Chapter 1511
Young Master Liu stopped in the imperial study room and went out in a daze for how long he forgot.

It wasn't until Su An's soft voice brought him back to his senses. Looking at the setting sun, Young Master Liu let out a breath of foul air. It turned out that he had been standing for so long.

"My lord, His Majesty called you in when he wanted to take a nap, but he fell asleep for more than an hour without thinking."

"Your Majesty is applying cold water to his face, let us invite you in, my lord."

"it is good!"

Following Su An again into the imperial study room, several lights had already been lit in the hall, illuminating the slightly dim hall brightly.

Li Ye came out from behind the screen with an apologetic face, his face was still stained with water that hadn't been wiped clean.

"Uncle, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting."

"Two mornings in a row, Ye'er hasn't gotten used to it yet, so she slept for so long all at once."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's okay, Your Majesty, you are still young, and it's understandable that you can't bear the fatigue brought by the morning court. I think that I fell asleep soundly when I sat in the Qinzheng Hall for the first time in the morning court."

"If it wasn't because of that early morning sleep, Chen Yuwan, well, that's all, let's not talk about the past!"

"Your Majesty, I will now give you a detailed interpretation of the township book, the essential content of the state governance policy, and some trivial issues. Your majesty needs to study it by yourself."

Li Ye nodded hurriedly, sitting on the dragon chair, his expression was as serious as if he was listening to the teacher's teaching in the country.

"Okay, sorry to trouble uncle."

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment and spoke softly.

"The policy of strengthening the country is first to make the country rich, and the country is rich and the people are strong, so the world is safe."

"The country's wealth is the most important thing, and it must be leaked to the people. The people's wealth will make the country strong! The people's wealth and the country's prestige will rise, and the people will support them. If the world is safe, the temple will be stable."

"At the end of the day, the small bereaved are rich and honored with the officials. However, the number must be carefully controlled, and the choice of people must be discerning."

"A good official who is rich will be loyal and sincere; a weak official who is rich will be greedy and mediocre."

"Rich country, rich people, rich officials, all in one word!"

"There is a limit to everything, and excess can lead to peril."

"Sage Words"

"Probably the essential ministers of the first volume have already explained it to His Majesty in detail, and His Majesty can study the small articles in it by himself."

Li Ye nodded, and kept waving the vermilion pen in his hand on the clean rice paper. The slightly vigorous handwriting recorded every obscure word that Young Master Liu had said.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Li Ye with gratified eyes.

Being suddenly proclaimed on the throne, Li Ye's imperial power was blank. Liu Mingzhi was always worried that Li Ye was too young to listen to slander and mislead the country and the people.

Seeing Li Ye's kind words now, Liu Mingzhi finally let go of his hanging heart.

Seeing Li Ye stop writing, Liu Mingzhi cleared his throat.

"Volume Two, The Art of Control!"

"He who has power is also prestige."

"People go to high places, and water flows to low places. The reason why people enroll in the recruitment of scholars is nothing more than power and wealth."

"Of course, there are pros and cons to power."

"Good people use it to benefit the people of the world, and evil people use it to harm the country and the people."

"People's hearts are separated from the belly, and the good and evil of people can't be seen at a glance."

"Integrity officials are not necessarily good, and corrupt officials are not necessarily evil."

"Clear people strive for fame, corrupt officials seek profit."

"There are many mediocre people who strive for fame, and those who are greedy for money may not necessarily be good talents."

"When looking at good and evil, the government is the first thing to look at, then the people, and then the governance."

"Its government is full of loopholes, the people are not able to live, the law and order are in a mess, and the clean flow may not be good; its government is clear, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the law and order are stable and orderly, and those who are greedy for money may not be evil!"

"Qingliu is not for money, but only for fame. He usually talks about his heart and mind, and dies to repay the king when he is in danger. This kind of Qingliu is a great evil."

"Therefore, those who are in power, the first is to employ people, and the second is to weigh."

