and they might respect His Majesty."

"If time has passed, and His Majesty is still unable to dominate the crowd, then these courtiers will definitely have a different heart."

"When the monarch is weak and the minister is strong, the country is in great trouble."

"If the minister is in the capital, he can still guard the court for His Majesty, assist His Majesty in rectifying the court program, and help His Majesty to support the country's hegemony."

"However, the Turkic and Jin Kingdom's military calamity is just around the corner. I can only avoid the minor ones and focus on the war in northern Xinjiang."

"The harm between the two powers is the lesser, Your Majesty, the current situation has changed drastically, and external troubles are far more serious than internal troubles."

"That's why, His Majesty is the only one who bears the burden of the affairs of court. I hope that Your Majesty will allow me, Dalong, to restore the glory of the prosperous age."

"Reproduce Ruizong, the majesty of the emperor of the two previous emperors of Wuzong."

Li Ye looked at Young Master Liu's sad expression, and his eyes were slightly sore.

What my uncle said, even my father never said it to me, Li Ye is already mentally sound, let's not talk about his imperial power, but it doesn't mean that he can't feel the ardent hope for him in Liu's words .


Liu Mingzhi sighed and shook his head.

"Your Majesty, I have nothing to repay the kindness of the past emperors for two generations. I can only be loyal to Your Majesty and do the work of dogs and horses."

"The Northern Expedition is imminent, and when I think of the difficulties that His Majesty may encounter in the future, I will sigh day and night, sleep and eat, fearing that I will disappoint the high expectations of the two generations of emperors."

"Thus, although I haven't entered the imperial court these days, it's not just playing around in the world. Instead, I'm thinking carefully behind closed doors, and I want to find some good strategies for governing the country for Your Majesty."

"The heavens pay off, and perhaps the heavens also take pity on the minister's painstaking efforts, and finally ordered the minister to write two books and dedicate them to His Majesty."

"I hope His Majesty will study it carefully and realize his own way of being an emperor from it."

"Five volumes of government documents, ten volumes of government policies."

"These two books are the good prescriptions for treating Dalong's current problems. Your Majesty must face up to Dalong's problems today, and find a good prescription from them to diagnose and treat Dalong."

"Use the medicine to cure the disease!"

Li Ye subconsciously put his eyes on the two books on the table.

The cover of the book is not gorgeous, there are no drawings on it, only the six characters of Zhenguoshu and Governance Policy.

"Uncle, this."

"Your Majesty, after the minister leaves for the north, Your Majesty must rely more on the assistance of Mr. Xia Gongming Xia."

"Among the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, Lord Xia cannot be said to have no selfishness, but when it comes to being loyal to the public, Lord Xia is absolutely unique."

"Left Prime Minister and Right Prime Minister are too power-hungry, Your Majesty must be careful to guard against the two, let them check and balance each other, and must not let one family dominate."

"The six ministers in the six books are all good ministers who govern the country. Maybe they are slightly deficient in some aspects, but the means of governing the country are enough to make up for everything."

"Your Majesty must not let them retire and return to their hometowns. When the government is stable and there are great talents who will advance later, His Majesty will decide whether to allow them to return to their hometowns."

Li Ye frowned and looked at First Young Master Liu with a loud voice.

"Uncle, you've talked too much, Ye'er can't remember, the court has already messed up Ye'er's mind today."

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Li Ye sadly.

"I almost forgot that Li Ye has just come to the court several times, and I have said a lot, it is understandable that Li Ye can't bear it!"

"Your Majesty, you will have a rest. I will wait for you outside the hall. When you have rested, I will come in again."

"It's not good!"

"It's nothing bad, if the affairs of the court are not properly arranged, how can the minister be able to go north with peace of mind!"

"This book of the state, the policy of governing the country is the only good medicine you rely on now, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, for the sake of our ancestors' foundation, it is inevitable to suffer a lot!"

"Your Majesty, take it as a good medicine that tastes bitter and is good for the disease."

(End of this chapter)

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