My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1536 The King Has Returned

Chapter 1536 The King Has Returned

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction staring at the granite in a daze, the empress sighed silently, and gently lifted the outer shirt on the cloud and smoke skirt, revealing a handful of exquisite elite soldiers.

The sound of sword chanting came, and Young Master Liu came back to his senses and looked at the queen who was holding a fine steel soft sword in surprise.

The queen took two steps forward with her lotus feet, and swung the soft sword in her hand towards the rock with a trace of sword energy.

Knowing that the date of return was Farewell, the Queen lightly wiped it away with sword energy a few times, revealing the whitish rocks, and then the Queen waved the soft sword slightly, leaving three cursive scripts on the granite.

You have returned.

Liu Mingzhi silently stared at the words "Jun Has Gui" for a moment, then turned to look at the Queen who had sheathed her sword.

"To put it bluntly, isn't it?"

"Without conscience, there is no need to say any more apologies. I don't want to hear it. If you say that, you will feel that we are too alienated."

"The past is over, let her go with the wind."

"Now that you have returned, it is not in vain to say that you have treated each other hard for ten years."

"It's a happy event to reunite after a broken mirror. There's no need to say those sad words. It's useless except to increase the sadness."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, stopped talking, turned around and walked towards the gazebo, looking at Wang Jungui, a small sparrow with complete internal organs, Liu Mingzhi sat on a stone bench beside him and looked up at the surrounding scenery.

When I came to Luoyue Valley in a hot air balloon with the Empress for the first time, it was just a desolate canyon, except for the official road between the valleys, there was nothing else.

Today's Luoyue Valley is very different from ten years ago.

The valleys on both sides are full of various budding stamens, and there are some trees that Liu Mingzhi can't see.

If he hadn't been here back then, Liu Mingzhi couldn't believe that the Luoyue Valley in front of him would be the remote place where he and the empress became husband and wife back then.

"It seems that you have paid a lot of attention to the environment of Luoyue Valley. The original barren land is now more pleasant than my back garden."

The queen smiled bitterly twice.

"I can't wait for the Wanyan's elated person to return, so I have to plant some flowers and trees as companions to soothe my melancholy."

"The plants and trees in the valleys on both sides are all planted by Wanyan himself. Yue'er handles the political affairs well. Wanyan has nothing to do, so she just finds something to pass the time."

"Now that spring is returning to the land and summer is approaching, it is the time when these flowers and plants are the brightest. The time you come back is really coincidental. Within three to five days, you will see the most beautiful moon in the four seasons of the year." It's gone!"

"Wait and see, you all think the scenery is pleasant, and I'm a big bastard, I certainly don't think it's too bad."

"The weather is almost here. Let's go back to your capital first. I've been sleeping in the open air for a few days. I have to let my young master, this distinguished guest, eat and drink well."

The queen smiled slightly, raised her arm and walked towards the bottom of the valley, holding Young Master Liu's arm.

"It's our capital, and this will be your second place to flex your muscles."

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his nose playfully, and looked at the queen who regained her confidence again: "Oh? The world is uncertain, so you are so sure that I can't go back to Dalong?"

The queen nodded, and then shook her head again: "Wenyan said, I will keep you at all costs, I know you may have something as weird as a hot air balloon in your hand, but Wanyan will never let you touch anything that can make a hot air balloon. s things."

"You are all alone, without any help, and Wanyan really can't think of any way for you to escape from the Kingdom of Jin."

"Believe it or not, although you bluntly said no order, the two great generals, Emperor Uncle and Yeluha, have already led heavy troops to blockade the twelve cities in southern Xinjiang to prevent you from escaping the Kingdom of Jin."

"Yeluha, you two have never met each other, and you don't understand each other's methods, but you two have dealt with each other more than once, uncle."

"Even if it is polite to let you leave for a moment, the emperor will never let the tiger go back to the mountain."

