My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1517 Raising soldiers for the country

Chapter 1517 Raising soldiers for the country
Three days later, at noon.

All the girls in Qi Yun's room arrived one by one, standing in the room quietly looking at the dazed back of her husband caressing the armor.

Every time Liu Mingzhi's fingers passed over the traces on the armor, he would stop for a moment in a daze.

There are traces of scimitars, sword marks, and loopholes for arrows to penetrate on the armor.

This armor has been with me for seven years, and it can be said that it is the most faithful witness to every part of my past.

The craftsmen in the army suggested several times to help him repair the armor, but he rejected them. Only the traces on the armor witnessed his past. How could Liu Mingzhi be willing to restore them to their original state.

Gently taking off the python robe on his body, Liu Mingzhi opened his arms slightly, turned around and looked at the girls solemnly.

"Wear armor!"

Qi Yun nodded hastily, and with Qinglian, Ling Wei'er and the girls began to pick up the armor on the wooden frame and put on the armor for Young Master Liu one by one.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi adjusted the wrist guards on his arms, and tied the Heavenly Sword around his waist.

The feeling of fulfillment once again filled First Young Master Liu's heart. This was the feeling that even wearing that incomparably noble boa robe couldn't give him the feeling.

Having spent half of his life in the army for the past ten years, Liu Mingzhi gradually found that he could not live without this feeling.

Although there were scars all over the armor, it still couldn't stop Young Master Liu's hostility emanating from the inside out.

The girls had to admit that the husband who put on the armor and the husband who did not wear the armor can be said to be two different people.

Although the husband who doesn't wear armor has calmed down a lot, his words inevitably carry a dandy atmosphere.

At the moment when the armor was put on the body, all the girls felt nothing but hostility from First Young Master Liu. The girls didn't know what her husband had experienced on the battlefield, nor did they know how much blood was stained on the armor.

They only knew that her husband was no longer the husband in their impression after wearing armor.

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the bundle on the table beside him, which contained the tiger talisman seal of commanding the three armies.

Picking up the burden, Liu Mingzhi looked at the girls reluctantly.

"Ladies, don't forget to tell your husband what you have said. See you in Northern Xinjiang!"

"Husband, you must be more careful!"

"Swords and guns have no eyes on the battlefield, husband, you have to take care."

Liu Mingzhi nodded heavily, took Wenren Yunshu's wrist and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, the girls knew that her husband had something to say to Wenren Yun Shu in detail, so they glanced at each other for a little understanding, and walked towards the gate of the mansion hand in hand, preparing to wait for her husband outside the gate of the mansion.

Under Wenren Yunshu's blank expression, First Young Master Liu cupped Wenren Yunshu's pretty face and kissed it.

The beauty's delicate body trembled, she wanted to struggle subconsciously, and finally obediently embraced her sweetheart's neck, fell into the tenderness brought by her sweetheart, and responded enthusiastically.

After a long time, First Young Master Liu looked up at Wenren Yun Shu's flushed face and chuckled lightly.

"Shu'er, do you still remember when I promised to do ten things for you in Jiangnan?"

Wenren Yun Shu nodded tenderly: "Of course I remember, there's one thing Shu Er didn't ask you to do, I thought you forgot it!"

"Now I want to take the initiative to mention one thing, okay?"

"Okay, tell me, Shu'er will listen to you!"

"Wait until I come back to marry you, okay?"

Wenren Yun Shu nodded in a daze: "My concubine's heart is like a rock, and I will marry you when you come back."

Liu Mingzhi pecked Wenren Yunshu lightly on the forehead: "I must keep it in mind, wait for me! I'll say goodbye to the old man and mother first!"

"Liu Lang, take care!"

Watched by Wenren Yunshu's affectionate eyes, First Young Master Liu rushed towards the courtyard of Liu Zhi'an and his wife.

It is no secret that Young Master Liu went on an expedition in the Liu Mansion. After Young Master Liu arrived, the couple were waiting in the hall.

