Chapter 1529

The queen looked at Liu Mingzhi's expressionless expression and was silent for a long time.

Raising his hand, he caressed Young Master Liu's cheeks already covered with stubble, and his bright eyes were full of guilt.

"If two years ago, or even longer ago, I would have sneered and thought you were just a hypocrite if I heard you say this bluntly!"

"Now Wanyan doesn't, because Wanyan is being subtly changed by you and Yue'er!"

"Wanyan used to only think about the world, but after having you and Yue'er, Wanyan understands that besides the obsession to rule the world, it is such a happy thing to have a lover and relatives who make you worry about it."

"At the beginning, I dismissed what Yan Yu said, but now I don't even have the courage to look at her directly!"

"It turns out that there is no reason for the environment to change a person!"

"In short, Wanyan just wants to tell you now, I want the world, and Liu Mingzhi wants the same."

"Whoever dares to stop Wanyan is the enemy of Wanyan."

"It doesn't make any difference to me, it's just that there is one more thing I want to get!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything, but exerted a little force on the wrist holding the empress' shoulder.

"Wanyan, I want to go to the Angelica Pavilion to see the acacia tree you planted, but... can I still come back?"

The Empress's eyes brightened, and with an expression of unbelievable surprise, she suddenly sat up from Young Master Liu's shoulders, staring closely into Young Master Liu's eyes.

"What you said is true? Are you going to see the Angelica Pavilion and the Acacia Tree?"

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and nodded slightly, sighing unabashedly.

"I went back with you, will you come back?"

The queen's delicate body trembled, her bright eyes were full of struggle, looking at Young Master Liu who closed her eyes and waited for the answer, the queen's snow-white jade fingers were clenched together, and her lotus arms trembled uncontrollably.

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

"Since you asked, you must listen to the truth!"

When the empress heard this, the struggle in her bright eyes was particularly obvious, she hesitated for a long time, and the empress let out a long sigh.

"Wanyan doesn't want to lie to you. If you go to Wanyan, you won't let you step out of the Kingdom of Jin again!"

"Never let you leave Wanyan's hands again, whether in public or private!"

"Yu Gong, without you in Dalong Beijiang, it means that you have lost your right-hand man. It is a godsend opportunity for Wanyan to unify the world!"

"Wanyan knows that you have obtained the information. The Kingdom of Jin is ready to use troops against Dalong. As long as you are not in Yingzhou, the emperor's uncle will get twice the result with half the effort to capture Dalong's frontier!"

"The 30 iron cavalry under your command are already quite powerful. After the last national war, they were reborn from the ashes, and their transformation was terrifying."

"Uncle Huang has been worried more than once because of the 30 cavalry under your command, and has trouble sleeping and eating, saying that it is the biggest change in the southward siege."

"Uncle Huang, a battle-tested warrior, is shocked by the endless weapons in your hands!"

"Yu Gong, I will not let you go back to Dalong again and become a stumbling block to Wanyan's unification of the world."

"Selfish, heartless, Wanyan misses you more and more, and my heart feels empty when I don't see you, Wanyan wants to keep you by my side forever!"

"You have been with those sisters for ten years, shouldn't it be time for you to spend some time with Wanyan?"

"Wanyan understands that Qi Yun and the others are unfair, but in the relationship between men and women, has there ever been a word of fairness?"

"Wanyan doesn't want to hide it from you. Once you go, you will never come back!"

"If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, you will have endless troubles."

"Public or private, Wanyan will not let you go back to Dalong to be an enemy of Wanyan."

"Even if you resent Wanyan for the rest of your life, and Wanyan admits it, I will imprison you in the Kingdom of Jin at all costs."

"If you want to win your heart, you want to win your people!"

After the empress finished speaking, she looked at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting quietly with her eyes closed, sitting on the Yingzui Rock with her knees in her arms, feeling the breeze blowing across her cheeks.

Liu Mingzhi didn't move at all. Hearing the breeze passing by her ears, the empress smiled bitterly, and she no longer had any hope.

She really wanted to tell Liu Mingzhi that she would let him return safely after going back with her.

But she can't do it, she doesn't want to say those words against her heart to this sweetheart who is clearly deeply rooted in love but has the identity of an enemy.

Just like Liu Mingzhi wouldn't lie to himself, although what he said made his heart ache, he never lied to himself.

Perhaps it was this honesty that made the two of them worry about each other in the hostility again and again, regardless of previous suspicions.

The moonlight hangs high, and the sound of insects is sweet.

Young Master Liu's mount, Feng Xing, was poking the Queen's snow-white bloody BMW with its horse's head, everything was so harmonious, except for a pair of idiots and resentful women sitting on the Eagle's Mouth Rock, who were silent.

