My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1518 Where Are the Soldiers of the 3rd Army

Chapter 1518 Where Are the Soldiers of the Three Armies
First Major Liu hugged the sandalwood box into his arms, and looked at Liu Zhi'an cautiously.


Liu Zhi'an glared at First Young Master Liu angrily: "I know you're not the kind of person who won't eat money when it's offered to you, why are you pretending to be serious with me!"

"Fuck off!"

Liu Mingzhi watched Liu Zhi'an silently: "Old man, send me off, I have something to talk to you about."

Liu Zhi'an paused slightly as he wanted to drink tea, and finally brought the teacup to his mouth and drank the tea in one gulp.

Looking at Young Master Liu with a complicated expression, Liu Zhi'an casually threw the precious teacup on the table: "What are we talking about, what can we talk about? I don't think we two have anything to talk about."

Liu Mingzhi gently held up the sandalwood box in his hand, and looked at Liu Zhi'an with a complicated expression.

"No, I think we should have a lot of things to talk about together, such as the source of the 500 million taels of bank notes, what do you think?"

Liu Zhi'an's body froze, his pupils shrunk slightly, and he looked at Young Master Liu with some deep meaning in his eyes with a little surprise.

"Okay, let's talk and talk!"

Liu Mingzhi staggered his body, and waited for Liu Zhian to walk half a step in front of him before starting to follow.

Although Liu Mingzhi's conversation with the old man was a bit irrelevant on weekdays, he never ignored his respect for Liu Zhi'an.

No matter how out of tune he is, he is always his own father.

"Old man, what do you think is the meaning of living in this world?"

Liu Zhi'an stroked his beard gently and remained silent for a moment, then turned his head slightly to look at Young Master Liu with a calm expression.

"The meaning of living in this world is to live well."

"In your opinion, what counts as living well? What counts as living well?"

Liu Zhi'an froze for a moment, then looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise: "Why, are you going to talk to me about the philosophy of Buddhism and Taoism?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, and gently touched the fine lines on the sandalwood box in his hand.

"What does Buddhism and Taoism have to do with me? I just want to know why I live! For 30 years, I seem to be living in a world that has been carefully compiled by people."

"I just want to know, am I still me?"

Liu Zhi'an looked at Young Master Liu's somewhat gloomy expression, and carefully thought about the meaning of Young Master Liu's words. After a long time, Liu Zhi'an stopped walking.

"Do you believe in fate?"

Liu Zhian stopped, and Liu Mingzhi also stopped and stopped Ali, looking at Liu Zhian's deep eyes, hesitating for a long time.

"This is the second time you've asked me this question!"

"What is my fate?"

Liu Zhian shook his head silently.

"do not know!"

"Hehe. This answer is too perfunctory. Do you think I should believe your words?"

Liu Zhi'an started to walk again, and rushed towards the gate of the mansion.

"It's not that the old man wants to perfuse you, because the old man really doesn't know what your fate is."

"Or maybe the old man never believed in fate!"

"Then why are you?"

"Because you are Lao Tzu's son, and Lao Tzu is your own father, is this answer enough?"

Liu Mingzhi trembled, looking at Liu Zhian's sad and heavy face, he remained silent for a long time, the father and son walked towards the gate of the mansion with a half-step difference in silence.

When he was about to reach the gate of the mansion, First Young Master Liu suddenly turned around and hugged Liu Zhi'an in his arms.

"Old man, thank you, your answer is enough."

"But my son wants to go on his own. You can't protect me for the rest of my life."

"A young eagle is always going to fly high, isn't it?"

"I am ordered to believe, but I believe in myself more."

It was the first time that Liu Zhi'an was approached by his son like this, his face was a little weird, and he sighed and nodded when he heard Young Master Liu's deep words.

"If you can't bear it, just tell me, I can still carry a piece of the sky for you!"

Young Master Liu let go of Liu Zhi'an, looked at Liu Zhi'an's gray arms, smiled lightly and pulled the beard on Liu Zhi'an's chin.

