My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1535 Knowing that the return date is a farewell

Chapter 1535 Knowing that the return date is a farewell

Seeing Young Master Liu's dazed expression staring at the dragon chariot, the empress subconsciously tightened her bright eyes.

Immediately, the empress seemed to have thought of something, her expression returned to normal, and she quietly looked at Young Master Liu who was stunned by the side and did not stop Young Master Liu from watching the dragon chariot in the slightest.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and his pupils shrank slightly as he looked at the orbit outside Daizhou City that was exactly the same as after he captured several cities in Songzhou.

The shape of the dragon chariot is completely different from what Young Master Liu had in mind, and the speed is even worse.

But just the fact that it can act on steam is already quite powerful.

Apart from myself and Wanyan Feixiong, I'm afraid no one in the world knows what steam is.

Looking at the approaching fire dragon chariot, Liu Mingzhi turned his horse's head and walked towards one side, observing this product of the transcendent era from the side.

The front of the car was driving slowly with black smoke, and behind it were seven or eight bare carts. Young Master Liu could see the things on the carts with a slight sweep, which were sacks containing grain and grass.

Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths, and forced his face to return to normal.

It's been ten years, and the Kingdom of Jin is no longer the Kingdom of Jin that it used to be. With Wanyan Feixiong, a genius like him, here, I really don't know what the future of the Kingdom of Jin will look like.

Young Master Liu also wanted to help Dalong develop the first-generation steam train. However, although Wanyan Feixiong taught him the skills, he only knew some principles.

Young Master Liu knows the principle of steam better than Wanyan Feixiong, but how to use steam is like not understanding why women get angry to Young Master Liu.

The weird creaking sound brought Young Master Liu back to his senses. The fire dragon chariot in front of him slowly stopped a few dozen steps away from the city gate of Daizhou. Only then did Young Master Liu see that there was a brigade of cavalry behind the fire dragon. follow.

Seeing the fire dragon cart stop, hundreds of cavalry quickly got off their horses and climbed up to the bare cart behind, cooperating with each other to unload the grain and grass on the cart.

The empress had been watching First Young Master Liu's actions, and her bright eyes that quickly returned to normal were also slightly surprised.

"You are the first person to see that the fire dragon car can calm down so quickly. You must know that even the emperor, a veteran who has experienced many battles, was shocked from ear to ear when he saw this thing for the first time."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the Queen indifferently: "Although this thing has appeared in the Kingdom of Jin, you know better than me why these things appeared in the Kingdom of Jin."

"You must know that Fei Xiong has learned every bit of his skills from this young master, and a mere dragon car won't make me lose my mind!"

The queen raised her eyebrows: "Wanyan is very difficult to understand. Feixiong can help Wanyan build a dragon chariot. You are so loyal to the Li family, why don't you help them make these sharp weapons for transporting food, grass, soldiers and horses!"

"Could it be that you are planning some ulterior secret? For example."

"The heart of disobedience!"

Looking at the empress' elusive eyes, the helplessness in Liu's eyes flashed away, not to mention how uncomfortable he felt.

If this young master knows how to make this thing, why do you still need to watch it?
"Although this thing is powerful, its speed is too slow. I don't bother to make it. It's more convenient to transport grain and grass supplies by horse-drawn carriage."

"You know, Dalong's territory is more than three times that of the Kingdom of Jin. If you use this thing to transport food and grass, half of Dalong's soldiers will starve to death long ago!"

The empress was startled, and looked hesitantly at Young Master Liu's nonchalant expression.

He always felt that something was wrong with Young Master Liu's words, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of anything wrong.

After all, Young Master Liu's words touched the Queen's heart. Although the dragon chariot transported a large amount of supplies, its speed was not satisfactory.

However, when the road was blocked by heavy snow, it was the dragon chariot that replaced the ox cart and the horse cart, which saved nearly half of the people in the Kingdom of Jin from the harsh plight of lack of food and clothing after the snow disaster.

It can be said that compared with the horse-drawn ox cart, this thing is the existence of learning from each other to make up for the shortcomings.

The Empress thought so, but he didn't know that if Young Master Liu hadn't held back, envious eyes would pop out.

No matter how slow this thing is, it is also the spearhead of the industrial revolution.

Not everything develops little by little.

If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. If you don't accumulate small currents, you can't make a sea.

You don't even have a starting point, so how can you slowly develop and grow.

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently in his heart, why didn't he know how to study hard back then.

Kong has a stomach full of theories but doesn't know how to apply them, but Wanyan Feixiong is amazing, and he will apply what he has learned to the fullest.

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and subconsciously walked towards the dragon chariot not far away. Seeing this, Huier raised his hand to stop him, but was stopped by the queen with a wave.

