My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1514 We are waiting for you

Chapter 1514 We are waiting for you
Young Master Liu stopped in front of the two girls' boudoirs, always feeling that the conversation with Xue Bizhu just now was a bit weird.

With a coquettish laugh, First Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and looked at Huang Lingyi's uncontrollably funny expression beside him in surprise, Young Young Master Liu thought carefully, the conversation between the two of them just now was indeed a bit fairy.

Those who didn't know thought it was the content of the couple's chatting with each other when they lived in harmony.

After casting a blank glance at Huang Lingyi, a girl who is very yellow and very manly at heart, Young Master Liu walked straight towards the boudoir of the two girls.

As soon as he walked in, Young Master Liu saw Xue Bizhu carrying a small wooden bucket, standing beside a delicate bathtub, cleaning the bath water inside with a wooden ladle.

First Young Master Liu twitched the corner of his mouth, it turned out that what was poured on him was really bath water.

Xue Bizhu looked at Young Master Liu who walked in with a blushing face, put down the wooden bucket in his hand and walked in front of Young Master Liu uneasily, showing a completely different reaction from the carefree Huang Lingyi.

"Brother Liu, I was really sorry just now. When our sisters were fighting and snatching the wooden ladle, we were careless. Careless."

"Little sister didn't expect that you happened to pass by downstairs. It's such a coincidence."

First Young Master Liu sat directly on the chair, lifted the pot and poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it all in one gulp. Looking at Xue Bizhu's anxious expression, he waved his hands indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, it's just the water for bathing. The big brother is mainly afraid that you will have a little quirk when bathing, such as letting the accumulated water in your body relax, it will be really powerful."

Xue Bizhu was stunned for a moment, thought carefully about Young Master Liu's words and hurriedly shook his head: "How can my little sister pee?"

Xue Bizhu glanced at Young Master Liu with a red face as she spoke, her tender body writhing uneasily.

"Young Master Liu, why have you become so dishonest now? Who would do such shameful things while taking a bath? You're not a child anymore."

"Brother will."



Young Master Liu covered his stomach and waved his hands, Xue Bizhu's shy look made him want to tease this more restrained girl.

"Okay, okay, big brother will stop joking with you."

"Do you have any clean clothes here? I'm chilly now that the heat has passed. I'll talk to you after I change my clothes."

Xue Bizhu shook his head and nodded again, looking at First Young Master Liu with some confusion, apparently not knowing how to explain.

"You shook your head again, and nodded again, did you or didn't you?"

"Yes, but they are all our sister's clothes! We don't have any men's clothes here. Brother Liu, you can't wear a girl's embroidered skirt."

"That's right. Don't you have a second brother in your store? It's okay to go find some of their clothes and change into them. The eldest brother doesn't mind these things."

Xue Bizhu still shook his head with a tangled expression.


"There are so many little brothers, don't they wear clothes?"

"Huh! Ah? No!"

"They don't live in the restaurant. We give them more wages and let them find a place to live. They will come back when the doors open."

"Firstly, there are only us two weak girls in the restaurant, so we are afraid of any gossip. Secondly, I am also worried. Although the younger sister believes in them, but the hearts of the younger sisters are far away from each other. The younger sisters are afraid that if some people get hot-headed, something will happen. Accidents are bad."

"There are only four or five maidservants with poor backgrounds in the backyard who were taken in by our sisters, and no men are ever kept in the shop overnight!"

"Of course there will be no men's clothes!"

Xue Bizhu's expression was a little disturbed.

It seemed to be explaining something to Young Master Liu, and it seemed to be explaining something to Young Master Liu.

At the moment when Liu Da was stunned, he turned and walked towards the bed, took a brocade quilt with residual warmth and a faint fragrance, and put it on Young Master Liu's body.

First Young Master Liu, a spirit who had tossed around in the court hall, naturally had an extraordinary ability to observe words and emotions.

