My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1523 Change of Attack and Defense

Chapter 1523 Change of Attack and Defense
March [-]th of the first year of Yongping.

The 30 cavalry led by Liu Mingzhi finally rushed from the capital to Yingzhou Mansion.

The raid lasted nearly 23 days. It can be said that 30 cavalry can be said to be exhausted.

The commander-in-chief does not give up, and he must not stop the pace of charging.

Finally, the 23-day raid ended at the moment Young Master Liu tightened his reins.

Looking at Yingzhou city restored to its original appearance from the mirror, First Young Master Liu sighed.

Who knows how many bones were buried under this tall and majestic city wall not long ago.

At Gaoling in the southeast of Yingzhou city, 30 cavalry stationed outside the city, staring at Yingzhou with flying flags, with a relaxed look in their eyes.

After the long-distance raid, the soldiers were already physically and mentally exhausted, not to mention them, even the horses they sat on had lost a lot of weight.

No matter how good the forage is, it can't stop such physical exertion.

If it weren't for Young Master Liu, the pillar who never complained of hardships and tiredness, to support their beliefs, many people would have been tired of this boring and tedious journey.

A raging soldier, and a raging nest.

The phrase "handsome is the soul of a soldier" is vividly reflected in Liu Mingzhi.

It was his leadership that turned this iron cavalry into an invincible army.

If the courtiers above the court saw Young Master Liu's appearance, they didn't know how they would feel. It turns out that Master Liu, who has always been known for being shameless and lazy, also had such a day of exhaustion.

Young Master Liu looked at the city of Yingzhou City, and a scout rushed towards Young Master Liu holding a command flag fluttering in the wind, raised the reins and stopped in front of Young Master Liu's war horse.

"Report to Marshal, General Zhang Kuang, Marshal Longwuwei, Governor of Yingzhou, and Qin Bin, Governor of Yingzhou, have received a letter from Marshal, and are coming to the south gate to greet him."

"Have you chosen where the soldiers will be stationed?"

"It's still Mamingpo, twenty miles west of the city, where the terrain is open, and the enemy's situation can be observed at any time, and they can quickly counterattack!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a while, and looked around outside Yingzhou City with a binoculars.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand slightly after thinking for a moment.


Du Yu hurriedly took out a map from the bag behind his back and stuffed it into Young Master Liu's hands: "Please take a look, Commander!"

Liu Mingzhi rolled up the map and began to observe it carefully. Young Master Liu waved his hands at the surrounding generals while having a cup of tea, and Song Qing and others all gathered towards Young Master Liu.

Seeing this, Liu Ying, who was serving as Young Master Liu's personal guard, silently turned her horse's head and stepped aside.

Along the way, she followed Liu Zhi'an's request and tossed the little friend to survive or die, it can be said that she couldn't stop.

Although Liu Ying still has some unfinished feelings, but she is also born as a lady, so she can arrange the occasions and prioritize clearly.

The little enemy is obviously preparing a strategic deployment now, so I must not disturb him at this time.

Can't even listen to their conversation.

Her husband is one of the six guard generals, and Liu Ying knows better than anyone what a major military event is.

Young Master Liu got off his horse, spread the map on the sand, glanced at the generals surrounding the city, and pointed their fingers on the map.

"You can't put all your eggs in one basket."

"All the 30 soldiers and horses stationed in Ma Mingpo seem to be very powerful, but they will also hinder the speed of using troops because of too many people. It is difficult to mobilize, difficult to mobilize, and difficult to move."

"In addition, the terrain of Ma Ming Slope is flat. Once our scouts are negligent and fail to detect, and the enemy troops attack us in the dark, we will be caught off guard."

"We have 30 soldiers and horses, although we don't need to be afraid of any enemy sneak attack at all, but if we can not lose our soldiers in vain, we still don't want to lose our soldiers in vain!"

Song Qing and the others nodded silently after hearing the words.

"Marshal, do you mean to let the brothers station separately, so as to form an angle and help each other?"

"That's right, look at these terrains."

"Ma Mingpo, Jinfengling inside Shanhaiguan, and Talu River outside Shanhaiguan."

"Although the Talu River belongs to the Turkic Grassland, only the north of the Talu River belongs to the Turkic territory, and the south of the Talu River belongs to the Heshuo Grassland, which means that half of the territory here belongs to our Dalong."

"Mamingpo, Jinfengling, and Talu River, the three places form an angle with each other, and the terrain in the middle is open and flat. With the speed of war horses, they can rush to each other's brothers' camp in less than an hour,"

"Especially the land of Jinfengling, which can be said to be a natural fortress. Whether it is the Jin Kingdom or the Turks who want to enter the customs and invade the border, they must pass through here."

"If there are not many enemy troops, the soldiers and horses in Jinfengling can completely attack independently."

"If the enemy's army is equal or several times larger, the speed of our golden eagle passing the letter is enough to react."

"At that time, the brothers stationed at Ma Mingpo and Taluhe will surround them one after another, and cooperate with the brothers at Jinfengling to encircle the enemy."

"On both sides of Jinfengling, there are tens of miles of canyons in Shanhaiguan. The enemy must either fight to the death or surrender."

"If you want to fight to the death, the commander-in-chief will not agree. Use cavalry to encircle and encircle, instead of fighting hand-to-hand, use artillery bombardment to ensure how many enemy troops can eat as many enemy troops as possible!"

"However, it is impossible for the enemy army to be so stupid as to jump in, but this arrangement is the most effective defensive measure."

Everyone's eyes wandered around the three places on the map, they nodded solemnly, and they agreed with Young Master Liu's strategic deployment.

"The most important thing is that with Mamingpo and Jinfengling as points, you can take into account the situation of Yunzhou and Jeju on the left; take Talu River and Jinfengling as points, and take into account the situation of Yingzhou and Fuzhou on the right; With the river as a point, we can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, and the two cities of Yingzhou and Jeju are all within the defense range of our army."

"We are all cavalry, and we can take care of the four cities when we run. The premise is that the cavalry can't be blocked by the enemy. This is what you have already mastered when you started the raid with the Turkic army in the land. Not much to say."

"In a word, no matter which city the enemy army attacks, it is within the range of our defense at the three corners."

"With the help of the troops stationed in the upper city, we will not be at a disadvantage no matter what!"

Song Qing took out a charcoal pencil, connected the three places together on the map, and a solid defensive formation was displayed.

"Marshal, you never laid out these strategic plans in such detail before!"

Liu Mingzhi rolled up the map and stood up, sighing regretfully.

"The current situation has changed, so naturally the method of using troops will also change!"

"Before we were attacking, we arranged the attacking direction according to the change of the situation, and now we are the defensive side."

"I can no longer fight randomly according to the changes like before!"

"Defense needs to be prepared for defense. Who made us not as good as we are now!"

The generals looked at Young Master Liu's melancholy expression and fell silent. They were the ones who could best understand Young Master Liu's helplessness.

If there hadn't been the rebellion of Li Yunlong and his brothers, perhaps Jin Guo and half of the Turkic mountains and rivers would be in their own hands.

It's a pity that luck tricks people!
(End of this chapter)

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