In the Queen's opinion, the reason why the dragon chariot can be made comes from Wanyan Feixiong, and Wanyan Feixiong's knowledge comes from Liu Mingzhi.

The master is definitely capable of what the apprentice can do, and there is no need to hide it.

It can only be said that the difference between master and apprentice has subverted the Queen's cognition.

Young Master Liu, a fake with a half bucket of water, is completely incapable of making a dragon chariot, not to mention making it, but Young Master Liu is at a loss as to how to use the steam.

Looking at the back of First Young Master Liu walking towards the dragon chariot, the queen got off her horse and followed.

The guards guarding around the fire dragon chariot saw Young Master Liu just about to raise their weapons to stop him. The Queen took out a gold medal and waved it at the guards, and the guards retreated respectfully.

Young Master Liu boarded the fire dragon carriage, looked at the weird all-iron container on the front of the carriage, and began to observe it with his head poking around.

He knew that the power of the dragon car came from this iron container, but what was it that used the steam to drive the whole dragon car?

Regardless of his manners, Young Master Liu lay down on the ground to check.

After a long time, Young Master Liu stood up in a daze.

He still understands a lot of things, but it's only understandable, and he can't understand other things at all.

The queen leaned forward and watched First Young Master Liu's every move curiously.

"How is it? Do you, a master who is a teacher, want to give Fei Xiong some advice!"

"Fei Xiong has been spending sleepless nights and food to solve the problem of the speed of the dragon car recently, racking his brains. Are you, Fei Xiong's teacher, helping his apprentices solve some small problems, so that he is worthy of your identity!"

When Young Master Liu heard this, the corners of his mouth trembled a few times, he really wanted to yell at the queen twice!

Who do you look up to?

If I knew this, would I lie on the ground and look around like a fool?

Young Master Liu turned to look at the Empress, stroking the stubble on his chin, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

"This dragon chariot is pretty decent. It's so-so, but there are some areas that need to be improved. If you can overcome some troubles with the equipment, it will be easy to travel hundreds of miles a day!"

The Queen's eyes lit up, and she supported First Young Master Liu's shoulders, her bright eyes were full of curiosity.

"How to improve?"

Young Master Liu shrugged helplessly, and spread his hands towards the queen.

"A celestial genius like Fei Xiong has only a half-knowledge. Do you understand what I have explained to you?"

The queen was startled, the corners of her eyes twitched twice, and she shook her head in embarrassment.

"I don't understand!"

"That's it. If that's the case, why should I waste my tongue?"

Pushing aside the Queen's palm, First Young Master Liu sighed and walked towards the mount.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I have thousands of books in my chest, but I can't find anyone who can inherit the mantle."

"Thinking that I will disappear from the world in a hundred years and be buried in the grave with me, my master is heartbroken!"

"However, there are no talents in the world, and this young master is also a talented man who does not meet good students!"

"I urge the Lord of Heaven to cheer up and send down talents of all kinds."

"I don't know when my wish will come true! Drive!"

Young Master Liu, who pretended to be invincible, was afraid that the queen would see something, so he waved his horse and galloped away again in the direction of the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.

The queen came back to her senses, quickly got on her horse and led a group of admirals and secret agents to chase after her.

Two days later, the Moon Valley fell outside the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.

Liu Mingzhi stopped on his horse, looked up at this familiar yet unfamiliar place, at the weather-beaten but still magnificent and exquisite gazebo on the high slope, Young Master Liu got off his horse and climbed up the high slope.

The empress looked at the gazebo with complicated eyes, and looked at Young Master Liu's climbing back, showing a look of relief, which was the look of her wish being fulfilled.

The queen threw the reins to Hui'er, dismounted and chased after Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi stopped in his tracks, looked at the gazebo in front of him with a sad expression on his face.

"I hope you will return!"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes wandered around the gazebo, and when he saw a few lines of large characters left by a long sword on a rock on the left side of the gazebo, his pupils were sore, and deep guilt arose spontaneously.

Falling Moon Valley, I hope you will return.

Ask you when you will return.

Danggui Pavilion, Jun Danggui.

When will you come back?
After a farewell for more than ten years, the empty valley and the lonely moon are always by my side!

Only I don't see you back.

Waking up at the beginning of the cold night, the single frost is also heavy.

When I vaguely dreamed of parting, I felt affectionate.

I haven't seen you for many years, I look back and stop to look at each other often.

There is a lot of traffic and hurry, and they are all passers-by.

The only thing I don't see is leaving others back then!
Acacia tree, tree acacia.

The acacia tree bears the acacia son, and there is no one to return to in the angelica pavilion.

Acacia trees form acacia sons, and you will not return when you return.

Tossing and turning, I finally wake up from the dream!
Knowing that the date of return is farewell!
(End of this chapter)

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