The queen has ignored the posture of the two of them sitting on the Eagle's Mouth Rock for how long!
Looking at the motionless Young Master Liu who seemed to be integrated with nature, the empress gently tightened the gauze skirt on her body. She had already expected this result.

It's just that I still can't help but feel sore in my heart.

With a slightly stronger breeze, Young Master Liu, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened them, and stood up straight with his legs like springs.

The queen who heard the movement turned her head to look at Young Master Liu, only to see Young Master Liu wave his sword finger, and the heavenly sword stuck on the ground flew straight into Young Young Master Liu's hand and trembled.

Liu Mingzhi caressed the blade of the sword, and slowly put it on his waist.

Under the empress' puzzled eyes, Liu Mingzhi bent down towards the empress with a chuckle, and hugged him in a princess hug under the empress' astonished gaze.

The queen's white and tender lotus arms subconsciously hugged Young Master Liu's neck, and the confusion in her eyes became more and more intense.

Young Master Liu hugged the Queen and walked towards their mounts, the Queen finally came back to her senses.

"No conscience, what are you going to do?"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and sucked on the empress's cherry lips for a moment.

"Bet 100 taels of silver, I bet you won't be able to keep me!"

The empress was slightly taken aback, and after a little thought, she understood what Young Master Liu meant. For a moment, the feeling of lost and found lingered in the empress's heart.

"You really want to go back with Wanyan?"

"Red Bean Sprout King Angelica, it's time to fulfill the promise made nine years ago!"

"A gentleman's word?"

"Hurry up and whip!"

"Break the oath?"

"Let this young master blow up his chest on the spot with a handjob!"


Young Master Liu whispered in the empress's ear in a cheap way, Empress Mu Ran's prosperous face reflected the moonlight with a hot blush.

His bright eyes gave First Young Master Liu a coquettish look, but the worry in his eyes settled down.

From the Empress's point of view, Young Master Liu's oath was not vicious, it meant sacrificing one's life for righteousness.

"Put me down!"

Young Master Liu looked at the Queen in surprise: "Aren't you in a hurry to take me back?"

The empress punched First Young Master Liu coquettishly: "What time is it, the gates of your dragon city are not sealed, we can't enter Daizhou now."

Young Master Liu put the Queen down with a stunned expression: "You are the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, can a small city gate stop you?"

"I am traveling in a micro-service, so going back to the city will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble, and it will not be too late to go back to the city tomorrow morning!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and pointed to the delicately angled cliff not far away: "Alright, since we can't make it today, let's sit under the cliff cave in front for the night!"

The empress was stunned for a moment, her bright eyes looked at Young Master Liu with surprise, her jade finger slid gently on the edge of her cherry lips, and gently circled around Young Master Liu in the bewildered eyes of Young Master Liu.

Empress Haomu looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously.

"Do it overnight? Have no conscience, are you so bloated now? Is it because I am old, or are you drifting away?"

"What's the matter? Isn't it normal that you can't walk and sit all night today? I don't understand what you're lying about. To put it bluntly, what kind of eyes do you have?"

"Don't scare me, why do I feel like you're going to eat me!"

The empress pursed her cherry lips, and her bright smiling eyes narrowed slightly, more curved than the crescent moon hanging high in the sky.

"Without conscience, politely say I'm hungry!"

"Wait a minute, I'll go find some wild animals!"

About half an hour later, a bright bonfire rose at the mouth of the cliff, and Young Master Liu was spinning a wooden stick with a hare stuck in it.

The queen who was sitting on one side wrapped a fragrant rabbit leg in a handkerchief and chewed slowly, holding up the exquisite wine bag to take a light peck from time to time.

Seeing the embarrassment of Young Master Liu roasting the rabbit meat, the playful smile on the empress's pretty face became heavier and heavier. Looking up at the bright moonlight, the empress couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"This beautiful moonlight is so charming!"

"This delicious roasted rabbit leg is so sweet!"

"This handsome young gentleman, he is seductive!"

Young Master Liu trembled, not daring to look at the empress' narrow eyes, and buried himself in the meat.

"Wanyan, have you misunderstood something!"

"Misunderstanding? No, no, no misunderstanding!"

"Do it all night, my wife understands!"

When the empress said that Young Master Liu was even more scared, she almost trembled like chaff.

Seeing this, the empress stood up slightly, lifted her lotus feet, and the stone fell steadily beside Young Master Liu.

The queen turned her delicate body and sat on the stone, stretched her graceful delicate body, and held the wine pot back to back to lean against the stiff Young Master Liu.

"The night is hazy, the breeze is warm, such a beautiful day, you and I are destined to be together tonight."

"It's so late at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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