My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1525 Sudden Suspicion

Chapter 1525 Sudden Suspicion
When Young Master Liu was flipping through the note, Song Qing, Han Peng and the others finally galloped up to follow.

Looking at the commander-in-chief stationed on the street, everyone was puzzled, isn't the commander-in-chief going to the governor's mansion for a banquet?Why did it stop motionless on the street.

After all, it was Song Qing who had sharp eyes and saw the crossbow bolt that Young Master Liu took off the note and threw on the ground.

Song Qing jumped off his mount directly, drew out the scabbard with a jerk of the saber in his hand, and guarded it in front of Young Master Li Liu.

"There are assassins!"

Han Peng and the others were slightly stunned, and hurriedly rode their horses and led a group of personal guards to surround Young Master Liu, looking sharply at the houses around the street.

People passing by around saw this and fled in fright, not knowing what happened.

Silently, Liu Mingzhi stuffed the letter in his hand into his cuff, and waved gently at Song Qing and the others.

"Don't worry, the assassin has escaped!"

Song Qing hurriedly turned around: "Marshal, do you want the last general to order the city gates to be sealed and the whole city to search for assassins?"

"No need, let's go to the governor's mansion for a banquet first!"

"Little assassin, why bother the common people, make a noise all over the city, just run away if you escape, besides, the person who comes here is not a real assassin!"

"Go to the banquet first!"


Young Master Liu rushed towards the governor's mansion first, and Song Qing bent down and picked up the crossbow arrows on the ground and handed them to Han Peng who was riding on the horse.

"Let the soldiers check the origin of this crossbow. The commander-in-chief doesn't care about it. We can't be negligent. If something happens to the commander-in-chief, the capital of the 150th Northland state will be completely messed up!"

Han Peng nodded solemnly, wrapped the arrow shaft with a handkerchief and waved to dozens of guards.

"Brothers, come with General Ben!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the streets on both sides with a complex expression. Yingzhou City, which was full of iron barrels, was defended by nearly [-] troops, but the admiral's secret agent under the Queen's command delivered the Queen's letter to him as if he had entered a land of no one.

It was only a short time since I arrived in Yingzhou, the queen had already received the news, and passed the news to the spies hidden in the city.

Is it because the guards in Yingzhou City are too incompetent, or is it because the spies under Wanyan's command are too powerful.

If Wanyan's Admiral's secret agent is too powerful, then what about the spy spy who has always been regarded by the Queen as a serious threat.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses and took a deep breath.

After thinking about it carefully, in the past ten years, so many things have happened, but I have never really seen the methods of spy shadow agents.

Whether it was the old man Liu Ye, or the relevant department, the information I got from the relevant department was nothing more than a few records.

Recalling what Zhang Kuang told himself back then.

Espionage spy, all-pervasive.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, his pupils condensed.

I recalled all the information about the rebellion in the capital in my mind, and then I recalled every story that the little cutie told me.

Mu Ran, Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes wide and began to murmur.

"Could it be that the reason why the first emperor was defeated in the rebellion was not because the general situation was over and he had no choice but to commit suicide, but because he met Li Yunlong, a hobgoblin who bet on the lives of the people in the capital."

"In this way, combined with the information and Yue'er's words, could it be that my young master and my daughter are all in the situation arranged by the late emperor?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head hastily: "Impossible, impossible!"

"Li Yunlong and the others rebelled suddenly. How could I have entered the game in Yingzhou, which is thousands of miles away? Unless"


"Everything is related to Yue'er!"

If so, based on his own understanding of Li Baiyu, he would not be able to arrange such a perfect overall situation, unless his father
Impossible, impossible.

Liu Mingzhi hastily raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

I was thinking too much, everything was just my imagination.

Liu Mingzhi's thoughts went back to the eve of Li Zheng's big trip, and Li Zhengyi justly explained to Li Baiyu.

"As long as I don't commit the crime of treason and usurpation, I can avoid death."

