Chapter 1534
After listening to Young Master Liu's words, Wanyan Chizha blew his beard and stared, and stepped forward to look at Young Master Liu provocatively.

"Little bastard, it's against you. You think it's your big dragon who dares to be so rude to this king. You can still be bullied in this king's territory. What do you have to be arrogant?"

"Don't dare to speak rudely, believe it or not, this king will peel off your skin and dry you!"

Hearing Wanyan Chizha's threat, Young Master Liu shrugged his shoulders in disdain. With the empress standing here, the old man didn't dare to move a finger of his own. He stared back provocatively. The sense of disdain on the Internet is extremely strong.

"Old man, what arrogance do you have? You can try to use the young master's finger, and the bones will be dismantled for you to make soup for you, believe it or not!"

"Hey, you fucking are."

Wanyan Chizha rolled up the sleeves of the boa robe and was about to charge upwards when a young man in his 20s grabbed Wanyan Chizha by his side.

"Father, don't be like this. Your Majesty must not lose his composure in front of you. Besides, how can we embarrass our Wanyan family in public!"

Wanyan Chizha's face was startled, he subconsciously glanced at the people watching the excitement in the distance, and shook his sleeves indignantly.

"Little bastard, I will give Feng'er a thin noodle today, or else shit will come out for you today."

Young Master Liu spat lightly, and his eyes fell on the young man beside Wanyan Zhizha.

"Today, my young master also gave this little brother a face, otherwise you will be unable to move in bed in the future!"

The Queen's crescent eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she shook her head helplessly as she looked back and forth at the two people who were at odds with each other as soon as they met.

It's true that the old are not as respected as the elders, and the young are not as polite as the younger ones.

"Fight and fight, if you really want to compete, just don't care about anything and don't care about anything. If you don't tell the people, the people don't know your identity, so fight to the death."

"Whoever's skills are inferior to others will lie dead, and my mother will collect your corpses in person."

The coldness in the Queen's words was undisguised, she let go of Young Master Liu's hand and got off the horse, took Fengxing's rein and walked towards Wanyan Chizha.

Let the distance between the two be no more than three steps.

The queen held the rein of the horse with one hand, and with the other she was going to finish Yan Zhizha's sleeve.

"Fight, aren't you very powerful? Anyone who doesn't kill me today will look down on you!"

"Go on!"

"Do you want me to build a ring for you, and then prepare eighteen weapons for you!"

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, First Young Master Liu hurriedly got off his horse and hid behind the queen. As the saying goes, a good man never suffers from immediate losses.

There are about [-] elite soldiers stationed in Daizhou, and if they are more serious than Wanyan Chizha, he will definitely not be able to please him.

It's safer to hide behind the queen. As for the issue of shame or not, Young Master Liu doesn't care at all. It's not a day or two for this young master to be shameless, and it's only once or twice this time.

My life is almost gone, why do I still care about this and that!

Seeing the empress' slightly angry face, Wanyan Chizha scratched his ears and his gaze became a little erratic.

Young Master Liu is the man of the emperor's niece, so it's really hard to explain to his niece if he really hurt him.

Especially the little granddaughter Luoyue whom he valued the most, after hurting his father, he might not be able to get close to her again!
The queen's cold eyes lingered on the two talkative kings.

"What? It's useless to give you a chance!"

"Give Wanyan niece a face, I don't have the same knowledge as him!"

"It's just to give you a face, I'm too lazy to compete with him!"

The two said in unison, their eyes intertwined, and they glanced arrogantly into the distance for an instant!
Looking at more and more people gathered around, the queen sighed helplessly and walked forward quickly: "Uncle Emperor, guard the border well. If something happens suddenly on my side, I won't stay in Daizhou!"

Seeing this, the spies on the side hurriedly expelled the people to lead the way for the queen.

Wanyan Chizha was startled, and bowed to the queen's back: "Respectfully send off, Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, Young Master Liu hurriedly chased after the queen, and pointed a middle finger at Wanyan who was beside him.

"Old man, sooner or later, my young master will let you kneel down and sing Conquer!"

Wanyan Chizha doesn't know what conquest is, but he also knows that absolute force is not a good word.

"Little bastard, I'm waiting for you, let's see who sings conquest to whom!"

The Empress, Young Master Liu and the others drifted away, and Wanyan Chizha's old and unscrupulous expression gradually became a bit dignified.

The young man beside him looked at Wanyan Chizha curiously: "Father, is the person who is following the imperial sister the Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi of Dalong? Xiaoyue'er's biological father?"

Wanyan Chizha's eyes flickered, he nodded slightly and gave a soft hum.

"This is a guy with unfathomable scheming. Although he is young, his way of dealing with people is more decisive than ordinary old foxes."

"There is nothing worthy of a prestigious name. You will enter the palace to pay homage to an official in just three days. When you are free, you can get close to him and deal with him. As long as you can learn half of his skills, you will also be rewarded when you are an official." It has benefited a lot."

"Your Majesty attaches great importance to him. Although he is an enemy, my father also has no deep taboo against this guy. He may be the most difficult opponent my father has encountered in his life!"

"Dalong's veteran generals, Lord Jingguo and Duke Wu, are they not as good as him?"

Wanyan Chizha shook his head with a complex expression, waved his sleeves and walked towards the palace. Seeing this, the young man hurriedly beckoned his soldiers to follow.

"There is not much difference in the strength of their military use, but the way of using military force is at least those two old friends."

"In order to win, this guy doesn't know what a face is. As long as he can win, he can use all kinds of tricks and clever tricks."

"People are shameless, they are invincible!"

"Father, I can't lose my face about many things, but it's just commonplace for this little bastard."

"For example, just hiding behind His Majesty to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, this is what this guy is capable of!"

"No matter how much your majesty is the king of a country, she can't change the fact that she is a woman. Using a woman as a shield, who else in the world is so shameless!"

"Big fist, this guy's barking is definitely fiercer than a dog's, his form is not as good as a human's, and he shrinks faster than a bastard."

Recalling the past when he was in Dalong Honglu Temple Prison, Wanyan Chizha sighed helplessly.

"You, learn his shameless temper well, even if the father and king go away in the future, I will guarantee you a prosperous life in the court."

"Thinking about it carefully, this kid is still a thorough man."

"As long as you are shameless enough, others will not tolerate you!"

Wanyanfeng stopped in his tracks, looked at his father's back and became thoughtful.

Young Master Liu and his party walked slowly and arrived at the north gate of Daizhou.

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on the horse, and gave him an angry look.

"Uncle Huang is also your elder. Can you be polite when you talk to him in the future? Even if it seems to be in harmony with each other! Don't make it difficult for me to be caught in the middle."

"To put it bluntly, don't blame me, okay? If you don't say anything, you put the hat of treason on me. Isn't that calling me a traitor? No one can bear it!"

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu in amazement: "Is the traitor so unacceptable to you?"


"This is a humiliating past, just pretend to be it, you don't understand it!"

"But I can't mess with those people, I can mess with their ancestors, and when the country is stable, it's the time for me to sharpen my sword."

"Some things can't be done in a few words"

As he was talking, Young Master Liu suddenly stared blankly at the strangely shaped vehicles on the official road to the north, billowing thick smoke and heading towards the city gate.

"Fire dragon car?"

(End of this chapter)

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