"Keep those who can be controlled, and drive or kill those who cannot be controlled."

Li Ye was taken aback by the action he recorded, and looked at Young Master Liu with a dignified expression in surprise.

"Uncle, kill him? Will this be too serious?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head lightly: "This is the next volume that I want to tell His Majesty!"

"Emperor's power!"

Li Ye stared blankly at First Young Master Liu and murmured.

"Emperor's power!"

"The emperor is respected, his face cannot be violated, and his majesty cannot be violated."

"Dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die."

"Your Majesty's Nilin is the imperial power."

"If the imperial power falls, the country will decline, and the country will eventually perish."

"Imperial power is paramount, and the emperor is respected."

"In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. Love is a last resort. Only killing can solve all worries."


"There are three types of killing."

"Kill them with your own hands, force them to die, and kill with a knife."

"Killing him with his own hands and forcing him to die is not in line with the style of an emperor. Your Majesty should first use the technique of killing with a knife."

"What is killing with a borrowed knife? Killing the right with the left and cutting the left with the right is the simplest method of killing with a borrowed knife."

"How to kill someone with a knife depends on whether your majesty can understand the trade-off technique mentioned in the previous volume."

"The simplest and clearest thing is the dispute between civil and military forces."

"Writers focus on wind, warriors focus on wrists, and the two."

The lights in the imperial study room were dim and dim, Young Master Liu was eloquently explaining the two books he had compiled, while Li Ye was bowing his head and swiping his brush. The rice paper on one side of the table was already stacked up to the height of four fingers.

Su An led four or five little eunuchs standing not far from the two of them, holding several candles in their hands.

Once Su An saw that the candles around the table were burning lower and lower, and the light was not so conspicuous, he called a few young eunuchs to replace the candles next to him lightly.

Liu Mingzhi seemed to be in a good state, his eloquence was eloquent, his tongue was brilliant, and he couldn't stop blurting out golden and jade good words.

When his mouth was dry, Liu Mingzhi completely subconsciously picked up the teapot at the side and pecked at his moist and parched throat, and then he began to speak eloquently again.

Whenever Young Master Liu drank water, Li Ye always wiped the sweat off his forehead in his busy schedule, moved his sore wrist in a hurry, and started to describe again with Young Master Liu's opening.

"Governing the country is the first priority of governing the people."

"The people support the imperial court, and the country will be stable. These contents are very similar to the descriptions in the first volume of the Zhenguoshu."

"It's just a little more detailed list in the book Governance Policies, the essentials of governing the people."

"The people can carry a boat, but they can also overturn it."

"Your Majesty must control the scale well, and don't let the huge ship Dalong become precarious in the sea of ​​people."

"The hearts of the people are safe, and the safety of the people lies in the two words of food and clothing."

"If the people have no worries about food and clothing, the world will be safe and sound, and the imperial court will be as solid as gold."

"This is the next policy, the policy of controlling the people."

"Control the people."

Liu Mingzhi seemed to have forgotten the time, until the sound of drums in the palace, Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and subconsciously glanced at the palace gate.

Looking at the golden sky, Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, why the sun hasn't set yet.

Young Master Liu's eyes flashed past the little eunuchs who were dozing off on the pillars of the palace, he was startled, and leaned forward to look outside the palace.

When he saw the rising sun in the east, Young Master Liu was slightly stunned.

Realizing that the golden light was not the afterglow of the setting sun, but the morning glow of the rising sun, Young Master Liu realized it.

I and Li Ye have been right for a whole night.

Why didn't I notice it at all.

"Uncle, go on, are you gone?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently.

"Your Majesty, it's dawn, we've been talking all night."

Li Ye was stunned, and hurried out of the dragon case and ran towards the gate of the palace.

Looking at the rays of the rising sun in the east, Li Ye murmured in a daze.

"How did it go so fast!"

Liu Mingzhi walked towards the gate of the palace, stopped half a foot behind Li Ye and looked at the morning glow.

"Your Majesty, I should go."

(End of this chapter)

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