Facts have proved that Li Baiyu has been enduring all kinds of reckless actions after he ascended the throne.

How could I have such an unreliable guess.

"Daddy, uncle asked me to tell you that Qingshan pines and cypresses will never lose each other, he did it!"

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, looked at Song Qing in surprise, Jiang Lei looked at his worried face, and was a little dazed not knowing what happened.

"Marshal, are you really alright? You have stopped in front of the Governor's Mansion and muttered for a quarter of an hour."

"Has it been so long?"

"That's right, that's why the last general wondered what happened to you? Why did you seem to be a different person after entering the city!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head, got off his horse, and walked towards the Governor's Mansion.

"It's nothing, I remembered some things that I had neglected, maybe I thought too much."

"Forget it, let's not talk about these random things, let's go to see brother Qin and uncle first."

"it is good!"

"Dare to ask, but shoulder to shoulder with His Royal Highness?"

Young Master Liu and the others had just entered the door when an old man in his 60s or [-]s greeted him with a smile.

"It's Liu Mingzhi. Dare I ask the elder, is Governor Qin here?"

"My lord, please, the governor and Lord Hou are welcoming the lord and the generals in the main hall. I will guide you!"

"It's work!"


Under the leadership of Butler Qin Bin, Young Master Liu walked through the door and corridor to the main hall of the Governor's Mansion during the cup of tea.

The chattering Zhang Kuang Qin Bin and the two saw Young Master Liu and hurried up to meet him.

"Brother Liu, please come inside, please say goodbye to the banquet, it is not a respect."


"Uncle please!"

Song Qing looked at Zhang Kuang respectfully: "Uncle is well!"

"Good boy, I knew there must be you, hurry up and sit inside!"

Everyone sat down, drinking warm wine and chatting.

After drinking for three rounds, several people's faces remained normal, they were all important figures in Yingzhou, everyone controlled their alcohol intake and did not dare to drink too much, as long as they focused on talking.

"Uncle, Brother Qin, how is the situation in the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks now? Now that the spring is warm and flowers are blooming, do the two countries have any intention of using troops?"

Zhang Kuang put down the teacup in his hand and nodded slightly, beckoning to the guard behind him, who hurriedly took out a silk map from his arms and handed it to Zhang Kuang.

Qin Bin hurriedly asked his servants to remove some spare plates to make room for Zhang Kuang.

Zhang Kuang rolled up the map on the desk table, densely packed lines were drawn on the map, if not for the few people who are well versed in the art of war, they might be dizzy looking at it.

Even so, Qin Bin, the governor of Yingzhou who had never led a soldier before, looked at the routes on the map with a little knowledge, and many places were in a mess.

Zhang Kuang took out a chopstick and waved it over the map.

"According to the letter from the spies in the Kingdom of Jin, the Queen of Jin has ordered the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin to use something called a fire dragon cart to secretly transport soldiers and horses to Songzhou and Daizhou to assemble."

"This Marquis discussed with Lord Yasukuni. It will be a matter of time to use troops. I'm afraid that within two months, or even within a month, the Jin Kingdom's army may come to the city again!"

"Now that the troops cannot be replenished in time, we will be very passive in defending the city this time!"

"How about the Turks?"

"30 Turkic cavalry have secretly assembled towards Shibibu. Judging from the situation, they are going to concentrate their forces to attack Yunzhou and the two cities of Jeju."

"As for whether this is the case, it is not clear yet. Turkic Khan is a girl who is very good at using soldiers. Maybe he gathered troops and horses and Shibibu just pretended to confuse us."

"But no matter what, you must guard against it!"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes scanned the map, looking at the clear lines, countless offensive lines appeared in Liu's mind.

"Is there any reliable information about how the Tunisian and Tunisian countries plan to use their troops in this national war?"

"Fight on our own, or as always, fight against the dragon first?"

(End of this chapter)

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