My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1537 Silent Contest

Chapter 1537 Silent Contest

Dozens of iron cavalry rushed at full speed, and Liu Mingzhi and his party stopped under the capital of the Kingdom of Jin in the middle of the sun.

Looking at the capital city of the Kingdom of Jin, which had been reunited after a long absence, Liu Mingzhi sighed with emotion.

Ten years later, this capital city is still so majestic and majestic, just like before, it was this majestic capital city that established his reputation as a handsome man in white clothes, and started his military career of fighting south and north, conquering east and west .

"Okay, don't watch it, there will be more opportunities to watch it in the future, aren't you hungry? After we enter the city, we will let you fill your stomach first."

"Okay, as you said, let's talk about the city first."

Liu Mingzhi embraced the Queen with one hand, and walked towards the city gate while pulling the rein of the horse with the other hand.

Looking at the people of the Kingdom of Jin coming and going around, a gust of wind blows in, which refreshes one's spirits. Liu Mingzhi's right hand holding the rein of the horse made mysterious gestures in a subtle way.

Since the queen's cloud-smoke dress happened to block Young Master Liu's wrist when she was flying in the wind, none of the admirals and secret agents guarding both sides noticed what Young Master Liu was doing.

After the group entered the city, the three or five people of the Kingdom of Jin who came and went on the official road looked at each other, nodded silently, followed the crowd to blend in with the people of the Kingdom of Jin with subtle movements, and turned back towards the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.

Nestling in Young Master Liu's arms, the queen stretched her waist, with a hidden smile on her cherry lips, she raised her hand and rubbed her forehead lightly, giving Hui'er a look on the left.

Hui'er glanced at First Young Master Liu who was looking around at the streets, and wiped her neck.

The queen shook her head cryptically, and made a gesture of driving her away with a slight wave of four fingers together.

Hui'er silently nodded, slowly lowered her speed, and distanced herself from Liu Da, the young girl Huang, without any trace.

While Young Master Liu was on his way, Hui'er completely disappeared into the street.

In half a stick of incense time, dozens of black-clothed spies with powerful crossbows surrounded two young and beautiful women and three strong men in a remote alley in the Kingdom of Jin.

If Young Master Liu was present, he would definitely be able to tell at a glance that these five people were the five secret agents involved in the gesticulation. I don't know how I will feel when I see the queen who is snuggling in my arms.

Thinking about it, the queen said she would keep Young Master Liu at all costs, so she would naturally be on guard against Young Master Liu's every move.

Especially after arriving in the capital, the Queen's mind became even more tense, and she put all her heart and soul on Young Master Liu.

They are all people with countless dead men, how can the empress not understand that First Young Master Liu must have arranged a lot of people in the Kingdom of Jin, after all, she has arranged countless spies in Dalong.

Everyone is the same person, and the queen doesn't think this is a very unusual thing.

Hui'er moved lightly with lotus steps, her eyes were cold but there was a faint smile on her mouth.

Looking at the five men and two women who were cautiously looking at her and the others holding weapons, Huier stopped directly a step away from the five of them.

"There are two ways, either put down your weapon and leave the capital of the Kingdom of Jin obediently, or die!"

Looking at the five people who had no intention of retreating, Hui Er gently rubbed her forehead.

"This Commander advises you not to be stupid. If you are still alive, you can report a letter to your superiors. If you are finished, no one will know about Master Liu's situation in the Kingdom of Jin."

"This Commander said this not because this Commander is merciful and wants to let you live, but because this Commander does not want to cause a stiff relationship with Mr. Liu."

"After all, we may have to beg for food in the same bowl in the future, and I don't want to make the relationship so tense right now. I hope you will think about it."

"Those who know current affairs are heroes. If I were you, I would definitely choose a way out."

"There is hope in life, and nothing in death. What do you think?"

The five people looked away from dozens of spies holding powerful crossbows. These crossbows glowed with blue light, and they knew the power of the poisoned arrows above without thinking.

The five people looked at each other, and the decisiveness in the decisive eyes of one of the older men became a little hesitant.

After a long time, after the five people made eye contact, they nodded silently, bent down and put down the gleaming jet-black weapon in their hands.

Huier looked at the cautious expressions of the five people and waved her hand lightly. Dozens of spies withdrew the poisoned crossbow arrows in their hands.

"Leave at ease, this commander doesn't bother to act like a villain who puts a sniper behind his back."

Seeing the disappearing figures of the five people, Hui'er turned around with a chuckle and rushed towards the palace.

"Throughly investigate all forces in the city that do not belong to the admiral's department. Once found, they will be detained on the spot, and those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy!"

Dozens of people nodded quietly, put down their bowstrings and scattered along the courtyard walls on both sides.

The five spies of Guansi left the capital city of the Kingdom of Jin without stopping, and did not stop until they were twenty or thirty miles away from the city gate.

The oldest man smiled and looked at the younger woman among the two women: "Du Juan, send a message to the blue bird, the fish has bitten the hook, let her lead the brothers to pay attention to safety, do not reveal their whereabouts, and wait for the next order from the young master." !"


"Black Crow!"

"This subordinate is here, send a message to the two hall masters, Chen Long and Wu Ma, and ask them to report to Master Baihu and Master Suzaku, and think of a safe way out of the young master's plan."

"In case the young master's plan dies, we can make up for it in time!"


"Star Lord, should we do something to scare the snake away, distract the attention of the admiral and secret agent of the Kingdom of Jin, and don't let them always focus on the young master!"

"In this way, there will be less risk of exposure when Blue Bird contacts the young master."

The older man known as the Star Lord hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head: "No need, the young master can do whatever he arranges, and let's not mess around without the young master's permission."

"Although it's a good intention, if it's superfluous and messes up the young master's plan, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss."

"The young master must have his intentions for such an order, we should obey obediently!"

"This is a bloody battle. Although a large number of people have not been used, there must be no mistakes in every step of the plan."

"If you miss a move, you will lose the whole game, and the young master's safety will also encounter unpredictable results."

"We can only follow orders and don't disturb the young master's plan."

"My subordinate understands!"

"Let's disperse, everyone be careful if there is a tail following, this is still not our home field, and the admiral's secret agents are not so easy to deal with!"

"I have to order, this subordinate resigns!"

The five people used lightness skills in different directions and dispersed towards the dense forests on both sides of the official road. Not long after the five people left, more than 20 spies in black flew down and stopped at the place where the five people had just settled. He glanced at the footprints on the ground blankly.

"Chasing, they separated, and we also divided into five groups. We must see them leave the territory of Jin Kingdom with our own eyes, and kill them on the spot when they go and come back!"


A silent struggle between emerging forces and established forces is quietly unfolding!

(End of this chapter)

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