Chapter 1528
Liu Mingzhi sniffed the familiar fragrance in his bosom, and his slightly tense mind completely relaxed.

The empress' look of surprise in her disappointment made Liu Mingzhi understand that she was not dissatisfied because of her late arrival, but was still staying where she was and waiting for her arrival.

Looking down at the empress who was cuddling tightly in his arms, Liu Mingzhi was a little absent-minded.

The shawl hair is dotted with phoenix hairpins, and a jasper hairpin is gently inserted between the queen's coiled hair, matching the phoenix hairpins left and right, just right.

The cheeks of national beauty and heavenly fragrance are like peach blossoms, which are as delicate and astonishing. Looking up at her water-shearing pupils, she is absolutely beautiful.Gu Pan is charming and moving.

With a little makeup on her face, she was wearing a snow-white flowing smoke skirt, which set off her perfect and delicate body with an outstanding demeanor.

The eyes looking at him are even more charming, with a lingering feeling of longing in the gentleness.

The empress was so equipped that Liu Dashao couldn't recover for a long time.

After careful calculation, it has been more than 11 years since I met and known the empress. In the 11 years since I first met and last parted for the last time, it was the first time I saw the empress appearing in front of my eyes in such a costume.

From the scholar's Confucian clothes when they met for the first time, to the majestic dragon robe when the Kingdom of Jin met again.

Even after what happened in Luoyue Valley, whether it was a meeting in Shanhaiguan or a meeting in Beijing, the empress would either wear a man's attire, or put a plain white dress on her body casually,

Especially in front of her, the empress never seemed to have put on any makeup or green makeup, and even her shawl hair was tied behind her back casually with a headband.

This is the first time Liu Mingzhi has seen such a well-dressed appearance in ten years.

From the previous light sweeping crescent eyebrows, clear and refined, to the current beauty regretting the mortal world, the graceful and elegant Liu Mingzhi feels unreal.

Is the woman nestled in his arms really the woman he was familiar with before?
Compared with the ethereal temperament before, the current appearance of the empress gave Liu Mingzhi a sense of reality in his heart, this is what it is like to live in the secular world.

It looks more beautiful than before, but there is a touch of human fireworks.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, looked at the indelible longing in the empress' bright eyes and nodded with a light smile.

"Go to the feast of feasting in the world, and see the beauty of the world."

"Looking at the three lives with a glimpse, and watching the fat clouds closing the moon for a long time."

"To put it bluntly, you can still be so beautiful!"

Listening to the words that Young Master Liu confides, the empress showed a rare expression of embarrassment.

Compared with the previous domineering and cold aura, people can't help but feel obsessed with it.

"Hui'er said."

"Women are the ones who please themselves!"

"Is this dress really good-looking? Huier helped me choose it, but she is not very good at it!"

Looking at the queen, Liu Mingzhi was slightly puzzled, he always felt that the queen had changed, she was very different from before.

In the past, when she said politely in front of her, she kept three words of never leaving me, how about not leaving me, but since the meeting today, the queen has kept silent about the word "myself".

People can't help but feel a sense of intimacy.

The empress might really have changed, but Liu Mingzhi couldn't say exactly what changed.

It's an inexplicable feeling.

Let go of the palm on the queen's back, Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and led the queen's bright wrist and walked towards Yingzuiyan.
Sitting cross-legged, looking at the rising smoke from Yingzhou city, Liu Mingzhi's mood was rarely as calm as water.

The Empress let Eldest Young Master Liu lead her and sat on the rock, looking at Elder Liu's indifferent profile, the Empress wrapped Liu Mingzhi's arms in her arms, and gently pressed on Eldest Young Master Liu's shoulders. With a strong color of curiosity.

"What are you thinking about?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the Queen: "Don't you think you understand me? Guess what I'm thinking right now?"

It's rare for the two of them not to be blushing because of the dispute over state affairs, to worry about each other, and to talk about ordinary topics like a pair of old friends who have not reunited for a long time.

