Chapter 1513
Full of doubts, Liu Mingzhi rushed towards the Liu Mansion.

Although Young Master Liu was riding a horse, his soul wandered into the sky, but the python robe on his body allowed him and his mount to walk on the street unimpeded.

Seeing Young Master Liu's clothes, the common people knew that Young Master Liu's identity was extraordinary, and they subconsciously moved out of the way, leaving Feng Xing enough space to drive on.

Young Master Liu's mind is now full of the fearful aura outside the palace gate.

Those murderous auras are so clear, why can't I notice anything when I try to sense them carefully.

Liu Mingzhi suspected that it might be his own illusion, but would he have such an unreliable illusion about his half-step innate strength?Young Master Liu still had some doubts in his heart.

Young Master Liu's whole body trembled, and he came back to his senses immediately. He was drenched by the flood from the sky from the top of his head to his body and even under the belly of the horse.

"Damn it, who has no quality"

Young Master Liu's cursing words stopped abruptly, and he stared blankly at Huang Lingyi, Xue Bizhu and his daughters who were also staring at him in a daze, blinking their eyes a few times.

Turning his neck and looking around, he realized that he had unknowingly walked to the door of Penglai Restaurant.

The two women wore thin obscene clothes that were tightly pressed against their smooth skin, their pretty faces were flushed with steam, their hair was wet and hadn't been wiped off, and half of their white and tender collarbones were leaning against the window, The white and tender hands of the two women were holding a steaming wooden ladle together.


Feng Xing's sneeze brought First Young Master Liu back to his senses, subconsciously looked up, and watched the two women who looked stunned wipe away the scented water marks on their faces.

After a little thought, Young Master Liu seemed to understand something.

I have suffered a disaster without reason.

For no reason, he was drenched all over by the bath water after the two women took a bath. As for the reason, it can be understood by looking at the wooden ladle that the two women are holding at the same time.

In all likelihood, the two women got into a fight while cleaning up the bath water, and accidentally spilled the water, and they themselves suffered an indiscriminate disaster just in time.

How do you say that.

It's better to catch up early than to be smart, and it's better to catch up well than to splash well.

"Lingyi, Bizhu, what's the situation with you two, Brother Liu, I didn't provoke you, did you bring me a scoop of hot water early in the morning, isn't it a bit too much?"

The two sisters Xue Bizhu also came to their senses when they heard Young Master Liu's slightly teasing words, and looked at Young Master Liu with pretty faces in embarrassment.

"Brother Liu?"

"Brother Liu?"

Young Master Liu shrugged helplessly, and smiled wryly at the two girls who looked embarrassed.

"Who else could it be? Why is your tone so surprised?"

The two girls hurriedly withdrew their delicate bodies leaning against the window and ran towards the house. Huang Lingyi, the more daring girl, leaned out again from Young Master Liu's weird face.

"Brother Liu, wait a minute, we will come down after we clean up and apologize to you."

First Young Master Liu hesitated for a moment, then looked around at the people passing by with strange expressions on his face, thinking that he must be embarrassing looking like a drowned chicken.

Thinking of the words he left to the two girls on the eve of his expedition, First Young Master Liu sighed, got off his horse and walked towards the door of Penglai Restaurant.

After tying the reins of the horse to the tethering post, Young Master Liu carefully looked at the restaurant in front of him.

Standing in front of the steps, I can clearly observe the smoke from the kitchen in the backyard of the restaurant. The restaurant has not opened in the early morning. Except for myself standing here like a fool, the pedestrians on the street are all in a hurry, busy with their own affairs .

After half a stick of incense, the door of the restaurant suddenly opened, and Huang Lingyi looked out from behind the door, fully dressed.

Looking at Young Master Liu who was all wet, Huang Lingyi shrank her neck in embarrassment.

"Brother Liu, would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"

First Young Master Liu spread his hands and smiled wryly twice.

"Accident or not, let's not talk about it, can I let the eldest brother go in first? Don't you feel like a big fool when you are standing at the door of the restaurant in the early morning?"

"Especially brother, I'm wet with your sisters now! Don't you think that you have to think about it for your brother when you are completely out of the cold weather?"

Huang Lingyi was taken aback, her pretty face suddenly became hot.

Apparently Young Master Liu's wet body joke made Jiaren think wrongly, and was mistaken for the word "defeat".

Young Master Liu looked at Huang Lingyi whose beautiful eyes were trembling, walked directly towards the gate, and flicked Huang Lingyi's pure white forehead with his fingers.

"Silly girl, what kind of filthy things are you thinking about? Big brother said wet, wet body! Do you understand?"

Looking at Young Master Liu who entered uninvited, Huang Lingyi rubbed his forehead and looked towards the street outside the door like a thief, then closed the door and chased after Young Master Liu.

"Brother Liu, what do you want to do? At worst, our sisters are responsible!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned and then laughed: "Hehe, you stinky girl, brother is just kidding you, you say these things? You don't feel ashamed!"

Huang Lingyi's clear and beautiful eyes dimmed, showing regret without any concealment.

Shrugging her shoulders helplessly, Huang Lingyi quickened her pace and walked upstairs with First Young Master Liu.

"Brother Liu, please go upstairs, the tea is ready. By the way, you are not staying at home this morning, enjoying the blessings of the whole family with your beautiful wife and concubine in your arms. How could you be in our sister's restaurant? What a coincidence. Is the sister wet?"

Huang Lingyi's carefree personality is completely different from Xue Bizhu's. Just this one word can tell that she is a woman who dares to love, dare to hate, and can take jokes.

For these two women who had unusual feelings for him, Liu Mingzhi didn't want to hide anything.

"Brother, I went to the palace to play against His Majesty and the monarchs. I worked all night and didn't sleep. Didn't you come here before I reached the door of the house?"

"It's all right now. I was still drowsy and my eyes were trembling, but I was refreshed by your ladle of water."

"Thanks to the hot water, if it is cold water, brother's body that is not strong at all will be made worse by your sisters."

"Especially the place that big brother values ​​the most. According to the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction, if it is poured with cold water in this weather, it must be shortened by a mere inch or two."


Huang Lingyi stared blankly at Young Master Liu and realized for a moment that she was born in a brothel, after all, she was different from a lady who lived in a boudoir for a long time, and she still understood some dirty words after being baffled by her ears and eyes.

Looking at First Young Master Liu with a strange face, Huang Lingyi blushed unnaturally.

"It's hard to say whether there are one or two inches in total, and it's only one or two inches short."

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he looked at Huang Lingyi with twitching corners of his eyes, and raised his hand to flick Huang Lingyi's forehead, but he dodged it nimbly.

"Smelly girl, who are you looking down on? Next time you dare to talk nonsense, brother will beat your head to pieces."

Huang Lingyi stepped back and stuck out her tongue at First Young Master Liu.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. It doesn't count if what my little sister says is true or not, and it doesn't count whether what you say is true or false."

"You are really capable, but you let the little sisters see and see!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huang Lingyi's playful face silently, dodged his eyes for a while, and stretched out his hand to push open the door of the boudoir of the two girls.

"Bizhu, is it convenient for you now? Brother is ready to come in!"

"It's convenient, little sister, brother, come in quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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