My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1526 Five Scrolls of Dragon Slaying Technique

Chapter 1526 Five Scrolls of Dragon Slaying Technique

Zhang Kuang took out two notes from his cuff and patted them in front of First Young Master Liu.

"The Golden Empress Wanyan wanly said that there was a correspondence between the Turkic Khan Huyan Yunyao and the Turkic Khan. It is already an indisputable fact. As for whether the two countries have reached a new agreement and unanimously targeted the soldiers and horses against my Dalong, it is still difficult to find out. .”

"The letters between the two are either escorted by experts, or passed on by golden eagles."

"You also know that a well-trained golden eagle is fast, understands human nature, and only recognizes its master. It is not easy to capture it. If those masters know that they are invincible, they will destroy the letter before being captured. "

"So, as of now, we don't know anything about the specific plans of the two countries for this use of troops."

"Want to ambush the pawns of the two countries to inquire in secret, but also afraid of making mistakes, so this Marquis said that our current situation is very passive."

"Based on our current relationship with the Kingdom of Jin or the Turks, it is almost impossible to interfere with them and divide them."

After Liu Mingzhi read the information on the note, he folded it and returned it to Zhang Kuang.

Leaning feebly on the chair and holding his chin, he began to think.

"It's useless. The soldiers and horses of the two countries are coming fiercely. In the face of absolute strength, any small tricks and calculations are futile."

"If you want to defeat the enemy, you have to be better than them in the way of using troops and the strategy of tactics."

"However, this point is also extremely difficult and dangerous!"

"My junior brother, Huyan Yunyao, I know her best. Using soldiers can be said to be full of tricks, which is different from ordinary people. She has a talent in the art of war that ordinary people can't match."

"I have never confronted her in the true sense, how can I restrain her from being a close friend now!"

Looking at First Young Master Liu who looked a bit sad, he nodded arrogantly and solemnly.

"Your evaluation is very pertinent. The last time Lord Yasukuni aided Jeju and Yingzhou, he almost suffered a big loss under her command."

"If it weren't for the timely assistance of the soldiers and horses from Jeju City, just the first confrontation with Lord Yasukuni would have caused heavy casualties. Even so, we lost nearly [-] brothers in the first confrontation."

"Speeding east and west, knocking south and north is used by her with deep knowledge. You can't see what her intention is, and you have already fallen under the Turkic cavalry!"

"Half a month ago, this Marquis met with Duke Yasukuni, and he still had some lingering fears when he mentioned this battle."

"It's a good talent, but I, Dalong, don't have the chance to get it!"

"Old man Wenren's original intention was good, but he didn't expect to feed tigers into trouble!"

Liu Mingzhi remembered Wen Renzheng's expression of relief and regret when he left him for the last time, and sighed softly.

"It's too late to say anything about the past. No one has the front and the back. If the teacher knew that there would be today, maybe he wouldn't teach his brother all the money. I can only say that everything has a cause and effect!"

"Let's not talk about my younger brother, Wanyan Chizha from Jin Kingdom is not a simple person."

"He has been famous for a long time, and he became famous at the same time as old man Wan Buhai and old man Yunyang of Yasukuni."

"I heard that Weihe's military disaster back then, if he hadn't led an army of 20 to fight against our troops going north, I'm afraid the Kingdom of Jin would have already been in a corner!"

"His siege of Yingzhou City has been carefully studied dozens of times during my leisurely return to Beijing."

"I have to say that this old fox Yan Chizha is a hero!"

"The art of war is seasoned and decisive, especially his overall view is completely different from ours."

"From the way of attacking the city, I can see that he never cared about the gains and losses of a soldier or a general, but focused on how to attack the two cities of Yingzhou and Fuzhou."

"Although the army of the Kingdom of Jin suffered heavy losses in the last battle, you and I are very clear about the reason. We took advantage of the city wall!"

"I have deduced the siege method several times on the sand table, but none of the methods are more perfect than Wanyan Chizha's siege method."

"Maybe without relying on the advantage of artillery, I might not be the opponent of this old guy in a close duel."

"However, this is just my speculation. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and there are countless reasons for guest officials that can affect victory or defeat."

"In a real fight, whoever wins and who loses is still two things."

"The Turkic iron cavalry who fought bravely, and the elite division of the Twelve Guards of the Kingdom of Jin who can conquer battles."

"At the same time defending the attacks of both sides, if we don't want to have a perfect strategy, I'm afraid that even if we can defend this national war, we will suffer heavy losses."

"Even shaking the foundation of the country is not impossible!"

Zhang Kuang groaned for a while, then suddenly looked at First Young Master Liu: "Firearms, can the firearms you sent newly from your subordinates achieve the miraculous effect of winning by surprise?"

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and began to think, then opened his eyes after a long time and shook his head.

"It may be possible to be surprised, but it is difficult to win."

"Those firearms are powerful, but they are too few in number."

"With the investment of millions of troops in the national war, relying on those firearms alone will not have much effect."

"Even if all the chain guns are scrapped, they won't be able to play much role. The reason is that there are too few of them!"

"Even if tens of thousands of enemy troops are killed by surprise, it will not help."

Zhang Kuang nodded regretfully, but still looked at First Young Master Liu with a look of unwillingness.

"Before the soldiers and horses of the two countries approach the city, mobilize all the skilled craftsmen in the six guards to make a large number of firearms."

"It's difficult. The technology is there. Money, time, and craftsmanship are all big challenges. If the product is defective, it will hurt the enemy eight hundred and hurt yourself a thousand!"

"Well, we have to think of another way."

Liu Mingzhi shook his slightly drunken head and stood up.

"Let's stop here today. I'll go back and think about it carefully before we discuss it."

"It is impossible to come up with a perfect solution overnight!"

"That's fine, if you're exhausted, go back and rest for a while!"

"Brother, Jiang Lei, you can drink with Uncle and Brother Qin for a while, I'm a step ahead!"

"Yes, Commander, go slowly!"

Young Master Liu walked towards the outside of the Governor's Mansion with a hint of drunkenness in his eyes.

Getting on his horse and leaving the Governor's Mansion, the slightly drunk-eyed Young Master Liu didn't look drunk at all.

His eyes are deep and bright.

Looking back at the Governor's Mansion behind him, and then at the approaching dusk, Young Master Liu galloped towards the north of Shanhaiguan in the north of the city with a complex expression on his horse.

Uncle, these flintlock guns and serial blunderbuss are the foundation of the boy's foothold in the North, and I must never hand them over.

I can loyally and conscientiously guard the country, but I can't have no cards at all!
I only have one life, and I won't take my life as a joke.

When the north is stable, it may be the day when the boy and his majesty are separated from each other.

As long as His Majesty really understands the five volumes of Zhen Guoshu, perhaps the first person to be removed may be Hai'er.

Just like what Yun'er said when she thought the child was asleep, although the child has no rebellion, he has the ability to rebel, which is already a crime!

But for the sake of the great cause of the country, the boy had to give everything he had.

I hope that the child treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, so worry about it!

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I hope you can believe in the loyalty of your ministers like your father and the late emperor, and continue to continue the good stories of your ministers, otherwise, where will you let your ministers go!

I really don't want to see a day when there will be a rift between the ruler and the minister.

I have bowed my head and expressed all my acts of loyalty. If you doubt that I have the heart to be a king, I really have nothing to say.

It is enough for the minister to protect himself.

I hope God has eyes.

Make the five volumes of Dragon Slaying Art, the pearl is covered with dust, and the sun cannot be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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