Chapter 1520 Liwei (addition for α)

The imperial study room.

Su An, the Chief Manager, trotted up to Li Ye with a letter in his hand and stopped.

"Your Majesty, shoulder the letter sent by the king!"

Li Ye, who was trying to review the memorial, was startled, and hastily put down the ink brush in his hand, took the letter and checked whether the wax on it was intact.

When he saw that the wax was intact, Li Ye took out the letter paper and began to look through it.

After a while, Li Ye held the letter tightly and stood up straight: "Decree to call all civil and military officials to gather at the north gate of the outer city."

"Now? But all the officials have already dispersed and returned to the government!"

Li Ye stared at Su An quietly for a while: "Then call urgently!"

Sensing Li Ye's slightly different gaze from before, Su An involuntarily broke out a fine sweat on his forehead, nodded hurriedly and ran towards the outside of the hall.

"We obey the order, let's go here."

Looking at the back of Su An leaving, Li Ye held up the letter and read it a few more times, hesitating for a moment, finally put away the letter and rushed towards Yi'an Palace.

Because of a letter from First Young Master Liu and a will from Li Ye, the peaceful capital became noisy again.

After the eunuchs entered and exited the mansions of the dignitaries, they left the mansion on horses.

Urgent call, could it be that there will be another major turmoil in the capital? This is the unanimous thought in the hearts of the officials who left the government.

In the Yun family, in Liu Ying's boudoir, Ling Bi was struggling to put on a suit of armor that didn't fit Liu Ying.

"Lingbi, are you going to punish Miss Ben to death?"

Looking at Liu Ying's distorted pretty face, Lingbi stretched out her finger to Liu Ying's plump chest in aggrieved manner.

"Too big, stuck!"

Liu Yingying's lips twitched twice: "Is it my mother's fault? What can I do if I am born? I don't know where the little friend has provoked this unscrupulous guy Liu Zhi'an, so I have to let my aunt go to northern Xinjiang with him. On the way Try to toss him for defense."

"How can such a kind and beautiful woman like my old lady be able to deal with the little enemy!"

Ling Bi looked at Liu Ying strangely, and scratched her forehead lightly.

"Miss, you look very excited!"

"Aren't you excited because you can see the rotten wood in my house? Oh, don't say these are useless, find a way to put this broken armor on the old lady quickly, I don't know how many miles I have traveled since I went late. !"

Lingbi muttered for a while with a tangled expression, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Maybe you don't need a corset."

"What should I do if I'm tied up?"

Looking at Liu Ying's stiff face, Lingbi shrank her neck.

"Not at all, it shouldn't be a big problem, except that it is difficult to wear my uncle's armor with this method. After all, it is not specially made for you, Miss."

Liu Ying's pretty face was tangled for a long time, she sighed faintly, and stretched out her arms towards Lingbi with a generous look.

"Tie it up, tie it up, no matter how small it is, it's better than Xiaoxixi, I'm going to fight hard."

"I was ordered to torment the little enemy, and there is no chance once in ten years. If you are mere dick, I will treat it as if I have never grown up, so let me go!"

After half a stick of incense, Liu Ying's usual exquisite makeup was changed without makeup, and there were two beards hanging on the corners of her delicate lips, and she walked out of the boudoir with three twists and three steps.

"Lingbi, go to Yunzhou and wait for Miss Ben, and I will make a detour to find you when I get to Yingzhou!"

Looking at the figure of Liu Ying turning on her horse and galloping away, Ling Bi sighed and shook her head.

With such a father, such an aunt, you have not opened your eyes to being reincarnated, young master.

I hope the eldest lady can control the portion, this thing can make people sleepless if there is too much of it.

Young Master Liu, who was leading the soldiers to make a detour from outside the city towards the north gate, couldn't help but shuddered, subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun in the sky.

It's early in the morning, why do I feel a little chilly on my back?

"Master, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, keep going!"


After a few sticks of incense, groups of soldiers and horses began to gather in the wilderness outside the moat at the north gate of the capital.

Every 5000 people or so, they spontaneously formed a square formation, stopped outside the city and stationed horses, and looked at the city wall of the north gate of the capital.

After each phalanx formation is completed, there will be a general waving his command flag and galloping around the phalanx, shouting something.

Until the scorching sun was high in the sky, all 30 cavalry gathered outside the city gate and stared at the city wall of the capital.

Liu Mingzhi flicked his cloak and got off his horse, took out the binoculars and looked over the city wall for a few moments, and only then put down the binoculars in his hand when he saw groups of officials starting to appear on the city wall.

Song Qing rode his horse and stopped beside Young Master Liu. After dismounting, he looked at the 30 iron cavalry behind him full of murderous spirit, and then looked at the faint figures of officials on the city wall. He muttered slightly and seemed to understand what.

Looking at First Young Master Liu who was standing still beside the horse, Song Qing stopped to one side.

"The commander-in-chief intends to stand up for His Majesty and frighten some young people!"

First Young Master Liu smiled slightly.

"The one who knows me is also the elder brother."