The empress was stunned for a moment, and her bright eyes followed Young Master Liu's gaze towards Yingzhou City.

The empress saw the smoke rising from the city. Although she couldn't see the lights of thousands of houses in the city, she could clearly see the faint light reflected on the city wall.

The queen pondered for a while thoughtfully.

"You are thinking, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the border is safe and sound. Isn't this the most beautiful thing in the world? Why is there a dragon, why is there a Turkic, why is there a gold kingdom!"

"Even, why is there a war, why is there a war!"

"Why can't the war between the Three Kingdoms be subsided for a long time!"

Liu Mingzhi's body froze, although it was subtle, the empress clearly noticed it, the surprise in Liu Mingzhi's eyes flashed away, and his gaze was once again placed on the city wall of Yingzhou.

"Is Yue'er okay?"

"It's pretty good. After dealing with the court affairs every day, I had a great time playing with Fei Xiong. The child has a lively temper. Seeing that she handles the court affairs in an orderly manner, he didn't interfere with her too much."

"After going through the national war, Wan Yan also thought it over clearly. She is still too young. I can't force many things on her for my own sake!"

"But let's not talk about Yue'er for now, you guessed right or guessed wrong by speaking politely first."

"I haven't seen each other for half a year, and I bluntly think that I know you, but I don't dare to say I know you!"

"With the change of time and the ruthlessness of time and space, everything will change! The sea can become mulberry fields, let alone people!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "That's right!"

"Among Yun'er and her sisters, the three who know me best are Yun'er, Sister Ya, and Yan'er!"

"Lian'er and the others put all their heart and soul into me, but they couldn't figure out what I was thinking. However, Yun'er and the other three sisters are still far behind you in understanding me."

"We are also husband and wife, and we are also rivals!"

"The person who knows you best is your opponent. This saying is true. I didn't quite believe it at first, but now I believe it!"

Listening to First Young Master Liu's low-pitched words, the empress' bright eyes showed a little regret.

With a faint sigh, the empress held Young Master Liu's arms even harder.

"You haven't changed at all, you are still the same as before."

"If you have no conscience, I will say that I feel sorry for you."

"You have always lived for others, for Dalong, for the common people, when will you live for yourself!"

"Taking back what I said earlier, you are not hypocritical, you just live too tired."

"You have too many shackles imprisoning you, you love so many people, but no one ever loves you!"

"Based on the power and influence you have, you shouldn't live like this, you should change your way of living!"

"I don't say this to encourage you to rebel, but I just hope that you don't live such a tiring life. When we first met, you were not like this. Although you didn't have so many identities at that time, you lived a very chic and comfortable life. "

"Why did you change so much after entering the temple?"

Liu Mingzhi gently stroked the feather veil on the empress's shoulders, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"To put it bluntly, what did you Jin Guo believe in before?"

"The weak eat the strong!"

"Can the power held by the old grand master Long Duo shake Jin Guochaogang?"

"It's enough. Although polite words can calm the chaos, it will also hurt the Jin Kingdom."

"So what is the final result of Mr. Rondo?"

"Bow down and die!"


"Learn the classics of Dalong Hundred Schools, be loyal to the king and love you."

As the Queen spoke, she seemed to understand something and fell silent.

"To put it bluntly, as you said, I wasn't like this ten years ago, why did I become like this?"

"Perhaps it was a mistake for me to go to Dangyang Academy to study."

"It's a terrible habit to be subtle. When some habits are deeply rooted in people's hearts, they can't be quit!"

"I first came to Dalong ten years ago. When I first entered Dangyang Academy, it would never be the same as it is now."

"But how can a lonely boat change a world with deeply rooted concepts? It will only change itself because of the whole world."

"I never wanted to change anything, but unknowingly, I was changed by the world!"

"But one thing, I am steadfast and have never changed, even if there is a slight wavering!"


"I want to live well!"

(End of this chapter)

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