"Take good care of yourself, you are no longer young and strong, old man."

"Fuck you, get out of here quickly."

Looking at the back of First Young Master Liu trotting towards the door, Liu Zhi'an hesitated for a moment but still did not follow.

Sighing and walking towards the inner courtyard, Liu Zhian gently wiped the corners of his eyes.

"The child has grown up after all."

Reaching out his hand to take out a handkerchief from his bosom to wipe the corners of his eyes, Liu Zhian's face froze, he hurriedly took out a handkerchief from his bosom, and then fumbled in his cuffs again.

After a long time, Liu Zhi'an looked at his empty hands, his sad expression turned red, he turned and ran towards the door.

"Little bastard, your mother!"

"Five million taels is not enough, and you fucking took my pocket money. Are you still a man?"

When Young Master Liu rushed to the gate of the mansion, only Mrs. Liu and a group of daughters-in-law were left weeping secretly, and the figure of the little bastard had disappeared into the corner of the street together with Liu Song.

Seeing this, Liu Zhian thumped his chest and pointed to the corner of the street and slapped his thigh violently.

"A sin!"

After a long time, Liu Zhi'an took a deep breath, and smiled sinisterly amidst the astonished expressions of his daughters-in-law.

"Little bastard, I won't let you see what it means to drop one thing after another. Do you really think I'm a fool? We two are riding a donkey to read the libretto, just wait and see!"

"I told you to peel off your skin even if you don't die, play with me, cheat my feelings, I can't kill you!"

Liu Zhi'an turned around and walked towards the mansion, stopped beside Liu Yuan and whispered in his ear.

After a long time, Liu Yuan watched with embarrassment as Liu Zhian scratched his gray hair for his porcelain vase.

"Master, it's not enough, aren't you afraid that the young master will go crazy?"

Liu Zhian waved his sleeves and walked towards the inner courtyard.

"It's better to be crazy, otherwise I will lose ten years of life, ten years!"

"That's it, let's arrange it!"

Under the astonished gazes of all the girls, Liu Yuan picked up the porcelain bottle and leaped out of the mansion, showing his impressive lightness kung fu.

The destination is the mansion of Yun Chong, one of the general's mansions.

On the main street, Young Master Liu tightened the reins, took out a golden-skinned arrow from the harness on the horse's back, and threw it to Liu Song!

Then he stuffed another letter into Liu Song's hand.

"Hold the young master's golden-skinned arrow to quickly send the letter to the palace."

Liu Song was startled, nodded hurriedly, turned his horse's head and rushed towards the palace.

Liu Mingzhi turned around and rushed towards the military camp outside the city. At the time when there was a lot of traffic, Young Master Liu left the south city gate after two sticks of incense. He turned his head and glanced at the capital behind him. Liu Mingzhi clamped his horse Belly, the leaping horse swung his whip and galloped towards the army camp in the southeast.

Half an hour later, Young Master Liu reined in the horse's reins, raised his head high and neighed rhythmically.

"See Master!"

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and walked straight towards the camp.

"Where are the generals of the three armies?"

The guards following Young Master Liu hurriedly clasped their fists.

"Reporting to the Commander, everyone is ready to go, ready to attack the Northland at any time!"

"Hand the order, beat the drums and gather the generals!"


The guards rushed away, and Young Master Liu walked towards the Dianjiang platform under the banner of the army with a majestic expression.

When Liu Mingzhi was stroking the flagpole of Liu Zishuai's flag in a daze while he was on the Dianjiang platform, suddenly there was a loud drum sound from the army camp.

With the sound of rumbling drums, the earth trembled.

The sound of galloping horses could be heard everywhere, and the deafening rhythm made Young Master Liu's cold eyes reveal fanaticism.

Liu Mingzhi flicked his cloak, and sat on the handsome chair with his sword raised, staring at the vast military field in front of him.

"The wind is blowing!"

(End of this chapter)

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