"The story of the second prince is spreading wildly. Whether it's true or not, I'm worried that the capital will change again after we go to the north. Then we may not have a second chance to help."

"Since that's the case, it's better for me to kill this evil wind invisibly now."

"It also makes those officials who are interested in the matter of the second prince completely give up."

"This Commander wants to tell them that His Majesty's throne is definitely supported by this Commander. If you want to raise the idea of ​​changing the dynasty, first ask this Commander whether he agrees, and then ask the 30 brothers behind him whether he agrees or not."

"Your Majesty is too young and inexperienced in court. Among these old foxes, how can you survive without any support!"

"When Yue'er had an accident, the late emperor became Yue'er's strongest backing when I was away."

"Now is the time for me to repay my kindness. The late emperor has done a great job, and this commander should become His Majesty's most steadfast backing."

"You know me well. This commander has always respected me a foot, and I will pay others a foot."

"Ruizong, Your Majesty the late emperor climbed the city wall!"

Liu Mingzhi subconsciously looked over the city wall, saw the faint figure under the canopy and smiled softly, and suddenly raised the command flag in his hand and waved it.

A moment later, the 30 troops all got off their horses and knelt down on one knee towards the city wall.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"We swear to the death to defend our family and our country, and to be loyal to His Majesty, and we will return if called!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"We swear to the death to defend our family and our country, and to be loyal to His Majesty, and we will return if called!"

The air waves of the sky-shattering shouts shook the banners on the city wall into the air.

Li Ye stared blankly at the endless formation of the army outside the city, and came to his senses amid Nangong Mengfeng's excited clapping movements.

Subconsciously glanced at Nangong Meng, who had excited phoenix eyes, and saw the emperor's grandmother nodding slightly to him, and Li Ye finally realized it.

"All the officers and men worked hard on the frontier, free from courtesy."

Seeing this, Su An hurriedly greeted the young eunuchs around him and repeated Li Ye's original words loudly to the city.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live long live!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live long live!"

All the officials stared dumbfounded at the 30 troops shouting loudly outside the city, then looked at Li Ye's excited face, and finally set their sights on Young Master Liu who stood in front of the army square and held the command flag.

How could they still not understand that this is the careful thinking of King Side by Side to warn him and others not to move!

Liu Mingzhi stared at the city wall, handed the command flag to Song Qing who was on the side, and respectfully saluted Li Ye who was on the city wall.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi bids farewell to His Majesty."

He didn't know if Li Ye could hear him, but he believed that Li Ye could see his actions.

Taking the order flag in Song Qing's hand, Liu Mingzhi got on his horse and glanced at the city wall, and galloped towards the north with a whip.

Seeing this, the 30 troops got on their horses without saying a word, turned their horses' heads, and ran after Young Master Liu in an orderly manner.

The smoke and dust that covered the sky and the sun were left behind, as well as the stunned people on the city wall.

At this moment, they had witnessed with their own eyes how strict military discipline was under the command of First Young Master Liu.

It is no accident that the capital city defended by hundreds of thousands of rebels can be broken in four days!
Among the iron cavalry rushing on the official road, one of the scouts pushed a general on horseback with a hand crossbow and slowly approached Young Master Liu.

"Report, report to Commander-in-Chief, an unidentified soldier was found on the fork leading to Hengzhou!"

"Shut up!"

"Ask where you came from, aunt." When he saw the identity of the visitor, Young Master Liu was so shocked that he was almost speechless!
Liu Yingyu gently kneaded the fake beard at the corner of her mouth with her fingers, and looked at the astonished Young Master Liu with teasing eyes.

"At the end, I will see the Generalissimo!"

Young Master Liu waved his hands to the scouts with an embarrassed expression: "This is the commander's old friend, order the three armies to continue on their way!"


Liu Dayi clamped his horse's belly and approached Liu Ying who was riding on the horse, leaned over and grabbed Liu Ying's rein and walked towards the distance.

Looking at the army rushing on the official road, Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying who was in armor tangled up.

"No, what kind of game are you playing, aunt? What are you doing in armor?"

"My sister is going to Yunzhou, but sister Shangao Luyuan is afraid of encountering bad people, so she wants to go on the road with you!"

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to fight a war, not play house. Why don't you go on the road with me? Don't make trouble, let the Yun family guards escort you to Yunzhou."

"No, no, my sister just wants to go with you."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying, who was acting like a spoiled child, and slapped her forehead.

"Auntie, are you going to play me to death?"

Liu Ying raised her hand and patted Young Master Liu on the shoulder, looking at Young Master Liu shyly with her charming eyes.

"Nonsense, you won't pay for your life!"

In response to Young Master Liu's trembling mouth, Liu Ying covered her mouth and smiled faintly.

Young Master Liu stared at Liu Ying, who was full of excitement, in horror. He always felt that Liu Ying had bad intentions for him.

"Hang Chi. Cough cough cough. Liu Ying, you are going too far."

"I haven't messed with you these days, have I?"

(End of this chapter)

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