Chapter 1522

When Sumenla and Subelu rushed to the huge port, the soldiers said that the islands floating in the sea were getting closer and closer to the port of Suimen, and the people of Suimen in the port could see it with their naked eyes. Find out what they say the island really looks like.

The tall and vast hull, the thick and long mast, and the flying flags all showed the Suimen the muscular strength of the great treasure ship.

Su Menla and Su Bielu looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"The ship is a sea ship, a sea ship as huge as an island!"

"God, tell Subelu that this is not true, how can there be such a huge sea ship in the world, is this a gift from God?"

The melodious and cheerful music full of friendship came from the ship again.

Sumenla hurriedly looked towards the big treasure ship that had stopped. If it got any closer, the big treasure ship would run aground and could only stop in the sea far away from the port of Suimen.

"It's kindness. They are expressing their kindness to the people of Suimen with music."

"This must be a fleet from a great country. Let the soldiers not panic. This is a friend, a friend of the people of Suimen."

A leader in gorgeous clothes suddenly pointed at the huge fleet in the sea: "Elder Elder, there is a ship coming towards us!"

Su Menla was stunned for a moment, stood on tiptoe and looked into the sea.

"Marco, where? Why didn't I see it?"

Marco subconsciously glanced at Sumenla, who was so short that he couldn't reach his shoulder height, and his face was tangled.

"Don't worry, Great Elder, their boat is too small, you can see it right away!"

Sure enough, within a cup of tea, Sumenla saw a small boat rowing towards the port of Suimen, and six or seven figures on the boat changed from blurred to clear.

Seeing this, Su Menla clapped her palms happily and looked towards Su Bielu.

"Subelu, you see, they sent someone to negotiate. They are friends, friends of our Suimen. If they are enemies, even if we add Guli and Shaliwan countries in the southeast, we will not be able to stop an attack. An enemy with such a large fleet!"

Sumenla saw the ships coming to negotiate, and Subelu naturally saw it too, and his hanging heart was finally relieved.

When he saw the small island-like ship, Subelu was in a bad mood. He thought of many ways in his mind, but in the end he couldn't find a way to stop such a huge enemy.

Under Sumenla's expectant gaze, a familiar voice sounded from above the fleet.

"Sumenla, my old friend, do you remember my most sincere old friend?"

Su Menla was stunned, and saw a person standing at the bow with his eyes wide open: "Gulu, why is it you? Is this the fleet of your Guli Kingdom?"

The middle-aged Western man at the bow glanced at Guo Yang beside him and shook his head hastily: "Of course not, this is the fleet owned by our great friend Dalong. Now the great friend Dalong needs to replenish fresh water. I hope to get some fresh water. Your Suimen's help."

"Of course, there are countless exquisite goods on their fleet that can be traded with you. I think you will like Sumenla very much. Those goods are simply God's gift."

Su Menla's eyes fell on Guo Yang who was next to Gulu, looking at the exquisite brocade clothes on Guo Yang with an obsessive look.

When Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions as an envoy, he relied on silk, and tea leaves the reputation of the Silk Road. This alone is enough to explain the charm of silk.

The Great Dragon Cruiser is envoy An Jianghe, the commander-in-chief, and Guo Yang, the guard general, has met the Great Elder Su Yimen.

Gulu on the side hurriedly translated the words, and Su Menla heard the strange address, although he didn't understand it, he still couldn't stop his enthusiasm.

"Sumenla has seen friendly Dalong friends!"

Under Guliguo's translation, the two communicated and expressed their friendship to each other.

Not surprisingly, Su Menla watched Guo Yang row the boat back to the sea with a smile like flowers blooming on his face.

Guo Yang boarded the ship, and behind the ten elders, Batam, nine Suymans, men, women, and children, rushed towards the port, presumably it was the other nine Suymen elders.

Great Elder Su Menla saw Batamu and others, and explained something to them with excitement on his face.

Following Sumenla's words, these people looked at the huge ship in the sea with yearning expressions.

"The last general, Guo Yang, will meet with the commander-in-chief!"

On the deck of the big treasure ship, An Gou'er took off his armor and put on gorgeous clothes, which were embellished with all kinds of gems and jade. In Liu's eyes, this kind of dress is simply vulgar, more upstart than a nouveau riche account, just short of the four characters "I'm very rich" engraved on the forehead.

