My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1530 The Fate of the Piece

Chapter 1530 The Fate of the Piece

The crisp and sweet cry of the mountain bird awakened the shameless couple.

Not far from Shanhaiguan, under the mountain stream surrounded by dense forests, the sound of gurgling water is playing musical symbols, and the haggard young master Liu is lying on a neat stone slab basking in the sun, rubbing his waist and sighing for two times from time to time. Voice.

From time to time, he glanced at the spring not far away, looking at the beautiful figure reflecting the luster under the spring water, his eyes were extremely upright, without the slightest evil thoughts.

"Wanyan, have you washed well? If you don't hurry, you won't be able to enter Daizhou again."

Qianying looked back slightly, smiled leisurely, and then a teasing voice came into Young Master Liu's ears.

"What's the matter, anyway, there is still a long time before the war comes again, at worst, let's sit for another night!"

Liu Dashao with a lazy expression shook his body, and a carp jumped up from the stone slab, showing no signs of backache.

Grabbing the Liuyan dress on one side, he rushed towards the spring, and dressed up for the queen's unwilling response.

Young Master Liu, who was always bad at makeup, seemed to have become a little expert in makeup, and he restored the queen to the dress she had when they met yesterday.

Except that there is no more makeup and rouge on the pretty face, it is almost the same as yesterday.

Young Master Liu looked at the empress with a slightly resentful expression in satisfaction, and applauded himself in admiration.

"I didn't expect this young master to have such ingenious craftsmanship. In the future, when he retires and returns to his hometown, he will have an extra ability to support his family."

The empress rolled her eyes at the smug Young Master Liu, with some 'disdain' in her eyes: "Panic can make a person omnipotent, this statement is really true!"

Young Master Liu heard the teasing meaning in the Queen's words, and Quan ignored it.

He raised his hand and took the empress's bright wrist to climb up the rock.

"Be polite, you are a fairy who cannot be profaned in my mind. I suggest that we should be in heat in the future, and it's better to be polite."

"What do you think? Don't you think that the communication of the heart is far superior to everything?"

The empress glanced at Young Master Liu's unnatural expression indifferently, broke free from Young Master Liu's traction, rushed onto her back, and wrapped her arms tightly around Young Master Liu's neck.

"No, no, my mother thinks it's better if the love is deep."

"My daughter is almost ten years old. Don't you think that you are talking nonsense when you tell my old lady that she is in heat and stops with courtesy?"

"100 taels of silver, I bet you still have bullets in your gun!"

Young Master Liu's face froze, and he shook his head like a rattle: "Gambling is harmful to people, if you don't gamble, don't gamble!"

The empress twisted Young Master Liu's ears with dissatisfaction, but she was reluctant to use force, Young Master Liu couldn't control so much, she wrapped the empress's long and strong legs, and she was as light as a swallow in the cloud climbing towards the Shanhaiguan.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi looked back at the Yingzhou City behind him under the empress' uneasy eyes, and galloped towards the Jin Dynasty Daizhou City with a wave of his horsewhip.

Ten years ago when he was sent to the Kingdom of Jin as an envoy, Young Master Liu joined hands with Queen Wanyan of the Kingdom of Jin to walk the same path again.

Seeing this, the empress finally relaxed her hesitant expression, looked back at Yingzhou behind her, then stared at the back of Young Master Liu galloping for a moment, and then chased after Young Young Master Liu with a clip on the belly of the horse with a whip go up.

From the rising sun to the high sun, the two galloping horses finally slowed down and walked slowly on the official road leading to Daizhou.

Both of them took off the water bladders on the horse's back to feed water to their beloved mounts, but the empress fed them the best spring water, while Young Master Liu fed them the best wine.

The empress put away the water bag, stroking the horse's mane, her face hesitated for a long time and turned to look at Young Master Liu who had just straightened up.

"Unconscionable, do you hate polite words?"

Liu Mingzhi, who was about to drink, froze, with an unspeakable expression on his face.

"Where does the word hate come from?"

"Big Dragon Wuzong Li Baiyu!"

When Liu Mingzhi heard the words, the sadness in his eyes flashed away, he gently raised his wine bag and drank heavily.

"You mean that you ordered Yue'er to come to Beijing with a loud voice as a bait to drive a wedge between me and the late emperor, and Li Yunlong and his brothers rebelled, thus killing the late emperor Wuzong?"

The queen's delicate body trembled, her eyes slightly dodged, she did not dare to look at Liu Mingzhi's sad and indifferent eyes.

Liu Mingzhi's tone was too calm, and he calmly said that the empress couldn't see what he was feeling at the moment.

From an ordinary person's point of view, based on his understanding of Liu Mingzhi, he shouldn't be so calm, so calm that he was a little overwhelmed.

Even a little flustered.

The queen's jade finger holding the rein kept shaking, it can be seen how restless the queen's heart is at the moment!
"You... you know everything?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, he didn't show much pride, but kept drinking wine.

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world, no matter what things cannot stand scrutiny."

"As long as you analyze carefully, you will find that there are actually no secrets in this world."

"Especially for the existence in our position, there will be no secrets."

"As long as you want to know, if you spend some money, you will eventually know!"

The empress lightly pursed her cherry lips, her eyes scanned the scenery on both sides of the official road, but she did not dare to fall on Young Master Liu who had a calm expression.

"Then do you hate me? I know you and Li Baiyu have a deep sense of brotherhood. He died under my schemes and bluntly killed your good brother. Will you blame me?"

Liu Mingzhi put away the wine bag, sighed faintly, and set his eyes on the empress who looked disturbed.

"Why do I hate you?"

The queen was startled, and looked at First Young Master Liu, and the joy in the queen's eyes could be clearly seen.

"Really don't hate?"

"Wanyan! What is your relationship with the late emperor?"

"Enemy, natural enemy, I am Emperor Dajin, he is Emperor Dalong, we were destined to be enemies from the moment we ascended the throne!"

"That's right, you are enemies. From my point of view, you killed my elder brother with a trick. From your point of view, you just got rid of an enemy who blocked your way."

"Maybe I will be sad because of the death of my eldest brother, but I will not resent you."

"He is for the country and the people, and you are also for the country and the people."

"From a moral point of view, none of you are wrong, it's just the world that's wrong."

"Wanyan, do you remember? The two of us have said more than once, in fact, neither of us is wrong, it's just that we are in different positions."

"If I were in your position, I might do even more extreme and excessive things than you do."

"I can understand your difficulties, just as you understand mine."

"If the eldest brother has stabilized Chao Gang like the father and the emperor, and has great power in his hands, with the power of the big dragon before, maybe you will be the one who dies."

"Therefore, I don't think it's shameful to put an enemy on a dead end, and it's not something difficult to talk about."

"You, I, the late emperor, the people of Dalong, the people of the Kingdom of Jin, and the people of Turks are just pawns in the game."

"The fate of a chess piece is destined to eat another hostile chess piece."

"In other words, if I break the Kingdom of Jin, I will let you live, but the late emperor may not let you mother and daughter live, because you are his enemy, and he has a reason to put you to death."

"It's like you designed to kill him for the unification of the world."

"The way of heaven shows its majesty, and all living beings are ants."

"Such is the fate of chess pieces."

"The root cause of the late emperor's great success is that he lost the chess game with your Kingdom of Jin!"

"In that case, why should I hate you?"

(End of this chapter)

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