Looking at Xue Bizhu's expression and listening to Xue Bizhu's words, I immediately understood what Xue Bizhu was implying to me.

With a few chuckles, Liu Mingzhi wrapped the brocade quilt around himself as if he didn't understand the deep meaning.

Wenren Yunshu, a girl who was in love with him, didn't touch her body because of the expedition, so why delay the two beautiful women in front of her!
"How's the business of the restaurant these days? You shouldn't be struggling, right?"

The two girls, Xue Bizhu, looked at each other, sighed faintly, and sat gently opposite Young Master Liu.

"It took nearly half a month to recover. A few days ago, because of the rebellion, people were panicked. How could anyone dare to come out to drink and have fun!"

"If it wasn't for the fact that the younger sister and you two had accumulated some wealth when business was good because of your inscriptions, brother Liu, I'm afraid life would not be as good as it should be."

"Fortunately, it has settled down now, and life has picked up again, but compared with the past, the business is still not as good as before."

"However, our sisters are very contented. Compared with the days when the brothels were selling jokes, our sisters are already contented to have such a stable place to live."

"All the roads in the world are uneven. When others ride horses, I ride donkeys. Looking back at the pusher, there is more than enough than the bottom."

"People, always be content and happy."

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hands from the brocade quilt and clapped them heavily, looking at the two sisters Xue Bizhu approvingly.

"If everyone in the world can think like your sisters, the world will be peaceful."

"Contentment and happiness are easy to say, but extremely difficult to do."

"Others don't talk about it"

Liu Mingzhi stood up with a complicated expression, wrapped in a brocade quilt, walked towards the window, and sighed softly as he watched the busy traffic on the street.

"Even my eldest brother, I can't be content and happy."

"People's hearts are always very complicated."

"There will always be a day when the ravine is hard to level, but you will only fill in this heart deeper and deeper."

"Brother thought that he would be satisfied with a small viscount, but it was not until Duke Ding that he discovered that the word "Quan" really makes people want to touch it involuntarily."

"Be good at it, brother, I often use it to imply myself, but can I really do it well?"

"Brother is only fortunate that there are still two things in the world that can hold Brother's heart."

"Without the two shackles of love and righteousness, big brother really doesn't know what he would be like now."

The two women stared blankly at Young Master Liu's back, not knowing what his vague words were trying to convey.

It seems that Brother Liu has a lot of unspeakable secrets.

"That's it!"

Young Master Liu suddenly yelled softly, causing the two girls to tremble in fright. They looked at Young Master Liu in astonishment, not knowing what happened to Brother Liu, they were not surprised like this before.

Liu Mingzhi turned around and took the brocade quilt down, went to Xue Bizhu and his daughters and returned the brocade quilt.

"Bizhu, Lingyi, brother is relieved to see that you are all safe and sound."

"If you haven't returned all night, you sister-in-laws should be worried."

"Brother won't talk to you guys anymore, live a good life, and find a good man to marry a wife and have children in the future."

"Brother is not your beloved!"

"There are still a lot of trivial things to do at home, so I won't bother you and I'm about to open the door. Brother, let's go first!"

Seeing Liu Mingzhi walking towards the door without hesitation, Xue Bizhu hurriedly chased after him.

"Brother Liu, does what you said last time still count? You said that you will explain to our sisters when you return from the expedition!"

"Our sisters have been waiting, waiting for you to return from the expedition!"

"My beloved, in your opinion, Brother Liu, what is a beloved?"

"Our sisters have already seen through all kinds of things in the world, and prosperity and wealth are not necessarily good."

"The one who can make a little girl fall in love with you is a beloved man."

"Little sister has been waiting for your return!"

"You are going to go to war again. My little sister doesn't blame you for your slip of the tongue. I just want to know, is your confession when you come back from the expedition still count?"

Liu Mingzhi stood stiffly on the stairs, hesitating for a long time and nodded slightly.


"If you can come back alive from this expedition, Liu Mingzhi will promise you a happy marriage forever!"

"we will wait for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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