Compared with Liu Zhian sitting quietly with a volume of books in his hands, Madam Liu wandered around the hall with an anxious expression on her face.

From time to time, she glanced at Liu Zhi'an, who was pretending to be calm, and Madam Liu sighed faintly.

The father and son were obviously more worried about each other's safety than the other, but they pretended to be indifferent.

Thinking of the appearance of Liu Zhi'an sitting on the pavilion outside the door last night, holding a wine pot, taking a sip, watching the moonlight and sighing, Mrs. Liu had nothing to say.

It is true that the father and son were enemies in the previous life.

Mingming's heart was burning with rage, but his son acted like a normal person even though he went to war today.

Why bother!
While Mrs. Liu was thinking, Young Master Liu walked into the main hall fully armored.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Liu Zhi'an slightly moved away from the book and glanced at First Young Master Liu, then put his gaze on the book.

"Mother, my son is here to ask you two elders to resign!"

Mrs. Liu saw her son in full armor and with a long sword at his waist, and knew that it was imperative for his son to go north to guard the border. She sighed and nodded, gently stroking her son's resolute face.

"Son, take care, mother is waiting for you to come back!"

"Mother, don't worry, my son will definitely return safe and sound."

"Old man, you've got the book upside down. Since you're worried about my young master's safety, just say it out loud. Why are you pretending?"

Liu Zhian was startled, and hurriedly turned his hand to look, only to find that the book in his hand was upside down, which also showed that Liu Zhian's mind was not on the book at all.

He coughed twice with embarrassment.

"You know what a fart, I have already read this book by heart, and now I am studying how to recite it backwards, how to recite it backwards without holding the book upside down."

First Young Master Liu was startled, looked at the shameless old man who was somewhat complacent, and gave a slight thumbs up.

"Excellent, you explain that the young master is convinced, and he has lived for thirty-two years. This young master only knows today that he understands it like this!"

"It's even more powerful than the explanation you taught Chengfeng and the others that they can't be promiscuous when they are rich."

"With an old man like you, it was a miracle in the world that my young master was able to get rid of Yuan in high school."

Liu Zhi'an rubbed his nose resentfully, and looked at Mrs. Liu who stood up with a sad face.

"Madam, you go outside the mansion to meet Yun'er and the others first, the old man has something to explain to the bastard."

Mrs. Liu hesitated for a moment, then walked lightly towards the door with lotus steps.

After Mrs. Liu's beautiful figure completely disappeared, Liu Zhi'an turned around and went to the apse, and when he came back, he was already holding a sandalwood box in his arms.

Under Young Master Liu's strange eyes, Liu Zhi'an threw the box to Young Master Liu: "Little bastard, it's not easy for me to earn a fortune, so don't give me all the trouble."

First Young Master Liu straightened the sandalwood box and gently opened it, looking at the thick stack of banknotes inside the box, his pupils shrank, and looked at Liu Zhi'an in surprise.

"Old man, what do you mean?"

Liu Zhi'an picked up the teacup and pecked lightly, then glared at First Young Master Liu angrily.

"I know better than you the current situation of the state treasury. Your fucking title of invincibility is on the table. If you fail because of the supply of food and grass, I will lose face! "

"The face of the ancestors of the Liu family is lost!"

"Five million taels of silver is enough for you to buy enough food and grass in the state capital that has not been affected by the rebellion."

"If I hadn't been afraid that my grandchildren would lose their father early, I wouldn't be bothered to care about your life!"

"Get out early, I will be annoyed when I see you!"

Liu Mingzhi gently closed the lid of the box, looking at Liu Zhian with tangled eyes.

"Old man, you are going to raise soldiers for the country!"

Liu Zhi'an's arm holding the teacup trembled, and he felt Young Master Liu close his eyes and sighed slightly.

Son, dad is raising soldiers for you.

Whether that proverb was coincidental or true, Dad couldn't ignore it.

You are father's flesh and blood, how can father look at you...


"Do you want love or not, don't get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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