Chapter 1516
When Yun Qingshi heard this, his tears wet First Young Master Liu's skirt, and he leaned against her husband's shoulder and gently rubbed it.

"Life is short, why not give it a try."

"The concubine understands, as long as the husband doesn't blame the concubine for everything in the past, the concubine will be satisfied!"

Liu Mingzhi gently let go of Yun Qingshi, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"My husband hopes that this is the last time I see you cry. You can't cry anymore when you stay by my husband's side, you know? Outsiders don't know and think that your husband is bullying you!"

"My husband hopes that you will laugh and live every day happily."

Yun Qingshi hastily wiped away the tears on her cheeks with the hem of her clothes, and nodded her head generously.

"Yeah, Shi'er remembers it, I won't cry anymore in the future, I'll show my husband every day with a smile!"

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze and looked around at the girls: "This is what I said to Qing Shi for my husband, and also for you to hear. You must be happy in the future, do you understand?"

The girls looked at their husband's face and couldn't be happy at all. They always felt that what he said meant something about the funeral.

As the eldest wife, Qi Yun was the first to open her mouth and looked at Young Master Liu worriedly.

"Husband, I am very worried when I hear your words, tell the truth to the sisters, is there a great danger in this expedition!"

Young Master Liu's pupils shrank, and thinking of whether his own food and grass could be supplied in time was a problem, and thinking of the Jin Kingdom and Turkic cavalry who had recuperated for a winter, Young Master Liu was worried.

After Dalong experienced the misfortune of Li Yunlong and his brothers this time, facing the increasingly prosperous Turkic countries, they could only turn the initiative into a passive one.

It can be said that the initiative of this expedition is no longer on Dalong's side.

Whether it is war or peace is all in the Kingdom of Jin, and the Turkic two sides decide.

If you want to do the same thing as last time, jumping horses and raising whips, galloping outside the customs, and launching a thousand-mile raid, food and grass are a big problem, and soldiers and horses are also a big problem.

With one enemy and two, facing the attack of nearly a million troops from the two countries, it can be said that life and death are unpredictable.

Liu Mingzhi didn't become defiant just because Han Zhong brought back a large number of firearms from the East China Sea, thinking that Lao Tzu is the best in the world.

Those who have not seen the Turkic riding and shooting skills will not understand the horror.

In addition, what is left of the Kingdom of Jin is the elite army that has gone through the national war, and the follow-up food and grass are unknown. Will Dalong, who cannot replenish troops and horses in time, really be the opponent of the two countries?

If the Turkic people and the people of the Kingdom of Jin were really dead, they wouldn't have run amok in the Northland for so many years and made Dalong helpless.

If anyone brazenly says that he can easily play with the Turkic iron cavalry with the army of the Kingdom of Jin, Young Master Liu will definitely spit on him, but let the soldiers tie him up and send him out of the customs himself Compete with the soldiers and horses of the two countries.

Let's see if the army of the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin is so incompetent.

If the two countries were really so easy to conquer, the left and right armies who occupied the city in the last national war would not have suffered heavy casualties, losing more than 20 soldiers and horses.

Originally, I went straight to the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin, and I already had the upper hand. As long as I cut off the connection between the army of the Kingdom of Jin and the hinterland, and then transferred back to Duanburen, they set up a line of defense in the middle of the Turkic grassland. The horse has been eroded all over the place.

However, God is not open-minded, a good game of chess was completely changed by Li Yunlong and the others, forcing himself to come out to turn the tide and help the building to collapse.

Especially when First Young Master Liu learned that the Kingdom of Jin also had cannons as a powerful siege weapon, he was even more worried.

In addition to the fire dragon car that I have never seen before, although I don't know the speed, as long as the power is enough, Yunshu's soldiers, horses, food and grass are also a problem that cannot be ignored for Dalong.

Thinking about it, Liu Mingzhi sighed secretly.

Men are used to reporting good news but not bad news, and so is Liu Mingzhi.

Looking at the anxious expressions of the girls, Young Master Liu smiled lightly and waved his hands.

