Chapter 1519
The drums of the army camp became more and more intense, more majestic and passionate.

Accompanied by the sound of melodious horns, people in general armor walked towards Dianjiangtai from all directions, without any intention of procrastinating, showing a capable style.

"The last general, Jia Zhengjing, has a meeting with the Generalissimo!"

"The last general Cheng Kai sees the Generalissimo!"

"The last general, Han Peng, is meeting with the Generalissimo!"

"The last general, Song Qing, will see you."

During the cup of tea, more than 20 generals, big and small, all knelt on one knee under the general stage, staring wildly at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on the handsome chair.

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand slightly: "Excuse me!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't look at Song Qing and the others, his eyes were fixed on the military academy field, motionless.

Amidst the rumbling drums, large banners gradually appeared in Young Master Liu's vision.

The military flags whistling in the wind in six directions began to gradually gather together.

[-] soldiers, [-] soldiers, [-] soldiers, [-] soldiers
30 soldiers and horses!
Falling into battle, Sharp Warrior, Polu, Stupa, Hundred Battles, Fangs.

It took less than half an hour for the new army's six guards and 30 troops to assemble, and the six flags personally set by Li Baiyu were waving in the still slightly chilly breeze.

Liu Mingzhi stood up slowly, staring at the endless phalanx, and slowly saluted with fists in his hands.

"Liu Mingzhi met you brothers!"

"See Master!"

As the front phalanx heard Young Master Liu's greeting, the soldiers and horses in the rear got off their horses and saluted Young Master Liu with one knee.

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

The shouts one after another finally converged together, and only one voice resounded through the sky from a few miles away.

The cries of 30 people even spread to the capital, and all civil and military officials put down their belongings one after another, and looked towards the southeast of the capital in horror.

They finally understood where Young Master Liu had the confidence to strongly support Li Ye's ascension to the throne.

There were only 5 to 30 soldiers and horses entering the palace that day, and the civil and military officials were not too shocked, but when the shouts of [-] elite cavalry gathered together, they couldn't help being startled.

He secretly sighed that it was good that Young Master Liu was devoted to serving the country and had no other intentions, otherwise, even if Dalong Jiangshan did not change the dynasty because of the King of Shu, they would certainly change the dynasty because of Young Master Liu.

At the residence of the left minister, the right minister, and the doctor Yushi, the three hurriedly put on their shoes and walked to the map to look at it.

When they saw the terrain of the 27th prefecture north of Xinzhou Fengyundu again, the three of them sighed a long time.

I secretly sighed that the first emperor Li Baiyu played a good game of chess.

The army of 30 tigers and wolves has already guarded all the state capitals behind the northern border. As long as the fiefdoms of the king of shoulders are not broken by the enemy forces of the two countries, the mountains and rivers in the hinterland of the dragon will be safe and sound.

Liu Mingzhi felt the air waves generated by the shouts in his ears, and gently raised the command flag in his hand and waved it a few times.

In less than ten breaths, the shouts of the 30 troops stopped abruptly.

On the vast school field, there are only the sound of sneezing and pawing of horseshoes.

"Do you know what this handsome is going to take you to do?"

"Defend the family and the country!"

"Defend the family and the country!"

"Defend the family and the country!"

"If you are killed in battle, do you regret going out with me in the future? Do you resent me for taking you out but not being able to come back?"

"It's a blessing for us to be able to splash blood on mountains and rivers in the future!"

"It's a blessing for us to be able to splash blood on mountains and rivers in the future!"

"It's a blessing for us to be able to splash blood on mountains and rivers in the future!"

"Okay, this commander likes the enthusiasm of the brothers who are not afraid of death. If this is the case, this commander will not say those provocative words!"

"Where is Tang Ru, the quartermaster!"

"The end is here!"

"Let's go out for wine!"

"Okay. Dear. Commander, don't we have so many drinks?"

"It's enough to take a jar of fine wine!"


A few cups of tea, Tang Ru held a large jar of fine wine and placed it on the table in front of Liu Mingzhi. Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine jar, got on his horse and galloped towards the river not far from the army camp.

The water of this river is the river that hundreds of thousands of soldiers depend on for their survival. On weekdays, there are soldiers and horses constantly patrolling and guarding, and its cleanliness is no less than that of the well water in the city.

Any filth that pollutes the river is cleaned up.

Young Master Liu rushed to the river, pulled the reins and dismounted, slapped the mud on the wine jar in the eyes of 30 people, and poured the wine into the gurgling water.

As soon as the wine jar was thrown to the ground, Young Master Liu got on his horse and started to charge among hundreds of phalanxes, brandishing his whip.

"Take a sip of expedition wine, and follow me to the border to defend our country!"

"Take a sip of expedition wine, and follow me to the border to defend our country!"

"Brothers, the army before the change, the army after the change, get on the horse and drink, and wait in the north of the city!"

"Brothers, the army before the change, the army after the change, get on the horse and drink, and wait in the north of the city!"

By the time Young Master Liu stationed his horses on the general platform, all the soldiers had already got on their horses, and in an orderly formation one by one, they began to turn their horses around and gallop towards the river.

When the horse's hooves were about to approach the river, the galloping soldiers suddenly hung themselves under the horse's belly in defense, took a mouthful of 'drink' and slapped it in the mouth, then got on the horse and galloped towards the north of the city.

Exquisite and unparalleled horse skills are vividly displayed from a small drinking.

Looking at the gradually shrinking phalanx, Liu Da got off his horse and walked towards Song Qing and other generals.

"Brother, what happened to the rebels who were recruited into the brothers? Nothing changed, right?"

Song Qing and the others looked at each other and smiled faintly.

"Those who can get along with the brothers are here, and those who can't get along with each other"

Song Qing made a gesture, and Young Master Liu understood it.

Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything, he had seen the rebels whose brothers were training formations under his command, if he couldn't get along with them, he wouldn't let them leave alive.

"Brothers, we will face unprecedented pressure in this expedition. Each of you is either rich or noble. If you follow this commander, you may not be able to come back. Are you afraid? Do you regret it?"

"Damn it, what are you talking about, Marshal? The son of the last general just got married a few days ago. He has a son. Isn't he going to the battlefield? He lost his head and a big scar, and he will be a good man again 18 years later! "

"That's right, the last general's mother-in-law worked hard, and added a mouthful to the general. The general now has three sons. He is afraid that he will die at home and sleep with his wife in his arms. Who will come to the camp!"

"Damn, my family, I heard that the general is going to go to war again, and he tossed the general five times yesterday, if he still has some skills, the general can hardly even ride a horse. Such a deadly woman might as well go to war!"

"Hahaha old Duan, you are too bad. The man from my old Zhang family is the best. Seven times, nothing happened, as fierce as a dog."

With the laughter of the crowd, the pressure of the expedition disappeared, and the audience was filled with laughter.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and looked at the group of brothers who followed him through life and death without saying a word, took the mount led by his personal guards, turned on the horse and scanned the generals, leaned over and stretched out his palm.

"Brothers, let's go together and return together!"

"Let's go!"

A group of generals put their hands on the back of First Young Master Liu's hands and raised them violently!
"Go and return together!"

"Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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