My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1538 The Tracker's Love

Chapter 1538 Tracker's Love (addition for Han Xiaohan)
Young Master Liu looked down at the queen who couldn't help but smile at the corner of her mouth, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

"Wanyan, why are you smiling so happily? Did you think of something happier?"

The queen was startled, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became more obvious: "You, Angelica, have returned, isn't it a happy thing?"

"But I will still leave, maybe I am not a returnee, but just a passer-by."

The empress lowered her head and clasped Young Master Liu's callused palm: "It's a returnee, it's a passer-by. What you say doesn't count, and what you say politely doesn't count. Let the facts speak for themselves."

"To be honest, I really don't want to see your winning self, because the more confident you are, the harder you will fall. I think you should look at this gamble with the worst intentions."

"In this way, maybe you will have unexpected gains."

The empress glanced at Hui Er, who had returned from an unknown time, and she calmed down, with an unconcealable smile on her face: "Not necessarily, don't forget, Jin Guo has always been my territory, and this is my home field." , Wan Yan is the master of the Kingdom of Jin."

"Perhaps in Dalong, Wanyan's strength is not as good as yours, but it's hard to say in Jin Kingdom."

"Every time you go to fight dragons, you are the dealer, and now it's Wanyan's turn to be the dealer. Do you think I will let myself lose badly?"

"Master Ben is looking forward to the day when you grit your teeth."

"I look forward to the day when you are helpless!"

While the two were talking, Young Master Liu suddenly turned his horse's head and rushed towards the Yingbin Station. The Empress reined in the horse in a daze, and looked at Young Master Liu suspiciously.

"what are you doing?"

"Looking for a place to live. As the side-by-side king of the great dragon, I came to Bangguo, so I should live in the Yingbin Inn, right?"

The queen glared at First Young Master Liu, switched the horse's head and patted the horse's belly, and ran towards the Jin Kingdom's palace.

"The relationship between my old lady and you has long been known to the world. You are my old lady's man. A man who is my old lady does not go back to the palace with my old lady. What kind of welcome post will you live in? Have you been kicked by a donkey?"

"It's not polite, don't you think it's a bit awkward?"

"What's so awkward, my daughter is ten years old, who would dare to say what's right or wrong if I live with her to make him look good."

Young Master Liu smiled resentfully: "No, the terrain of the Yingbin Station is complicated, and it is a little far away from the imperial palace. You are afraid that my young master will not be at ease if I don't stay by your side. When you live in the imperial palace, there are [-] Jinwu guards who will guard you closely. , this young master wants to think a little bit, every move is under your control!"

The queen's expression was a little unnatural, obviously she was taken into consideration by Young Master Liu's words,
He hammered First Young Master Liu's palm hard: "You are the only one who talks too much, save face for my old lady, you can die!"

"Hehe. I can't die, mainly because I don't want to part with the hundred taels of silver note nailed to the city gate! One month's salary can't be lost so easily."

"My young master is not like you sitting on the treasury of the Kingdom of Jin. I have to sleep in the middle of the night for a month and get up early at five o'clock to earn back the 100 taels of silver notes!"

"When I went to the north, my young master's two wives were about to give birth. The children need nourishment, and one hundred and ten can buy a lot of things!"

The queen sneered twice: "Do you believe this when you say it yourself? Who doesn't know that the Liu family is the most wealthy in the world, let alone 100 taels, even if it is 10 taels, you, Young Master Liu, will not take it seriously."

"My young master won't argue with you, just say what you say."

"The ministers welcome His Majesty back to the palace, long live my emperor!"

"Excuse me, Your Majesty!"

Young Master Liu stared blankly at the palace gate in front of him, only then did he realize that he had already arrived at the Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of Jin while speaking.

Looking at the Jinwu guards saluting outside the palace gate, First Young Master Liu hurriedly got off his horse and distanced himself from the empress.

He wasn't afraid that these Jinwu guards would make trouble for him, as long as it was for the honor of the empress.

A group of Jin Wuwei soldiers got up and once again devoted themselves to guarding their posts. The empress gave Young Master Liu a white look, knowing that he was kind and didn't say anything, and rode directly towards the palace gate.

Hui'er rode on the horse and looked at First Young Master Liu with a light smile: "Master Liu, please!"

First Young Master Liu looked up at the dozens of masters around him who were staring at him, sighed helplessly, followed the Queen's horse and walked towards the palace.

"Miss Hui'er, are you serious? We are old acquaintances, isn't it a little too much for you to be so guarded against me!"

"I'm a guest politely invited back, not a sinner. You surround me like a prisoner. What do you think if others see it? Do you think this young master has done something outrageous and resentful?"

"Hehe, Master Liu is really good at talking sweet words!"

"As Young Master Liu said to His Majesty earlier, many people in the Kingdom of Jin wish to get rid of you as soon as possible. Hui'er is protecting your safety, not guarding your actions."

"There are countless masters in this imperial palace. What if someone who is not open-eyed sees you unhappy and shoots you behind the scenes, what will you do?"

"Lord Liu, please don't bite Lu Dongbin like a dog, you don't know good people!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Hui'er who was taking it for granted: "Oh, you still said that this young master is a sweet talker, but this young master sees you as being eloquent. Miss Hui'er, you have changed!"

Hui'er listened to Young Master Liu's teasing and stopped talking, and stared at Young Master Liu more cautiously.