"Dangerous, what danger?"

"Since my husband entered the dynasty, he has gone through many battles to suppress bandits in the south of the Yangtze River, go to the Western Regions, and attack and kill in national wars."

"I think back then, my husband won the title of peer-to-peer king from a small boy from Tongyuan County, among thousands of troops."

"In this world, there is no one who can take the life of a husband yet!"

"I put all my heart in my stomach, because my husband is not willing to let you, a group of delicate beauties, report to the King of Hell all by yourself!"

"When we got married, my husband promised you that I would accompany you until you grow old."

"My husband has never lost his word when he promised you, how can he lose his word this time?"

Young Master Liu's high-spirited and heroic appearance made the girls feel a little relaxed.

Perhaps it was Young Master Liu's undefeated past that gave the girls confidence, she let out a light breath, and forcibly threw out the worries in their hearts.

"My husband came to you this time to tell you what happened after my husband went to the north."

"The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households are already preparing to build the husband's palace. As for the state capital where the palace is located, it has not yet been decided."

"However, I have already written the papers for my husband, and this palace will be located in the Duke's Mansion in Yingzhou City!"

"First of all, we lived there for half a year and got used to it."

"Secondly, it is one of the most important lines of defense for Dalong. Since the first emperor ordered Weifu to guard the 150 states in northern Xinjiang for generations, Yingzhou, one of the gates of the six kingdoms of Dalong, is the best choice."

"My husband is familiar with the environment there, and is clear about the surrounding fortresses and dangerous places. It is the most suitable place."

"My husband's brothers are all cavalry, and they are going to the north very quickly, and the matter in the northern border has reached the point of no delay."

"You can't walk with Wei Fu anymore, Wei Fu asked you to tell you this!"

"After my husband left, it won't be too late for you to go to the Northern Xinjiang Palace after the weather has completely warmed up."

"Especially Ya'er, Shan'er, the two of you are pregnant in October, so if you calculate the time carefully for your husband, you should give birth in about two months!"

"It's windy and sleepy on the road, and the environment is not good. Going to northern Xinjiang at this time is not good for your physical condition."

"After you give birth, it won't be too late to go to the north after you finish confinement and take care of your health!"

Qi Ya and Murong Shan nodded silently, knowing her husband's painstaking efforts.

"Husband, please choose a name for the two children who are about to be born!"

"That's right, husband, you are going to the north in three days, and you will definitely not see the child born, so let's give the child a name first!"

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment.

"Son, Liu Zhenghao, is so upright!"

"My daughter's words are full of charm and charm!"

"No matter which one of you has a son or a daughter, you can use it. If you have two sons and two daughters."

"You can just take it as you see it, I don't have any objections to my husband!"

The two women nodded slightly, stroking their swollen stomachs: "I understand!"

"The main reason for calling you is for these things. Now that the matter is almost explained, you should go back and rest early!"

The girls nodded slightly, facing their husband, Fu Lefu, and walked towards the door.

"Qingshi, Wei'er, I'll be waiting to be your husband later!"

Yun Qingshi, who was about to go out, and Ling Weier, the two girls, paused for a moment. Hearing the words transmitted by the internal force in their ears, they subconsciously glanced at each other and at the sisters with normal faces around them, nodded shyly, and walked quickly Walk towards the door.

Young Master Liu smiled slightly, grabbed a dozen sheets of rice paper on one side, locked the door of the study, and chased after Qi Yun.


"Husband, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi folded the rice paper in his hand neatly, and gently stuffed it into Qi Yun's hand.

Qi Yun was startled, looked around and put away the rice paper in her hand without any trace, and looked at her husband with her beautiful eyes in doubt.

Young Master Liu moved closer to Qi Yun's ear and whispered softly.

The beauty in the middle nodded frequently, with a dignified look on her pretty face.

"Husband, this."

Liu Mingzhi gently covered Qi Yun's cherry lips, and shook his head slightly.

"Believe in your husband!"

Qi Yun nodded heavily.

"My concubine understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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