However, Young Master Liu instructed An Gou'er to dress like this.

An Gou'er scratched his neck uncomfortably and waved at Guo Yang.

"How about it, was the negotiation successful?"

"The negotiation was successful, and we agreed to land at the port to trade goods and replenish fresh water and food."

"Then let the brothers disembark. After sailing for so long, I almost forgot what it feels like to walk on the ground."


An Gou'er looked at Tan Qinghai, who was also dressed in luxurious clothes, and raised his hand to beckon Tan Qinghai.

Tan Qinghai nodded helplessly, turned around with a shameful look, took out a huge gold brick from the box on the deck table, and handed it to An Gou'er.

An Gou'er took the gold brick with his left hand and flipped it a few times, and walked towards the small boat hanging on the sea with a group of bright iron gallbladders in his right hand.

What a horizontal character.

Tan Haiqing sighed helplessly, took out a silver brick from the box, and chased after An Gou'er in a model.

In an instant, Qianfan rowed towards the port of Suimen.

After about half a stick of incense, An Gou'er embraced Su Menla, the Great Elder, with a 'goodwill' smile on his face.

"Oh, my dear friend, may God bless the people of Suimen."

Following the words of the translator, Su Menla hurriedly responded.

"May God bless you too, my friend Dalong."

An Gou'er chuckled and stuffed the gold brick in Su Menla's arms.

"Friends, thank you for allowing us to log in, a small plaything is not a respect, please accept it, this is a little bit of my heart."

Following the words of the translator, Su Menla looked at the gold brick in his hand in surprise, and then at An Gou'er with a 'kind' smile. He is really a great friend of Dalong, which is much more practical than gold coins.

"Thank you my great friend, hurry up and bring friendly dragon friends to my castle as guests!"

Three days later.

Boxes of porcelain, silk, tea, and utensils brought down from the ship turned into boxes of silver coins, and the gold coins were transported to the cabin of the big treasure ship.

In front of the port, the twelve elders of Sumenla looked at An Gou'er reluctantly.

"With good Dalong friends, the people of Suimen will miss you. You will always be our best friends. Suimen welcomes you to come next time at any time!"

An Gouer took a wooden box from Tan Qinghai and handed it to Su Menla.

"Friends, here is the sea map to our Dalong, and it is also the most detailed sea map in the world. You are always welcome to come to our Dalong for trade and exchange!"

"Our Dalong is a country of etiquette. We hope that friends from all countries in the world can come to our Dalong to become a loving and harmonious family."

"Don't lose it, this is our most sincere heart."

"Our dragon has an inexhaustible supply of gold, silver and jewels, and I look forward to your visit!"

"When you go, you must look at the chart clearly, don't go in the wrong direction, don't go in the wrong direction."

"It's time for us to sail on, goodbye my friends!"

"Bon voyage, Dalong friend!"

Rowing to the ship, An Gou'er glanced back at the twelve elders of Suimen who showed greed in their eyes and smiled faintly!
Looking aside, Tan Qinghai stretched with a strange expression.

"Surrounding the West is one step closer!"

"How did you say that?"

"Giving someone's head from thousands of miles away is light in gift and affectionate."

"It's goose feathers!"

"Whatever it is, I only accept the head, the next stop is the Banana Man Country in the English Channel, and then return home!"

"But the chart given by Suimen shows Rush Strait!"

"Whatever it is, my elder brother marked the English Channel is the English Channel, my elder brother marked the Dog Channel, it is the Dog Channel!"

"Everything is subject to our chart!"

"General Soldier, are you so sure that these barbarians will go to our Great Dragon to find gold?"

"Whatever it is, the so-called fire at the city gate will affect the fish in the pond, and a Westerner who plunders gold is also the first mover."

"It doesn't matter what country or city-state it is, who made them collectively call them Westerners? It's my fault!"

"Westerners must bear the anger when they make mistakes."

"I don't care what country it belongs to, I can't remember it anyway!"

"Since they have made a move, let's fight back!"

"We are a nation of etiquette that loves peace, and we are determined not to fire the first shot!"

"The state of etiquette knows it!"

"Whoever offends my Huaxia prestige will be punished!"


"Huh? What are you mumbling about?"

"The dragon is mighty!"

(End of this chapter)

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