Having been by the empress's side for a long time, he knew Eldest Young Master Liu quite well. He knew that Young Master Liu had a lot of tricks, so he was afraid that his words would be wrong, and he would reveal some secrets that should not be revealed.

The group of people had just entered the inner gate of the palace, when the sound of clappers came, Young Master Liu paused, and subconsciously looked towards the Guangming Palace where the courtiers of the Kingdom of Jin went to court.

A group of civil and military officials from the Kingdom of Jin had already left the Guangming Palace and walked towards the palace gate.

"To put it bluntly, is there a court meeting today?"

"Well, today is the great court meeting of the Kingdom of Jin. I think Yue'er has not yet reached the Shang Study Room after she retired from the court. If we go around Yun'an Palace, we may still meet her."

Young Master Liu's eyes lit up, and the cute voice and smile came to mind.

"Then hurry up, I haven't seen Yue'er for so long, I really miss her, let's go and stop her."

The queen nodded slightly, got off her horse and glanced at the courtiers in the distance.

"Hui Er!"

"Hui'er understands!"

Young Master Liu looked at the two empresses blankly, wondering what Huier understood, could there be so much content in just one name?

Young Master Liu, who was still confused, was directly dragged by the empress towards the arched door on one side, and walked through the corridor and hall towards the palace minister's study in the route that Young Master Liu tried to memorize.

"Wanyan, slow down, Yue'er can't fly, if you can't stop her, I'll meet you in the imperial study!"

"I want to see this stinky girl's shocking reaction when she sees you. This stinky girl is getting more and more unstable. She calls me an old woman behind her back. How old is my old lady!"

"Uh, did you hear it wrong, how is it possible for Yue'er to be so obedient?"

"Little sister, you take the bow, brother, I'm on the shore"

"Her Royal Highness, please slow down and watch your steps."

"Sister Shuang'er, it's okay, don't worry!"

"Our love, our love"

"His Royal Highness, your big dragon's little song is really getting better and better."

"That is, my father taught me this, how could it not sound good!"

"It's nice to listen to, but are Dalong's ditty names so strange? Why does a good ditty have to be called adulterer's love!"

"Shuang'er is proficient in Chinese, this adulterer's love doesn't seem like a serious title!"

"Why is it not serious? Daddy said that the love of an adulterer is the most straightforward ditty between lovers."

"His Royal Highness, are you sure you understand what those two words mean in Dalong?"

"Isn't it the handle that helps pull the boat to the shore?"

"Ah? that so? Could it be that Shuang'er made a careless mistake?"

The corners of Young Master Liu's mouth twitched as he looked at Xiao Qianying who was bouncing towards him in the opposite corridor, feeling the strange eyes of the queen beside him, Young Master Liu laughed awkwardly twice.

"To put it bluntly, I want to say that this is a misunderstanding, do you believe me?"

The queen rolled her eyes, and gave Young Master Liu a look that she understood.

"It is said that Dajin and the Turkic people are tough, but now I know that I am ashamed to compare myself with Dalong."

"The love of an adulterer can actually be made into a ditty and sung, admire, admire!"

Knowing that it was useless to explain, Young Master Liu took a deep breath and roared.

"Liu Luoyue, what I teach is the love of a tracker, do you have donkey hair stuffed in your ears? Fuck your mother's adulterer's love, are you going to cheat Dad to death?"

The little cutie, who was jumping up and down in the dragon robe, suddenly came to a sudden stop, turned around and looked at Young Master Liu with a crimson face at the corner of the corridor, blinking her big and exquisite eyes quickly.

As if she couldn't believe her eyes, the little cutie rubbed and rubbed, but the figure of the old man still didn't disappear.


"Rebellious girl!"


"You are my father!"


"I don't dare to be a child, I have no way to teach my son, I am ashamed to be a father!"

Every word was answered, and Xiaocuti was finally convinced that the person in front of her was the father she had been thinking about day and night, so she picked up the dragon robe and ran towards First Young Master Liu.

"Daddy, why did you come to the Kingdom of Jin? Yue'er is not dreaming!"

"If you don't come again, my fame will be ruined by this song. I didn't put a steamed bun in your mouth when I asked you to sing. You can listen to me as a good tracker."

The little cutie, whose eyes were full of Young Master Liu, sprinted up, didn't notice the steps under her feet, swooped and tripped in front of Young Master Liu, and the heavy crown on top of her head pointed directly at Young Master Liu's vitals and hit him.

The little cutie knelt down in front of First Young Master Liu with her knees unbiased, and the crown of the flat sky crown on top of her head kept swinging with the little cutie's movements.

Liu Dashao, whose face was still crimson just now, was startled, and quickly turned purple. Under the stunned eyes of the empress, he clutched his vitals and fell to his knees in front of the little cutie, laying his head on the hem of the little cutie's dragon robe. shivered.

The little cutie's big clear eyes were full of confusion, and she subconsciously supported the crooked Ping Tianguan, and looked down at Young Master Liu who was shaking like a sieve, and hurried to help.

"Daddy, what's wrong with you? How can you kneel down to Yue'er? If you can't help it, get up quickly!"

"Naughty girl, don't touch me. I don't have a father like you. Hehe, I don't have a daughter like you who is so rebellious."

The empress who had reacted hastily squatted on the ground and looked at Young Master Liu who had a strange expression on her face: "You have no conscience, what are you doing? Are you okay?"

"Olei is going to enter the palace so soon, you say you have something to do."

"Be polite, do me a favor, show me mercy and send me back to Dalong, this young master will treat me as if I have never had such a rebellious girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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