My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1521 The State of Etiquette

Chapter 1521 The State of Etiquette
Port of Suimen.

Suimen is a country without a king, and the highest speakers are the twelve elders elected by the people of Suimen.

According to later generations, Suimen is a small island located in Southeast Asia, and it is one of the small countries that ocean trade must pass through.

Sumenla, the Great Elder of Suimen, Subelu, the Seventh Elder, and Batamu, the Tenth Elder, who were drinking wine and enjoying singing and dancing, suddenly heard melodious notes coming from the port not far from their residence.

It was a note completely different from my own country, crisp, melodious, cheerful and friendly.

It was music they had never heard before.

There were many merchants from various countries who passed through the Suimen Islands, but never a country had such a variety of notes as they heard now.

There are many types of instruments, but these instruments are skillfully blended together, interweaving a melody that can't help but be addicted to.

Su Menla gently put down the wine glass in her hand, raised her hand to signal those scantily clad dancers to stop their movements, and slowly got up and walked towards the window.

The 50-year-old Great Elder Suimen showed an intoxicated expression listening to the melodious music in his ears.

Seeing this, Subielu and Batam also got up and stood up, followed Sumenla and looked out the window.

"What beautiful music, this is a fleet that has never been to Suimen. I don't know what kingdom's fleet first came to our beautiful Suimen."

"To be able to play such beautiful music, they must have brought goods that are loved by the people of Suimen. God must have guided them to Suimen."

Ten Elder Batam, in his early 40s, leaned forward and looked towards the port, but he couldn't see anything.

"Sumenla, do you want to send Marco to negotiate with the owner of this fleet? He understands the languages ​​of more than ten countries. Ask Marco to see if there is any hostility in this fleet!"

The Seventh Elder Subelu nodded in agreement: "Su Menla, what Batamu said is good, let Marco negotiate with the owner of this fleet first, the mistake of Pana cannot happen again in our Su Imen!"

Su Menla came back to her senses, chuckled and waved her hand.

"No, no, this fleet is here for friendly trade, and they are not hostile."

Subelu frowned and looked at the resolute Sumenla: "Sumenla, did you hear their kindness from the music again?"

Su Menla happily patted the shoulders of the two of them, and walked down the castle, and the two hurriedly followed.

"That's right, I heard from the beautiful music that they are expressing their kindness to us. They are here to do friendly business with us."

"Music is the universal language of the world. This fleet must have come from a peace-loving country. They are different from the group of banana men who like to plunder."

"Their music told me that they love Suimen, they love peace."

"Hurry up and send someone to notify Nasha, Ruth, Hargu, Jemu, and Weiweilu to welcome our peace-loving friends."

"Of course, the most important thing is to bring enough gold coins. I feel that this fleet must have incredible goods that we like."

The two of Su Bielu looked at each other, with some hesitation on their faces.

"Sumenla, are you sure? Are they here for peaceful trade? I don't want to see the people of Suimen, like the people of Pana, being massacred by those hateful banana men!"

"You have to trust a wise man's intuition, don't worry."

"Okay, I'll go and inform Nasha, Ruth and the others are going to meet our friends at the port."

After the tenth elder Batam left, a man dressed as a soldier of Suymen ran towards Sumenla holding a strange-looking weapon.

"Great Elder, Seventh Elder, an island! There is an island floating in the harbor!"

Su Menla looked dissatisfied at the panting soldiers, and frowned.

"Nonsense, how could the island float over, did you drink too much again?"

"No, how dare you drink while standing guard! It's really an island, and there is melodious music on the island. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself!"

"Master Marco is now leading his brothers to evacuate the people!"

Su Menla looked at the pawns as if they were not talking nonsense, and looked at the ten elder Batam beside him, his eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.

Nodding silently, the two led two magnificent horses from among the guards guarding the castle and rushed towards the port of Suimen.

The floating island that Suimen said was the dragon fleet led by An Gouer.

The big treasure ship and more than 2000 large and small ships gathered together, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an island.

On the big treasure ship at this time, An Gou'er put down the binoculars in his hand with a puzzled look on his face.

"Qing Hai, why are these barbarians so panic-stricken? Could it be that the kindness expressed by our musicians is not clear enough?"

Tan Qinghai, the deputy commander of the fleet, also shook his head blankly: "I don't know, but the commander-in-chief, are they afraid because our fleet is too large?"

An Gou'er was taken aback, and subconsciously looked back at the scene of thousands of sails covering the sun around the big treasure ship behind him, and nodded clearly.

"Perhaps, our fleet is nothing on the vast ocean, but in this little Susu Su."

An Gou'er stayed there for a long time, but he didn't come up with a reason. He raised his hand and scratched the helmet on top of his head. An Gou'er looked at Tan Qinghai suspiciously.

"What country is Su from?"


"Yes, it's this Suimen. Damn, it's all a fucking messy name. If it wasn't for the big brother repeatedly telling me to communicate with all nations friendly before sailing, I have to forget about it. It's useless not to talk about it!"

"Maybe our fleet is too large in the eyes of Suimen, so they are so panicked."

"Let the musicians continue to play the music and play more cheerful pieces, so that the people of Suimen and the king can feel our goodwill."


"The messenger!"


"Let Guo Yang take those foreign ghosts and Western friends to negotiate first, and see if there are any Western friends who understand Suimen's dialect, so as to save the trouble and directly replenish fresh water and continue to return."


After the messenger left, An Gou looked at the fine armor on his body and hesitated for a moment, then sighed helplessly.

"Let's order the brothers to change their clothes, and put on those tattered weapons!"

Tan Qinghai's face turned red when he heard the words: "Commander, don't you want to disembark in those luxurious clothes again? No, as for it? Let's trade the goods, why do we have to wear such luxurious clothes? Armors don't look good Is it?"

"You know what a fart, how can we show that we are rich if we don't look good in clothes, how can we show the wealth of our Dalong!"

"Since you want to show wealth, why do you want to change those dilapidated weapons?"

Remembering what his elder brother told him before going out to sea, An Gou'er cleared his throat like a wise man.

"A piece of rich land, but the local people don't have enough force to protect it. Isn't it like a child holding a big ingot of gold?"

"It's you, aren't you hot-eyed!"

"The purpose of this is to let these Westerners go to Dalong to look for gold."

"If they don't go to Dalong, how can we surround them all?"

"But why bother? Just attack them directly, why wait for them to go east to find gold!"


"Ding Guogong said that we are a nation of etiquette, and we must not be the first to fire the first shot."

"That's what being a bitch"


"Ah! Duke Ding is wise, and the dragon is mighty!"

"Well! Go ahead, we must pretend that we are rich and weak, who dares to reveal the truth, I let him jump into the sea to feed the fish."


After Tan Qinghai left, An Gou'er showed a stiff smile and kept emphasizing in his heart.

The state of etiquette.

We are a state of etiquette!
(End of this chapter)

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