My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1524 I miss you politely

Chapter 1524 I miss you politely

Young Master Liu was staring blankly at the rays of light shining on Yingzhou City. When he was in a daze, two fast horses in Yingzhou City galloped towards the direction of the army, and stopped dozens of steps away from Young Master Liu. down.

General Longwuwei Zhang Kuang, Governor of Yingzhou Qin Bin walked towards Young Master Liu hand in hand.

"The last general is insolent!"

"My subordinate Qin Bin!"

"See His Royal Highness Side by Side!"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and looked at the two Zhang Kuang who had walked in front of him to salute at some point, and hurriedly bent down to help them up.

"Uncle, brother Qin, what are you doing, get up quickly, don't be so polite, or you will be too outsider!"

Zhang Kuang is Song Qing's uncle, naturally his own uncle, an old acquaintance who has been with him for many years, both a relative and an old friend.

Not to mention Qin Bin, who came out of Dangyang Academy with him. Although they are not classmates, they are also from the same school. He is one of the few old friends in Jiangnan.

Liu Mingzhi felt extremely awkward for the two of them to perform such a grand gift because they had to be crowned the throne.

Although the throne is dignified, Young Master Liu is used to being called Marshal, a bastard, and Grandpa, but the title of Prince is extremely awkward.

Especially because of the relationship with the throne, he didn't want to separate the relationship with Zhang Kuang, his relative, and Qin Bin, his old friend.

His fief includes Yingzhou, and there will be many opportunities to eat in the same pot in the future. Liu Mingzhi doesn't want to face two unfamiliar people working together every day.

Crazy, Qin Bin and the two saw Young Master Liu's actions and laughed lightly.

Young Master Liu was still the Young Master Liu they were familiar with, and he didn't look down on them just because he was crowned the throne.

Zhang Kuang was born in the army, with a straightforward personality, and his own temperament didn't like that kind of twists and turns, so he punched Young Master Liu's chest guard with a hearty laugh.

"Good boy, my uncle did not misjudge you, and you will be crowned king in Li Zhinian. There are only a few people since the founding of my Dalong. It really gives you old Liu parents a face, really gives the old man a face."

Qin Bin hesitated for a while, and nodded to Young Master Liu with a faint smile.

"Brother Liu, back then I knew that you were not someone in the pool. Today, I have verified my previous vision. You stand shoulder to shoulder with the king, and you are an extremely human minister. Congratulations!"

Liu Mingzhi patted Qin Bin's shoulder cheerfully: "Brother Qin, you are not bad either. From a white body to today's second-rank official, the official of Fengjiang, you can be regarded as the lintel of glory."

"If the head of the mountain hadn't stopped you back then, you would have drawn your sword and killed yourself. Fortunately, fortunately."

"It's not enough to praise the filth of the past, but you finally didn't disappoint your aunt!"

Qin Bin froze for a moment, and in his mind, in order to provide for his own reading, the old mother's palms were covered with cold clothes in Huanxi, a wealthy family, with gray hair on the temples in his early thirties, and a bitter smile on his face. His eyes were slightly moist.

If Young Master Liu, an old man from the south of the Yangtze River, hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten the bitterness of studying in cold clothes back then.

"Brother Liu, it's not enough for outsiders to understand how I feel."

"Life is like an ant, and you should have a lofty ambition!"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, recalling the conversation he had with Qin Bin outside the Gong Yuan, and blurted out a response.

"Life is as thin as paper, you should have an unyielding heart!"

Qin Bin nodded silently: "Brother Liu, General, the outside of the city is not a place to talk, let's go into the city, and the officials have prepared a banquet, let's chat while eating."

"Alright, Uncle, Brother Qin, wait a minute, I'll arrange a place for the soldiers under my command to be stationed in the city, and you go ahead."

"no problem!"

"See you!"

Looking at the backs of Zhang Kuang and the two riding away on horseback, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were set on the generals of Song and Qing.

"Cheng Kai, Duan can't bear to obey orders!"

"The end is here!"

"The two of you lead the battle, and one hundred thousand soldiers and horses are stationed at Ma Mingpo, waiting for orders from the commander at any time!"


"Zhou Baoyu, Feng Buer listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead the Polu, and the [-] soldiers of the Buddha detour to garrison Jinfengling, waiting for my commander's order!"


"Ye Baotong, Ning Chao listens!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead a hundred thousand soldiers and horses with fangs to detour to garrison the Talu River, waiting for the commander's order!"


"Han Peng, Jiang Lei listens!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead [-] soldiers and [-] brothers from the Artillery Battalion to garrison Yingzhou City with me."


"Military Quartermaster Tang Ru, Warlord Jia Zhengjing listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, took out a stack of banknotes from his bosom, and handed two gold-skinned arrows to Tang Ru and Jia Zhengjing about half each.

"You and the warlord Jia Zhengjing each led [-] soldiers and horses to the ticket office in the neighboring Furao state capital to exchange real money and silver, and bought food and grass needed by the army on the spot. Local detention and handed over to the local government!"

Tang Ru was stunned: "Marshal, the imperial court will deliver the grain and grass. There is a reason for us to buy the grain and grass ourselves. How will we report to the imperial court when the time comes?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed and shook his head.

"I can't wait anymore. The current situation of the national treasury is not optimistic. It is still unknown whether the household department can supply food and grass in time. The war is imminent. In order to prevent the brothers from starving, I can only be self-sufficient first!"

Tang Ru and Jia Zhengjing hesitated, and from the corner of their eyes, they subconsciously glanced at the military recorder who was writing a note not far away.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually as if he didn't see the eyes of the two of them.

"Don't worry, everything is in charge, don't worry."


Liu Mingzhi got on his horse and smiled slightly at Du Yu: "Du Yu, Sun Mingfeng, Tao Li!"

"I am humble!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the military recorder, swung his whip and galloped away towards Yingzhou City.

The three of Du Yu looked at each other, and galloped their horses with a smile to surround the military secretary who was about to chase after Young Master Liu: "The secretary Zeng was exhausted all the way, and the general was tired. While there is still leisure time, I will How about the general brothers and three treat you to a drink?"

The recorder Zeng looked at Du Yu and the others in confusion: "Three generals, let's talk about it after you are free at night. Now I must stay by the commander's side to record his every word and deed!"

"Hey! Zeng Shishi is disrespectful to this general. Apart from going in and out of the camp every day and training soldiers and horses, the commander-in-chief is not the beginning of a big war. There is no need to be so serious!"

"Let's go, let's have a drink or two!"

Du Yu involuntarily took the reins of the army recorder and rushed towards the city gate. Sun Mingfeng and Tao Li surrounded him from left to right, and dragged the army recorder to drink with force.

As for what happened after drinking, only the three of them understood.

Rushing to the city gate, Young Master Liu slowed down and drove the horse slowly towards the city.

Thinking about how to take time out of his busy schedule to go to the Lubu Grassland to meet his cousin Yun Xiaoxi and see how her life is now.

There was a sound of an arrow piercing through the air, Young Master Liu frowned and raised his hand to grab the front door.

An arrow shot from a hand crossbow was tightly held by Liu Mingzhi in his hand. Young Master Liu scanned the surrounding streets sharply, but he couldn't find any trace of the shooter.

Looking back at the arrow in his hand, Liu Mingzhi realized that there was no arrow on the arrow, but a note was tied on it.

Untiing the note and flipping through it, Young Master Liu stared at the big characters on the paper in a daze.

'I miss you politely, see you in Yingzuiyan! '


(End of this chapter)

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