"Because of Wanyan's relationship with Yueer's mother and daughter, Uncle Huang may not kill you, but he will definitely not let you go."

"So, don't make any more unrealistic thoughts, just stay in the Kingdom of Jin obediently and accompany our mother and daughter!"

"If you feel that bluntly saying someone alone will make you feel bored, bluntly speaking can reward you countless beautiful singers, but the premise is that you can give a man's natural desire, but you can't give them affection."

"It can be very magnanimous to be polite intellectually, but politely speaking emotionally will not allow you to betray me."

"In the Kingdom of Jin, as long as you politely say what you can do, you can open your mouth. As long as you politely say that you can do what you ask for, you can't do it unless you leave the Kingdom of Jin."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "It's really a very tempting condition."

"It's just that if you're not afraid to force me to stay, will this young master still be in Cao Ying?"

"No matter where your heart is, you must keep your people, maybe one day you will be enlightened!"

"That's right, it's the hardest thing to get rid of the grace of a beautiful woman. I don't know if my young master will really be warmed by you one day, but I think you'd better not"

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, and he subconsciously looked towards the official road at the bottom of the valley, feeling the vibration coming from the valley.

A group of about 2000 cavalry galloped towards the south, and the target was probably Songzhou City in the Kingdom of Jin. This group of cavalry carried all-colored rhubarb bows on their backs, and the quiver on their backs was full of strange-looking arrows. arrow.

Liu Mingzhi had seen these arrows when he helped the Empress to pacify the chaos in the past. They were arrows unique to the Kingdom of Jin.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the two-thousand-gold country iron cavalry who disappeared in the smoke and dust, and let out a soft breath, and shrugged his shoulders at the queen a few times.

"You're right, your uncle, the old man, is planning to use arrow rain to block the young master's retreat route."

"I'm afraid that the young master will be shot into a hornet's nest by the arrow array formed by two thousand archers! Thinking about it, it's only part of it!"

The Empress smiled faintly, pulled First Young Master Liu onto the horse, slapped the horse's back and the horse galloped quickly, and rushed towards the capital of the Kingdom of Jin along the official road.

"So, those who have no conscience, don't move any small thoughts that shouldn't be moved."

"The general's life is not accepted, and if the emperor's uncle is serious, it will be too late to save you!"

"Your head is a walking title. Taking your head can turn a small soldier into a prince of ten thousand households."

"You said in the world, who can bear the temptation of being a king and worshiping a minister!"

"Stay obediently by Wanyan's side, and don't do those things that are alone and risky."

"Now the two countries are no longer diplomatic relations, but enemy countries. Any citizen of Dajin wants to get rid of you."

Liu Mingzhi's gaze was fixed, and he hugged the queen's willow waist tightly and sighed.

"So do you know why I dare not come to the Kingdom of Jin to play for you?"

"To put it bluntly, let me say something that shouldn't be said. You have learned the culture of Dalong, and you know what it means to be a race that is not my race, so your mind must be different!"

"Liu Mingzhi is a treasure in your heart, but in the eyes of the people of your Kingdom of Jin, he is a foreigner."

"My hands are stained with the blood of too many soldiers from the Kingdom of Jin."

"The hero of a nation must be the life and death enemy of a nation."

"Not everyone has your big picture, and not everyone has your measurement."

"Come to your Kingdom of Jin, maybe one day this young master's head will become a military exploit!"

"Don't be in a hurry to refute, because you just said that you will not accept the orders of the foreign king."

"Some people took my life in desperation and found a scapegoat to die at will. What can you do?"

"Killing power to counterattack?"

"You know, due to the continuous wars, Dalong, Jin Guo, Turkic, [-]% of the tiger charms are not in the hands of the emperor."

"How can you?"

"The human heart is like a ravine, you know whether it is black or red!"

The queen was silent for a long time, looking at Liu Mingzhi's sad face guiltily.

"Unconscionable, I'm sorry, I didn't think well enough to put it bluntly!"

(End of this chapter)

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